Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

  • July 8, 2016

    How the Iran Nuclear Deal Enabled Obama to Abandon the Iranian Resistance

    July 14 marks the one-year anniversary of the end of nuclear negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The deal was an abject failure in that it did nothing to alleviate concerns in America and abroad about Iran’s prospective path to a nu...

  • May 13, 2016

    Barack Obama is Lucky to be Black

    I knew immediately that he was a fraud the first time I watched Barack Obama. Most people know a guy who looks good on paper, but who is really an empty suit, working an angle. Obama worked the angle. Obama parlayed his speech at the 2004 Dem...

  • February 23, 2015

    Time for the 'Black Oscars'?

    You've never heard anybody complain, "The Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards are so black!"  And you never will. It's time for the Oscars.  And the left will use any repetitive opportunity to discuss race in...

  • September 2, 2014

    No Uncle Toms on the Left

    In my recent appearances on TV to discuss the Michael Brown shooting, I sympathized with the Brown family's loss of a loved one. No family should feel that loss. But the fact is black families feel this loss disproportionately, mostly at ...

  • August 19, 2014

    Black Racism is Politically Correct

    I'm amazed at how openly racist black Liberals have become, and how few non-blacks are willing to call them out on it. I was waiting to be interviewed on CNN the other night, and I was listening in advance of my appearance to an interview...

  • January 20, 2014

    Call Him Reverend King

    You probably don't know who Reverend Michael King, Jr was.  That's because Reverend Michael King, Jr is the only private citizen to have a national holiday in his honor, and is Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. King's father changed his an...

  • October 15, 2013

    How the Left Treats Obama Like a Child

    My recent post titled "America needing a white Republican president" has brought out the raving Leftist lunatics.  Despite the fact that I'm black, most Leftists are calling me a racist. What is more pathetic is they have called my friend Joe th...

  • October 7, 2013

    America Will Self-Correct from the Mistake of Obama

    I don't expect America to be perfect, and I know America has made some mistakes.  But boy do we know how to correct them.  And we will self-correct from the mistake of electing Obama. The anti-American naysayers declare that we are all fro...

  • September 12, 2013

    Where We've Been and Where We're Going

    I think that in order to understand where you are going, you must remember where you've been. For me, that is a remembrance of the America I knew growing up; and where I've been. When my mother died way too young, my grandparents stepped in, because...

  • August 7, 2013

    Sharpton's America

    If you follow the logic of Al Sharpton, black people must live in crime-free neighborhoods. I know that news is shocking, given the statistics that prove otherwise. We are told that black communities have the highest crime rates, but that these stats...

  • July 29, 2013

    Obama, Alinksy and the Devil

    When people ask me, "Why would Obama want to destroy America" -- at least the America that most Conservatives know and love? It's simple. Why wait for Hell, when you can create Hell on Earth? We often hear of Liberals use of Alinsky's Rules for Radi...

  • July 22, 2013

    Obama's Off-teleprompter Race Speech

    Much has been made of Obama's impromptu crashing of the press briefing at the White House the other day to weigh in yet again on Trayvon Martin's death.  The reception of Obama's discussion reminded me of the movie The King's Speech, where the m...

  • July 15, 2013

    Zimmerman's Civil Rights

    It's been a few days after what was supposed to be the biggest Civil Rights case since the OJ trial. How funny is that? A black guy living what Liberals would call a "white" life was freed, and during the time of a white president, and it was a consi...

  • February 18, 2013

    A Black Father in the House

    By now you likely have heard that Chris Rock considers Barack Obama America's father. If that is true, then would somebody call Child Protective Services and find us foster parents! For Chris Rock, America's true Founding Fathers were disappointingly...

  • October 23, 2012

    The Relationship Legacy of the Obama Cult

    (See also: Living with Divisiveness) Cults, by their very nature, shatter the existing personal relationships of the members they ensnare.  The Obama cult is no different. Obama has ruined more relationships than internet porn.  I believe t...

  • August 15, 2012

    Biden Unchained

    Obama may have to put Joe Biden back in chains, because he has again put his foot in his mouth, showcasing the Obama campaign strategy called "Preach Ignorance" to blacks. Biden appears hell bent on proving that it simply doesn't matter what Democrat...

  • July 24, 2012

    Liberalism Drives Men to Madness

    The shooting in Aurora, CO dominated the news this weekend, and not just in America.  It was world news.  The tragedy reminded me of a recurring question people have been pondering for at least a decade: why are so many of these incidents h...

  • May 31, 2012

    The Unveiling of the White House Bush Portrait

    I was a bit bothered that George W. Bush was going to the White House for the unveiling of his portrait. I figured after all the smack-talking that Obama had done for almost 4 years on "inheriting Bush's mess" that Bush would wait on Romney's preside...

  • May 14, 2012

    Does the Gay Agenda Supersede the Human Agenda?

    I believe that a president's singular agendum should be the betterment of the entire nation, not just various segments.  Obama's agenda on gay issues is not evolving; it's evolved.  Other than pop culture curiosity, I don't think most conse...

  • April 6, 2012

    What Happened to Black Pride?

    For a few decades, black Liberals have settled for anything. Fake watches, fake purses, and especially fake leaders. If the black Liberal community were truthful, they would admit their disappointment in Barack Obama. If Obama were a basketball playe...

  • April 2, 2012

    Is Profiling Racist, or Does Not Profiling Make You Ignorant?

    Since when is something we do every day taboo, like profiling? Every American who can think, profiles. If you are looking for a mate, you profile. In fact, if you search for a mate on line, the first thing you do is establish a profile. You profile y...

  • March 26, 2012

    Obama Loves the Hoodie

    I knew it wouldn't take Obama long to see how to make the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida a political talking point.  "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Is that supposed to make the death of Trayvon much more tragic? Forget that the...

  • March 19, 2012

    Obama versus the Democrats

    As the election of 2012 approaches, the left becomes more desperate.  For the first time in his adult life, Barack Obama has to deal with the reality that he's Barack Obama.  And being Barack Obama has created a real conundrum for the Democ...

  • March 6, 2012

    Obama and the Volt

    Has anybody else noticed the disturbing correlation between Obama speaking for a product and that product failing miserably shortly thereafter?  And they say this guy gives good speeches.  Solyndra, Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt -- the...

  • March 1, 2012

    Ten Indications That Obama Is Scared

    Obama is not the cool, calm, and collected guy that he portrays publicly; he's far from it.  Obama is described privately as a thin-skinned hot-head when it comes to questioning his policies, or anything else, for that matter. Though there has b...

  • January 23, 2012

    Newt Gingrich and the Rise of the Flawed Conservative

    Hard to believe that the old white establishment politician may be just what the doctor ordered for Republicans in unseating Obama in the next election. And the Democrats are shaking in their custom baby seal-lined leather boots at the prospect. The ...

  • September 23, 2011

    The Real Identity Thieves

    I generally think of myself as human.  After that, I think of myself as an American.  When pushed to describe myself, I declare that I'm black.  I am not about identity politics, but I am happily black. Despite what liberals may say ab...

  • August 25, 2011

    Maxine Waters Needs a Mirror

    Queen of the poverty pimps Maxine Waters must so wish that Obama were a whole white man.  Democrat or not, if Obama were white, Waters would be heaping all the blame on those frail little shoulders of his.  But because Obama has been presen...

  • August 16, 2011

    From Rock Star to Rock Bottom

    Obama has put away the golf clubs, given up the Kobe steaks, and suspended his membership in the "Vacation-a-Month" club -- and now he's hit the road.  Sleeves rolled up to mimic "the ordinary working man," Obama tours the Midwest -- on a bus --...

  • August 4, 2011

    Obama's Birthday: The Cure for a Failing Citizenry

    Fresh off the public flogging of Boehner disguised as a "Republican win," Obama shifted his priorities back to the business of the nation: his 50th birthday bash! Here's how the LA Times described the momentous event (emphasis added): President...

  • July 29, 2011

    Tea Party Crashes Washington Orgy

    For Obama, the Tea Party fits in Washington like nuns at a swingers' convention.  The fiscal orgy at Club Fed just can't continue unless the Tea Party gets the hell out.  Unfortunately for Obama, we just won't leave.  How could we? ...

  • July 16, 2011

    A Standard to Which We Can Repair

    Over the past few months, Glenn Beck has irked my friend Dave Perkins by citing a quote from George Washington from the moment when Washington rejected compromise in the founding documents in favor of being "wise and honest" and of creating "a standa...

  • June 24, 2011

    Voter ID Showcases Democrat McLovins

    Let's just call Democrats what they are when it comes to voter ID fraud: McLovin. McLovin was the under-aged kid (Fogell) in the movie Superbad who got a fake ID to buy beer (yes, you need a photo ID to buy alcohol) for a party full of more under-age...

  • June 11, 2011

    Obama's Phone-It-In Economy

    According to Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller, home prices in twenty U.S. cities are at an eight-year low, down an average of 29% across the country.  Democrat pundits spin is that "home prices threaten economic recovery."  Recovery? ...

  • April 29, 2011

    Obama's Brand of 'Greatness' for America

    Obama's budget reminds me of the joke where the wife asks her husband, "Should I get a bikini or an all-in-one?"  The husband replies, "Better get a'll never get it all in one."The budget is out of control becaus...

  • April 2, 2011

    A Lesson on the Real America

    People often ask me why I decided to get involved in politics.  The answer is simple: I got tired of people talking down America and calling my friends racists.  This is why I asked Joe the Plumber to join me on the Ebony & Ivory Two Ne...

  • February 26, 2011

    The Union Gang

    Unions have taken a big hit as their greed has become visible to more and more Americans. The most recent punch hit the unions in Wisconsin right in the breadbasket, and it must have felt like a Chuck Norris roundhouse.  The unions seem to have ...

  • January 17, 2011

    King's New Dream

    MLK Day is today, and it got me to thinking about his legacy and the civility that everyone is now asking for in the wake of the Tucson shooting.  MLK would be disgusted at how his legacy is being used: liberal blacks use him to establish a doub...

  • December 23, 2010

    The Art of War and DADT

    Hollywood is allowed to discriminate based on anything.  "Sorry, but you're too black."  "You're good, but you're too fat."  "I like you, but you aren't pretty enough."  Hollywood can pick whomever th...

  • December 17, 2010

    A White Kid's Dream

    If you need evidence that we are indeed in a post-racial America, I have it.In a conversation with Tom, a friend and business partner of mine, about his son, a teenager and gifted basketball athlete, the subject of what the boy wanted to be as an adu...

  • November 10, 2010

    Let's Take This Country Back

    Though this election was a resounding defeat of white liberals and the policies of Obama, members of the Congressional Black (Progressive and Socialist) Caucus went essentially unscathed. Black people continued to support these government-funded exto...

  • November 6, 2010

    The Ghost of Ronald Reagan

    The Republican Renaissance has begun. Talk about trumping the "history" that was made by the election of a half-black president. I will see your half-black president and raise you the ghost of Ronald Reagan! November 2, 2010 was R-Day for t...

  • November 1, 2010

    Clinton Asks Black Man to Move to Back of the Bus

    The Democrats' ability to showcase their racism against blacks and other minorities, and the media's ability to overlook that racism, continue to astound me. I am speaking of Bill Clinton's back room deal to get the Democrat Senate nominee, Kendrick ...

  • October 27, 2010

    Republican Renaissance

    If you think the election of a half-black president was historical, consider the history America is about to make in the upcoming election of 2010 -- or what conservatives are calling Eviction 2010. Laura Ingraham touched on it recently in an intervi...

  • July 27, 2010

    Obama and the Fake Tag

    The election of Obama reminds me of years ago, when I bought a fake Tag Heuer watch while visiting Manhattan. Normally I walk right by street vendors, but this watch caught my eye. It was sleek and clean, and some described it as gorgeous. Only true ...

  • July 19, 2010

    NAACP Ushers in The Era of Nonsense

    America has entered The Era of Nonsense. At a time when a black man has become the most powerful man in the free world, certain blacks still need the "safety net" of the NAACP. Even more nonsensical than this co-dependency by these blacks i...

  • July 14, 2010

    Fat Black Kids Showcase America's Racism

    The most recent statement by Michelle Obama baffles me, as she compared black children's health to the age old Democrat policies of slavery and Jim Crow laws:"We are living today in a time where we're decades beyond slavery, we are decades beyon...

  • July 10, 2010

    The NAACP's Second-Class Citizens

    Back in May, the NAACP finally spoke out about an incident where two SEIU members were accused of assaulting a black man, Kenneth Gladney, who was vending Gadsden flags at a conservative rally. Gateway Pundit provides this transcript:Back in the...

  • June 15, 2010

    The Slave Mentality

    When slavery is implemented by force, it is certainly a despicable institution. But is it any less despicable when the slaves are there by choice? The interesting point about slavery is that whether it's forced or voluntary, the master is responsible...

  • March 12, 2010

    The Soul of America

    There is a rule that nobody talks about your mama! Yet today, blacks unwittingly do what we would never allow anybody to do -- talk our mothers down. It happens every time somebody talks America down.If American women in general are the heart of Amer...

  • March 8, 2010

    Maybe We Can Split a Beer?

    There are a couple of things that historically have been found to be inflation-proof, recession-proof, and depression-proof, and one of those things is beer. It appears, however, that even nature's elixir is not exempt from that economic parasite kno...

  • February 26, 2010

    The 'Jobs Bill' and Baby Steps

    Lost in the white noise of recent Democrat loses and other setbacks is the fact that Democrats still are the dominant party.  The new $15B jobs plan reinforces the point that liberal Democrats will take whatever they want, and Republicans a...

  • December 11, 2009

    Reid's Teachable Moment

    Harry Reid is an obvious product of the government education that he and other Liberals are inflicting on the rest of America, and he should therefore be the poster child for school choice. In his recent comment regarding Republicans' efforts to bloc...

  • November 23, 2009

    Obama the Racist?

    The question was recently posed to me, "Do you think Obama is a racist?" I answered, "Obama is the best kind of racist to whites, but the worst kind of racist to blacks." My questioner was perplexed.I began by explaining that Obam...

  • August 18, 2009

    No Father in the Home -- Obama's Story

    As I have documented in my book The BIG Black Lie, there are certain parallels between my life and the life of Barack Obama.  Like Obama, I wasn't raised by my biological father.  Both our mothers remarried when we were young, and for a sho...

  • July 15, 2009

    Hearing Black?

    A black guy in his mid-20's named Mike called into a radio show the other day, and he commented that "black people don't hear things the same way whites do."  We blacks apparently  "hear black."  So blacks don't hea...

  • May 23, 2009

    Understanding the Black Experience?

    I received an email from a black man who was attempting to convince me that, though I am completely black, I have no experience growing up black in America.  The bulk of his theory on my ‘blackness' was based on the fact that I constantly ...

  • April 25, 2009

    Is Capitalism the New Socialism in Hollywood?

    Leave it to a self-indulgent Hollywood actor, in this case Terrence Howard, to remind us how liberals think and how socialism should work -- to their benefit.Howard, who has been mentioned to play the role of Obama in an upcoming biopic, was not cas...

  • April 23, 2009

    McCain faces serious primary challenge

    Meet "Juan" McCain.  You already know him as John McCain, however you can expect McCain to get much more in touch with his inner illegal alien. McCain will finally get a serious primary challenge for his Senate seat from Chris Simcox, ...