Kevin Finn

Kevin Finn

  • After Trump's speech, they can’t get there from here

    March 8, 2025

    After Trump's speech, they can’t get there from here

    March 4, 2025. What a night. I was reminded of a line from Rocky III, where one of the ringside announcers asked a rhetorical question after the "Clubber Lang" character pounded Rocky Balboa. He asked, "How can he come back after a ...

  • E pluribus, infirmitas?

    February 23, 2025

    E pluribus, infirmitas?

    I always do a mental double-take when someone says, “Diversity is our strength.”  Perhaps it depends on context.  Our military, for instance, includes men and women of various races and religions, yet their training em...

  • Digital Prisons

    February 21, 2025

    Digital Prisons

    There’s a story describing how to catch wild pigs. Step one is to scatter some corn in a field to attract them; this must be regularly repeated so that the pigs become accustomed to the offerings. Step two is to install a single length of fe...

  • Don’t chip me, bro!

    February 19, 2025

    Don’t chip me, bro!

    Imagine for a moment that you’ve been in an accident.  You’re injured, unconscious, and lying in an ambulance.  The EMT scans the embedded radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip in your hand and accesses your medic...

  • Democrats Prepare for the Big House

    February 17, 2025

    Democrats Prepare for the Big House

    I came across an article today with a graphic showing a map of Washington, D.C. with tags indicating asking prices for homes that had just gone on the market. The article claimed that the D.C. housing market had dropped 36% in one week. I've been...

  • No More Mr. Nice Guy

    February 16, 2025

    No More Mr. Nice Guy

    During his first term, President Trump amassed a remarkable record of achievements.  In so doing, he also infuriated the swamp because he demonstrated how much better off Americans were without the swamp’s constant intrusions into eve...

  • Auditing the IRS: A Step Towards Tax Reform

    February 15, 2025

    Auditing the IRS: A Step Towards Tax Reform

    Americans are justifiably outraged and disgusted with the recent revelations of how our tax dollars have been wasted through various agencies. Our new EPA chief Lee Zeldin compared the waste in his agency to "throwing gold bars off the deck of t...

  • The democratization of discourse

    February 14, 2025

    The democratization of discourse

    The first ballot I ever cast was for Jimmy Carter in 1976.  I was a sophomore forestry major, a hippy who flew hang gliders, rode motorcycles, and hung out with other hippies.  I grew disillusioned during the Iran hostage crisis, ...

  • When Words Ignite

    February 8, 2025

    When Words Ignite

    It’s been said that we don’t change until the pain of change becomes less than the pain of not changing. Some folks may be approaching that point through their rhetoric and actions. One such person is Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). At a...

  • Navigating the maze of malicious compliance

    January 29, 2025

    Navigating the maze of malicious compliance

    Just because Donald Trump won the election doesn't mean the fight is over. The obstructionists on both sides still remain in place. While meeting resistance from the Left is to be expected, meeting it from those ostensibly on your own side is gal...

  • The Trump Effect: A sleeping giant awakens

    January 28, 2025

    The Trump Effect: A sleeping giant awakens

    During the eight years of the Obama presidency and the four years we suffered under pResident (not a typo) Biden, some of us wondered how bad things would have to get in order for people to wake up. The difference between what the Left was telling...

  • Biden's spiritual schism

    January 26, 2025

    Biden's spiritual schism

    It's common knowledge that Joe Biden claims to be a devout Catholic. Like Nancy Pelosi and a few others he wears his religion like a cloak to shield himself from criticism while at the same time saying and doing things that are antithetical to th...

  • Raising Next-gen Conservatives

    January 25, 2025

    Raising Next-gen Conservatives

    The first step in solving a problem is to acknowledge that the problem exists. Only then can steps be taken to solve, or at least manage the problem. During the COVID lockdowns many schools instituted remote learning and parents got to see first-hand...

  • Does Capital Punishment Heal or Harm?

    January 22, 2025

    Does Capital Punishment Heal or Harm?

    For the last few days the news cycle has been flooded with reports of Biden's commutations and preemptive pardons. One of his actions involved commuting the death sentences of 37 federal inmates. This decision infuriated a great many people. The ...

  • When Christians argue for abortion

    January 19, 2025

    When Christians argue for abortion

    It’s interesting to take note of how our vocabulary evolves over time.  The terms “equity” and “justice” have become ubiquitous in the last few years, and they’ve become markers with which we can identify...

  • A Cascade of Failures in California

    January 13, 2025

    A Cascade of Failures in California

    Much has already been written about the L.A. wildfires and doubtless much more will be written in the future. The single most important point in the whole situation is that these fires were, if not completely preventable, at least foreseen. ...

  • Are Americans Breaking Bad?

    January 12, 2025

    Are Americans Breaking Bad?

    A popular theme in entertainment is that of good people doing bad things for good reasons. We sympathize with the protagonist who seemingly has no recourse but to commit a crime in order to save himself or his family. The television series “Bre...

  • Virtue-signaling at the Vatican

    January 12, 2025

    Virtue-signaling at the Vatican

    In what has become yet another case of re-litigating an old point, people are calling out Pope Francis for another tone-deaf public pronouncement. In December, the Vatican released a “Decree of the President of the Pontifical Commission for ...

  • Liberalism is incompatible with Christianity

    January 11, 2025

    Liberalism is incompatible with Christianity

    Government is an unfortunate necessity. We need it to do that which we cannot do for ourselves. Its functions are listed in the preamble to the Constitution -- to preserve the union of states, to protect the innocent and prosecute the guilty, to enab...

  • What was different this time?

    January 9, 2025

    What was different this time?

    The 2024 general election was certainly different from the last two!  In 2020, Joe Biden did a lot of campaigning over the internet from his home.  He wasn’t seen in public a great deal, and when he was, he barely drew a cro...

  • America’s barking, snarling Cerberus: Mental health, crime and homelessness

    January 4, 2025

    America’s barking, snarling Cerberus: Mental health, crime and homelessness

    I saw a meme today that had two pictures taken at night of buildings in New York City. The first was from 1956 and showed three skyscrapers with their windows lighted up to form crosses, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The second wa...

  • Read the room!

    January 4, 2025

    Read the room!

    Sometimes I think our blood has thinned. I listen to pronouncements from our politicians and I wonder if they even hear themselves. I yearn for more of the powerful speeches from years past that inspired us to do great things. Dr. Martin Luther King...

  • Can AI Save Aviation?

    January 2, 2025

    Can AI Save Aviation?

    Twenty twenty-four was a tough year.  We’re dealing with rising inflation, an immigration crisis, flash-mob shoplifting, and psychopaths setting people on fire while the specter of WWIII looms over us all.  As if that weren...

  • Staycations to Starships

    December 30, 2024

    Staycations to Starships

    According to Tolkien, hobbits don't like to travel. Bilbo Baggins discovered his liking for travel later in life and he communicated his discovery to his nephew, Frodo, “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step on...

  • The Democrats Get a 12th Step Call

    December 29, 2024

    The Democrats Get a 12th Step Call

    If incumbents, addicted to their perks and their narratives, are honest and listen to recovering leftists, recognize that they've hit rock bottom, there's a possibility they may still recover. As the Big Book of AA says, “they are natur...

  • The fire suppression paradox

    December 28, 2024

    The fire suppression paradox

    There’s nothing like a hike through an old growth forest.  Whether oak and maple trees on the east coast or redwoods and sequoias out west, it’s immensely soothing to walk on soft, mossy ground and listen to the sound of the win...

  • Your neighbor is deep in debt

    December 27, 2024

    Your neighbor is deep in debt

    What would you say about a family of four who earns $44,000 per year and spends $61,000?  Crazy, right?  It gets worse.  The family is $362,000 in debt, and that debt alone is generating $10,000 a year in interest. Th...

  • When the Abyss Stares Back

    December 24, 2024

    When the Abyss Stares Back

    In 1634 the Dutch became enamored of tulips. So much so that many neglected their ordinary affairs in order to pursue the tulip trade. Soon, tulip sales were posted on the Stock Exchange of Amsterdam. People bought tulip bulbs on credit hoping to rec...

  • God, Family, and Country

    December 22, 2024

    God, Family, and Country

    “There are all sorts of different families, Katie. Some families have one mommy, some families have one daddy or two families. And some children live with their uncle or aunt. Some live with their grandparents, and some children live with foste...

  • Leftist laughingstocks

    December 21, 2024

    Leftist laughingstocks

    One thing that never gets old is watching leftists go after each other like the Kilkenny cats. Dan Bongino frequently reminds us that leftism is cannibalistic. Their modus operandi is to divide society into groups and turn them against one another. A...

  • The Hidden Cost of Comfort

    December 21, 2024

    The Hidden Cost of Comfort

    In less than two weeks, those of us who’ve made New Year’s Resolutions will once again face that terrible reality of waking up on New Year’s Day and forcing ourselves to begin doing whatever healthy and thoroughly unpleasant thing w...

  • Slavery for the modern man

    December 20, 2024

    Slavery for the modern man

    In the 19th century, the Southern states argued that putting an end to the slave economy would collapse the cotton, tobacco, and rice industries.  Some claimed that freeing the slaves would produce widespread unemployment and civil unrest. ...

  • Straining at gnats, swallowing camels

    December 18, 2024

    Straining at gnats, swallowing camels

    If, for some unfathomable reason, you were getting all your news from the Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC) you would be missing at least half of what's going on, and the information you were getting would consist mostly of innuendo, half-...

  • Mad about MAID

    December 15, 2024

    Mad about MAID

    In the case of Winterbottom v. Wright in 1842, Judge Robert Rolf said, “Hard cases, it has frequently been observed, are apt to introduce bad law.” By that he meant that laws are better drafted under ordinary cases as difficult ones can l...

  • Serpents striking at our heels

    December 15, 2024

    Serpents striking at our heels

    The author of the book of Genesis describes how God responded after the serpent beguiled Adam and Eve, convincing them to trust in themselves rather than in God.  “So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this...

  •  Send in the drones: Militarized drones pose an existential threat to our civilization

    December 13, 2024

    Send in the drones: Militarized drones pose an existential threat to our civilization

    Drones, otherwise known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are of two types: those that require a human operator and autonomous drones, which do not. Drones have been around for over 100 years, early incarnations being balloons, torpedoes and aerial ...

  • Speaking of heretics…

    December 12, 2024

    Speaking of heretics…

    I'll say one thing for Nancy Pelosi, she's reliable. Whatever the issue may be, she can be counted on to take the wrong position, each and every single time. And when she's confronted on it, when she's presented with incontrovertib...

  • Torn between faith and the Pope

    December 11, 2024

    Torn between faith and the Pope

    I have written here before about Catholics who support people, policies, and practices that are against the faith. One example is an American President who claims to be a Catholic while at the same time promoting abortion and same-sex marriage. The e...

  • The Wrap-Up Smear Redux

    December 10, 2024

    The Wrap-Up Smear Redux

    I've written before about the Left's habit of resorting to lies, projection, and one or more of the Logical Fallacies. They do this because if they stated their intentions openly, more often than not, rational people would laugh them out of o...

  • How to destroy your country in 10 easy steps

    December 8, 2024

    How to destroy your country in 10 easy steps

    If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide. --Abraham Lincoln There have been countless people (myself included) who at one time or another hav...

  • Citizens are pushing back against globalist control in a 'great awakening'

    December 6, 2024

    Citizens are pushing back against globalist control in a 'great awakening'

    In 1919, Irish poet William Butler Yeats wrote "The Second Coming." In it, we read: Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of...

  • Lots of Options But No Magic Solutions

    December 4, 2024

    Lots of Options But No Magic Solutions

    There is a great deal of enthusiasm amongst conservatives for news of the possible dismantling of the Department of Education and the adoption of school choice initiatives. Allowing parents’ tax dollars to flow to the schools to which they send...

  • Why did Joe release the pardon on Sunday?

    December 3, 2024

    Why did Joe release the pardon on Sunday?

    Why now, Joe? Normally when someone must release a troubling bit of information to the public they do so on a Friday afternoon. The story, whatever it is, gets bundled up with other bits of flotsam while people are distracted with navigating Frida...

  • 'Rats flee their sinking ship, form a circular firing squad

    December 1, 2024

    'Rats flee their sinking ship, form a circular firing squad

    Among Democrats, the house of cards is collapsing, the cheap suits are folding, the rats are scurrying for the exits, and we’re loving every second of it. In 2019 Obama reportedly told Joe Biden that he didn't have to run. Had Biden t...

  • A legacy of missteps

    November 30, 2024

    A legacy of missteps

    There’s a scene near the end of the Tom Clancy book The Sum of All Fears in which U.S. scientists examine radioactive fallout from a nuclear detonation on U.S. soil and are able to identify the facility that processed the uranium that powered t...

  • Nobody’s buying the left's hate hoaxes

    November 30, 2024

    Nobody’s buying the left's hate hoaxes

    They're still at it. Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) accused Republicans of sending threatening phone calls and "swatting" Democrats. He laughably tried to take the high road saying that "House Democrats will not be deterre...

  • Barron Trump versus the Ragin’ Cajun

    November 29, 2024

    Barron Trump versus the Ragin’ Cajun

    Candidates and their campaigns hire advisors and consultants and they're no doubt bombarded with suggestions from their supporters. With so many good ideas to choose from one wonders how and why some campaigns step on one rake after another. I...

  • An epidemic of lies

    November 28, 2024

    An epidemic of lies

    The list of lies they tell us keeps growing. From Bill Clinton's assertion that he never had sex with Monica Lewinsky, to Obama's claim that if Americans liked their health care plans and doctors they could keep them under Obamacare, to Hilla...

  • We don’t want revenge, we want justice

    November 28, 2024

    We don’t want revenge, we want justice

    President-elect Trump has stated that success will be his revenge. While those of us on the right pray that his next term will be successful, there are distinctions between revenge and justice. Revenge is emotional, personal, vindictive and cyclic, w...

  • A round-up of evil

    November 26, 2024

    A round-up of evil

    The first thing I do every morning after I clean out my email inbox is to check news and opinion sites.  I revisit those sites a few times during the day, usually spending a few hours reading articles. What I’ve seen recently has b...

  • Parents vs. LGBTQ+ Ideology

    November 25, 2024

    Parents vs. LGBTQ+ Ideology

    Back in 1983, KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov stated that it takes 15-20 years to indoctrinate a generation. That’s the length of time it takes to educate one child. He called it “ideological subversion” and said it means “…...

  • Out of office, out of control?

    November 22, 2024

    Out of office, out of control?

    In an ironic twist, managers at Zoom recently informed their staff that they wanted them to spend more time in the office rather than always working from home. During COVID, many commercial organizations and institutions such as schools moved either ...

  • A New Operating System for K–12 Education

    November 20, 2024

    A New Operating System for K–12 Education

    Teaching is an art as much as it may be a science.  I liken it to conducting an orchestra.  Just as the conductor leads his orchestra, the teacher guides his class.  The conductor ensures that each musician is playing at...

  • Trump is flooding the zone

    November 19, 2024

    Trump is flooding the zone

    One way to determine the correctness of your decision is to observe your opponent’s reaction to it.  By that metric, the 2016 election of Donald Trump to the presidency was just what America needed. It can be said that Trump did mo...

  • Ctrl + Alt + Rage

    November 12, 2024

    Ctrl + Alt + Rage

    An assistant principal at Collins Intermediate School in Corsicana, Texas  was injured when a student threw desks and a wooden coat hanger at her. She caught the first desk in mid-air and used it to fend off two others thrown by the student. He ...

  • Blue City Blues

    November 10, 2024

    Blue City Blues

    For a while now I’ve been seeing articles in the news and in my social media accounts about people fleeing some of America’s cities and states for greener pastures.  If I had my way, I’d be living in a cabin in Montana, so...

  • Be careful what you wish for

    November 4, 2024

    Be careful what you wish for

    Americans are rightly concerned about the 2024 election results. Who we vote for says a lot about what it is we want. According to a recent Gallup poll, the U.S. economy leads the list with 81% of respondents saying it's a very important issue...

  • Implausible Deniability

    November 4, 2024

    Implausible Deniability

    "It wasn't us. It was other kids." No, I've never watched "Beavis & Butthead." The only reason I know about that quote is because Dan Bongino mentions it from time to time. It fits. After years of leftists callin...

  • Is It Bad Enough Yet?

    November 3, 2024

    Is It Bad Enough Yet?

    Podcaster and radio host Dan Bongino frequently asks his listeners, “Is it bad enough yet?” In other words, has the level of socio-economic and political punishment being dished out to you reached a point where you’ve had enough? Wh...

  • Smoke, mirrors, and fallacies

    October 31, 2024

    Smoke, mirrors, and fallacies

    If you’ve been engaging with leftists for very long you know that they have very few arrows in their quiver of debate tactics. One is that they’ll simply lie.  The “very fine people” story is a prime example. Another i...

  • (Some) shepherds are warning their flocks

    October 29, 2024

    (Some) shepherds are warning their flocks

    The great Thomas Sowell stated that there are no perfect solutions, there are only trade-offs. That goes for people as well as policies. As always, and perhaps especially in 2024, Americans are faced with a choice between two imperfect candidates ...

  • They’re doing what they’re accusing us of doing

    October 28, 2024

    They’re doing what they’re accusing us of doing

    Earlier on, I argued why I think it's useful to debate Leftists online, knowing that it's unlikely they'' change their minds on anything. It's good practice as it forces us to learn their arguments and how to counter them, and ...

  • Believe them when they tell you who they are

    October 27, 2024

    Believe them when they tell you who they are

    Can anyone put together a list of things that the left has done to make America safer, stronger, more prosperous, and more united?  How about a list of things they’ve done to make American Christians and Jews feel safer?  Jo...

  • Are EVs Here to Stay?

    October 26, 2024

    Are EVs Here to Stay?

    Well, one thing we’ve learned is that people are buying them. Americans bought 230k EVs in 2019, 245k in 2020, 462k in 2021, 760k in 2022 and 1.1 million in 2023. So far in 2024 they’ve purchased 346k so the trend appears to be slowing....

  • Do all human beings have human rights?

    October 25, 2024

    Do all human beings have human rights?

    A common contention from pro-choice (read pro-abortion) advocates is that aborting an unborn child is no different than the loss of tissues and cells such as hair and toenail clippings or skin cells. These materials are human in origin as they a...

  • A Long List of Leftist Lies

    October 22, 2024

    A Long List of Leftist Lies

    I have a Notepad file called “Lies Democrats Believe.”  It’s a compilation of lies told by leftist politicians, bureaucrats, and talking heads in the Democrat Media Industrial Complex (DMIC). Why do Democrats lie? ...

  • Pro-Choice On Schools

    October 19, 2024

    Pro-Choice On Schools

    Since COVID the debate over school choice has become even more pronounced. Schools were shuttered and students learned through several alternative methods. Some accessed on-line tutorial programs or streamed video lessons from their teachers. Some sc...

  • Why bother?

    October 17, 2024

    Why bother?

    Okay, show of hands: How many of you have had the pleasure of arguing with leftists online?  Fun, isn’t it?  How about when you’re the only conservative and you’re surrounded by a pack of deranged leftists who ac...

  • Reviving Excellence in Our Education System

    October 16, 2024

    Reviving Excellence in Our Education System

    The Home-School Connection: Keys to Student Success “It is the duty of parents to maintain their children decently, and according to their circumstances; to protect them according to the dictates of prudence; and to educate them according to...

  • Shoulder to shoulder

    October 13, 2024

    Shoulder to shoulder

    It’s been said that America hasn’t been this divided since the Civil War. Maybe, maybe not. I would imagine that during that conflict there were people on both sides who were reading the Bible and praying to God. For over 2,000 years, Scr...

  • Carnivorous Vegetarians

    October 13, 2024

    Carnivorous Vegetarians

    In a recent video, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, wearing a camouflage hat emblazoned with a Harris/Walz logo, fed Dorito chips to a kneeling left-wing media celebrity in what many consider a blasphemous parody of the Catholic Sacrament of Commu...

  • How does the Left do it?

    October 7, 2024

    How does the Left do it?

    The Left repeatedly demonstrates through its words and actions how much they despise the country and her citizens, even their own constituents. And yet some people still support them. Why do voters support people who demonstrate through the...