Kerry Patton

Kerry Patton

  • July 27, 2012

    Which is worse: leaking classified information or destroying it?

    The discovery of leaks of sensitive or classified information has startled the American people and many politicians alike. Recent leaks have jeopardized US national security causing unprecedented concern for America's best and brightest operators wor...

  • May 15, 2012

    Fallujah on the high seas?

    In 2004, armed security contractors working in Iraq were ambushed. Their bodies were brutally desecrated and hung from a bridge. This incident became known as the Fallujah incident. All the operators I know swore to themselves, "never again." Never a...

  • May 10, 2012

    National Security - 'Change You Can Believe In'

    In 2008, President Obama campaigned with the slogan "change we can believe in."  When it comes to national security, change is exactly what he has been creating ever since he took office.  None of those changes are for the better. The presi...

  • May 3, 2012

    Misleading Report Released on Progress in Afghanistan

    The April 2012 "Report on Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan," a biannual report to Congress in accordance with Section 1230 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110-181) as amended, was provid...

  • April 30, 2012

    Romney must capitalize

    Last night, Lesley Stahl unveiled President Obama's worst nightmare.  When CBS News veteran interviewed Jose Rodriguez, former chief of the CIA's Clandestine Service, a cache of knowledge was delivered. If Mitt Romney studies the interview ...

  • April 27, 2012

    The Pentagon's New Defense Clandestine Service

    Earlier this week, the Associated Press reported a new intelligence initiative coming out of the Pentagon.  We are constantly reminded that intelligence agencies have difficulty sharing their work, yet the Pentagon has decided to create another ...

  • April 25, 2012

    A Message to the State Department: The War on Terror is not over

    While some State Department officials may believe the "War on Terror" is over, few service members or their families feel the same. Our troops are continuously placed in grave danger fighting terrorists and insurgents. They are not going anywher...

  • April 20, 2012

    Dehumanization and the Ultimate Combat Photo

    As an avid bow hunter, I can't think of anything quite like watching that twelve-point buck aimlessly walk into the kill zone.  I take that one deep breath, calming myself, before I release the arrow. Never would I think of that buck sleeping wi...

  • March 13, 2012

    The Smokejumper versus the General

    Imagine a nation threatened by the potential of a great fire. This is no small fire, rather one biblical in nature set off by a criminalist mind controlling a tiny ember.  What happens when that ideology controlling the criminal mind sets an ent...

  • March 2, 2012

    'Act of Valor' and Reality Film Making

    Celebrities may have finally met their match. Hollywood celebrities, with all their fame and glory need to take caution. A new breed of actors and actresses just penetrated the left wing dominated path of Hollywood. Last Friday was the openin...

  • February 1, 2012

    Drones for coercive influence operations

    Coercive influence is arguably construed as a dark art within the intelligence arena. Used to force people to do things they ordinarily wouldn't do, it is a tactic used for influence and shaping operations. Historically, some coercive influence t...

  • February 1, 2012

    Director Clapper: War mongering or hiding the truth?

    During Congressional testimony this week, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper explained that U.S. intelligence believes Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States in response to perceived threats from Americ...

  • January 17, 2012

    Has al-Qaeda Ceased to Exist?

    Osama bin Laden, the presumed mastermind behind the creation of al-Qaeda, originally formalized a global network of militants mostly comprising Muslim Brotherhood members.  These Brotherhood members, like Ayman al-Zawahiri, tapped into their own...

  • January 10, 2012

    Amir Mirzaei Hekmati: Death by False Confessions

    The life of U.S. military combat veteran Amir Mirzaei Hekmati is in austere jeopardy.  International news has revealed that Hekmati has been convicted of working with a hostile country, belonging to the Central Intelligence Agency, and trying to...

  • January 9, 2012

    U.S. Army to Deploy to Israel for Huge Missile Exercise

    On January 19, 1991, during the first Gulf War, the United States sent Patriot Missiles and a contingent of U.S. service members into Israel on temporary assignment.  This was the least we could do for Israel, which vowed not to respond to Sadda...

  • January 5, 2012

    Bonyads: Iran's Greatest Strength against Sanctions

    Iran test-fired a new stealth weapon system over New Year's.  Simultaneously, boasting to the world, Iran announced a breakthrough development -- its first nuclear fuel rod.  Their rogue aggressiveness has many world leaders concerned. ...

  • December 25, 2011

    When the final bell rings

    In mixed martial arts, as in boxing, the ringing of a bell signifies either the start or end of a contested bout.  On 9-11, America heard a bell which signified the start of a long, brutal bout against our enemy.  U.S. forces expeditiously ...

  • December 12, 2011

    The Iran War. Get Used to It.

    The Middle East has caught fire.  Uprisings have occurred, leaders have been ousted, Syria's Assad is grasping to remain in power, and Israel remains in a state of unease.  The region has become ideologically war-torn -- a phenomenon induce...

  • November 20, 2011

    The Syrian Social Nationalist Party: The World's Assassination Party

    Lebanon has seen its share of atrocities and murders, including the assassinations of many high-profile persons.  For years, terrorism experts have pointed fingers to groups like Hezb'allah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization and...

  • November 5, 2011

    DOD Mismanages Its Force Reduction Program

    The U.S. Air Force decided to initiate its initial phase of force reduction -- more than four hundred captains and majors will be "pink-slipped."  Economically, this makes absolutely no sense, especially during the troubling economic hardships f...