Kenneth Eliasberg

Kenneth Eliasberg

  • January 29, 2021

    Biden's first week in office was utterly destructive for America

    After promising to unite us in his inaugural address, Biden almost immediately set about to do more to divide us than any president in American history.  Setting aside for the moment the plethora of executive orders that he issued in his fi...

  • November 30, 2019

    Hillary Clinton is not just a sore loser; she is a total loser

    As one can readily see, Hillary Clinton has been unable to recover from having lost the 2016 presidential election — a self-inflicted wound that she will never cop to.  Or, possibly, an act of divine intervention.  She has c...

  • October 28, 2019

    The Arabs Don't Want Peace with Israel

    Arab/Israeli "peace talks" have been going on for the better part of a century without even a hint of serious progress. And the reason is quite simple -- the Arabs don't want peace with Israel; they don't want Israel, and they will ...

  • January 22, 2017

    What Sort of Compromise Do the Arabs Want with Israel?

    Arab-Israeli "peace talks" have been going on for the better part of a century, without even a hint of serious progress.  The reason is quite simple: the Arabs don't want peace with Israel.  They just don't want Israel, an...

  • August 4, 2016

    The ‘Caricature’ IS the Real Hillary Clinton

    Ruthless, fundamentally dishonest, unbelievably incompetent, bereft of a trace of judgment, and incredibly (nay, criminally) greedy is the best description that I can come up with for Hillary Clinton. She is the most “unqualified” candida...

  • June 1, 2016

    Hillary’s Service as Secretary of State: A Failure of Leadership (and a National Security Disaster)

    In evaluating Hillary Clinton’s competence, a good place to start is to take a close look at her tour of duty as Secretary of State. Is the U.S. safer and/or held in higher regard around the world as a result of her efforts? Perhaps it might...

  • May 22, 2016

    Maybe it's time for NBC to fire Andrea Mitchell

    Do left-wing journalists have any responsibility for checking their facts, or is it okay just to lie to support any of their favored candidates? Recently, Andrea Mitchell of NBC, in response to Donald Trump's reminding Sean Hannity's viewe...

  • April 5, 2016

    Gitmo is not a recruiting tool. Weakness is.

    Obama made a promise on taking office that he would close the captured-terrorist facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GITMO). The only reason that he offered for doing so was that It was allegedly a recruiting tool for terrorists at home and abroad. Act...

  • January 1, 2016

    Hillary Hauls Out Our Former Rapist-in-Chief

    This week I was struck by two news items that were offered up to the public -- the first was that Bill Clinton was going to be more actively supporting Hillary’s presidential run; the second that Bill Crosby was indicted for rape. I found the j...

  • December 13, 2015

    Hillary tells another whopper

    Dishonest, incompetent, greedy, very angry, fundamentally unlikeable, and lacking a trace of integrity; you might think that the woman, now running to be our president, would get a bit of a grip on her more obvious failings. Like telling unnecessary ...

  • October 30, 2015

    The House Benghazi Hearings: A Different Perspective

    If the House Committee Hearings on Benghazi proved nothing else, they clearly pointed up just how politically polarized our country is -- polarized to the point that the truth of the matter under investigation is the last thing that at least one side...

  • October 14, 2015

    The E-mails and Benghazi

    While Hillary Clinton’s public (and, for that matter, her private) life has been marked by one big scandal after another, no incident, event, or happening so completely captures the essence of who she really is -- incredibly incompetent, b...

  • August 20, 2015

    Hillary's Qualifications

    How did it happen that, in this the land of Washington, Jefferson, Madison et al, someone so fundamentally dishonest and so unbelievably incompetent should not only aspire to be its president, but should actually be taken seriously in this aspir...

  • April 1, 2015

    Hillary's Baggage

    Hillary Clinton’s latest misadventures are not just so typically Clintonian, but more to the point, they reveal a fatal flaw in the woman’s makeup -- she has absolutely no judgment! Now you can write off the three current scandals (h...

  • October 1, 2014

    A Party That Plays Not To Lose

    On first moving from left to right on retiring from the practice of law, I was quickly disabused of the idea that the right knew what it was doing; while it was clear that I shared their values, I was completely unimpressed with the manner in which t...