Ken Russell

Ken Russell

  • March 2, 2018

    Don't Say 'Thank You'; Do 'Thank You'

    None of the veterans I know likes it when Americans say to us, "Thank you for your service."  We understand many people mean well, but they have no idea that it is actually insulting, because they have no idea what we went through...

  • September 29, 2017

    This Marine Takes a Knee against the NFL

    I had the privilege to serve with the finest Americans, the U.S. Marine Corps, from 1979 until 1990.  These fine Americans included people you've never heard of like Pat Guigerre, Jeff Sharver, and Jeb Seagle, who gave their lives to provide...

  • January 28, 2017

    My Vote for Waterboarding

    Along with President Trump, I too would like to see waterboarding return as a tool for getting information from captured enemies. My support for this comes from my personal experience of being waterboarded while I was in the Marine Corps. I’...

  • June 2, 2014

    Get Rid of the VA

    I am an American veteran.  I volunteered.  Actually, in my case, after ticking off my father for the last time, he volunteered me.  Dad was in the first wave of Marines that assaulted Iwo Jima in WWII, was one of three in his platoon w...

  • November 11, 2009

    General Casey's Diverse Army

    I am missing something here.  After the attack and murder of 13 innocent people by an apparent imbedded radical Jihadist in the US Army, General Casey said on Meet The Press, "Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a st...

  • July 17, 2009

    Vote For Dave

    Dave McArthur owns a few bakeries in St Louis, Missouri; McArthur's Bakery.  His bakeries make treats of legendary appeal throughout the St Louis area and Dave is a local media personality as well.  Most of us think apple turnovers and poli...

  • July 9, 2009

    Why I'm Thankful for George W. Bush

    On October 23, 1983 the Marine Corps Battalion Landing Team (BLT) building located at the Beirut International Airport was blown up.  Two hundred twenty Marines, 18 Sailors and 3 Soldiers were killed in a split second by a suicide bomber.  ...