Kelcy Allen

Kelcy Allen

  • May 26, 2010

    Living in Obama's Loony Parallel Universe

    According to my psychoanalyst, I have issues. She believes our nation's dichotomous political climate and divisive political dialogue is affecting my mental state and I'm beginning to show a "disconnect." It's disconcerting to confess that ...

  • July 22, 2009

    The Ideological Fight of the Century

    How in God's name, and I mean that literally, can liberals lay claim to Martin Luther King?  Isn't it the Liberal Left and their ACLU who want to ban the Ten Commandments?  Isn't it liberal Democrats who want to take "God" out of ...

  • July 5, 2009

    Obama's Three-legged Stool

    When I was a kid, my grandmother had an old three-legged stool.  I used to sit atop the stool in the kitchen nook of our small island cabin, and gaze out through a tiny four-pane window onto the waters of Washington's rugged Puget Sound.  O...