Kathleen Brush

Kathleen Brush

  • America’s ‘most racist organization’ borrows a strategy from the Soviets

    October 30, 2024

    America’s ‘most racist organization’ borrows a strategy from the Soviets

    On October 28, Newsweek ran an op-ed titled “The Democratic Party Is the Most Racist Organization in America.” It’s written by a former Democratic fundraiser, Evan Barker. In it she writes: “The Democrat’s long-term stra...

  • Spain’s ugly antisemitism spans more than 500 years

    May 24, 2024

    Spain’s ugly antisemitism spans more than 500 years

    The year 1492 is known to Americans as the year Columbus “discovered” America. In Jewish history, it marks the start of the first ethnic cleansing of Jews in history, which took place in Spain. During WWII, Spain was given a chance to rig...

  • It's St. Paddy's Day. A holiday for Irish Americans or all Americans?

    March 15, 2024

    It's St. Paddy's Day. A holiday for Irish Americans or all Americans?

    I was reading an article on the importance of identifying as a Black American. The adjective “Black” suggests their shared struggles. It made me wonder if I should identify as “Irish American” rather than American?...

  • The Biden Administration’s Creative Rule-Breaking To Destroy The Border

    March 6, 2024

    The Biden Administration’s Creative Rule-Breaking To Destroy The Border

    Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas opines that America’s immigration crisis is an outcome of a “system” that has been broken for thirty years. An honest Mayorkas would take ownership of a crisis three years in the making. He...

  • Since 1965, Democrats Have Exploited Immigration For Political Power

    March 2, 2024

    Since 1965, Democrats Have Exploited Immigration For Political Power

    John F. Kennedy coined the term “a nation of immigrants” for his 1958 book of the same name. Kennedy was proud of the immigrants who built the most prosperous nation on earth. He wanted more of the same, as do all Americans. But that...

  • November 21, 2023

    Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza have hideous values regarding Hamas and Israel

    Americans are told that Hamas is very different from the ordinary citizens living in Gaza and the West Bank. Only the former are terrorists, while the latter are innocent, just as you and I are. However, Americans should look to what these ...

  • November 14, 2023

    Nazi Revivalism in America

    When Palestinian-American and Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib posted a video saying from the river to the sea, she was promoting a “rallying cry for the destruction of the State of Israel and genocide of the Jewish people.” This call...

  • October 7, 2023

    China’s Goal is World Supremacy, and America is Helping

    Presidential wannabes agree that China is the greatest geopolitical threat and that the solution is economic decoupling. But decoupling from China will be economically disastrous for Americans while leaving unaffected China’s mission to unseat ...

  • August 23, 2023

    Slavery Remembrance Day Is Nothing More Than Partisan Politics

    On August 23, instigated by the UN’s International Day to Remember Slavery and Abolition, Americans are being asked again to remember slavery. This date joins Juneteenth, marking the near end of slavery; Martin Luther King Day; Black History Mo...

  • July 30, 2023

    Congresspeople are wrong to blame health woes amongst blacks on race

    Last week, Congresspeople Brown, Booker, and Padilla declared racism a public health crisis that is responsible for disproportionate health outcomes by race.  “Communities of color continue to be disproportionately affected ...

  • July 23, 2023

    Contrary to Kamala’s lies, Florida’s new black studies standards are awesome

    Vice President Harris is railing against Florida’s new standards for social studies because, within the 215-page-long standards, there is a line that says: “Examine the various duties and trades performed by slaves (e.g., agricultural wor...

  • July 9, 2023

    Reparations Mock And Threaten America’s Greatest Achievement

    Activists for reparations have been inundating Americans with a larger-than-life version of Black history, while historical comparisons to other groups inside and outside America are buried. It’s no wonder Americans don’t know that, from ...

  • June 18, 2023

    A DeSantis Presidency Could Remind Us How Far Italians Have Come In America

    If Ron DeSantis were to become America’s next president, he would be the first Italian American president. It would be a historical event as momentous as the first Irish Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, and the first black president, Barack...

  • April 22, 2023

    Hakeem Jeffries Shows How Black Racism Is Baked Into The Cake

    As one would expect, Hakeem Jeffries, the first Black minority Speaker of the House, denied his history as a racist. Like many blacks, he may believe he can’t be a racist because blacks don’t have the “power to effectuate their prej...

  • April 7, 2023

    The stupidest government idea ever

    The government is presently considering modifying the Census to identify recipients for reparations. If the idea is operationalized, a possible future headline will be “2030 Census Shows America Has a Black Majority.” That would confirm t...

  • April 2, 2023

    Kamala In Africa: What Could Go Wrong?

    During the first Cold War, sub-Saharan Africa was red hot with proxy wars. With China and Russia continuing to increase their footprints in the region, Cold War II looks like a sequel, perhaps with a different ending. Given the consequences of los...

  • March 24, 2023

    Biden is Preparing Americans To Lose the Second Cold War

    Vladimir Putin’s approval rating is 82%. Joe Biden’s is 42%. Xi Jinping’s is anyone’s guess, but the Chinese near-unanimously trust their government. More than half of Russians trust their government. Less than a third of Amer...

  • March 24, 2023

    LGBTQ+ rights are core to America’s foreign policy

    Biden believes he is the embodiment of moral leadership, but when it comes to his positions on LGBTQ, a good portion of the world sees America as an immoral hegemon, using cultural colonialism to threaten nations that don’t subscribe to what th...

  • March 4, 2023

    Politicized Black History And The Great American Shakedown

    For Black History Month 2022, Disney released a Proud Family episode asserting that slaves built America, and Hulu began streaming the 1619 Project docuseries. The latter builds on The New York Times’s 1619 Project, which presents American slav...

  • February 9, 2023

    America’s Disarray Is A Stark Contrast To China’s Unity

    Listening carefully during the State of the Union, you could hear roaring laughter in Beijing when President Biden again said that J6 was the greatest threat to America since the Civil War. Biden is China’s perfect stooge. China has a long-term...

  • January 30, 2023

    The dishonest, divisive narrative driving Black History Month

    American schools have been passing on dishonest Black history for decades. Most recently, the vehicles have been the 1619 Project and the AP African American Studies course. These histories do a disservice to the truth, drive hatred, and make too man...

  • January 18, 2023

    Leftists chase the chimera of White supremacy

    Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is at it again. Now, she’s trying to make it criminal to oppose Democrat party policies and platforms. To that end, she proposed a bill making “conspiracy to commit White supremacy” a federal crime, ...

  • January 11, 2023

    The Right Sees a Border Crisis; The Left Sees a Border Opportunity

    At Biden’s press conference last Thursday about border security and enforcement, conservatives probably hoped to hear about clamping down on the illegal immigration that enriches Mexican cartels while killing Americans, jeopardizing their safet...

  • January 5, 2023

    America Would Be A Better Place If We Taught The Truth About Slavery

    Liberal Whites wallowing in revisionist histories have made Whites the racist pariahs of the world, and Americans are ranked the worst. Americans have themselves to blame. They can’t stop talking about slavery and racism, and now neither can Af...

  • October 11, 2022

    Racial equity programs are nothing more than vote buying schemes

    Janet Yellen, with a Ph.D. in economics, said racial equity is the centerpiece of the Biden-Harris economic agenda, although she knows that America’s equity programs have been economically disastrous. They have had negative cost-benefits. Inste...

  • October 4, 2022

    Democrats: Importing racism, sexism, and terrorism

    The Democrats are obsessed with racism, sexism, terrorism, and LGBTQ. Why then, are they encouraging an open southern border, and giving preferences to Muslim immigrants, when both increase all of the above because ingrained biases travel with immigr...

  • September 25, 2022

    Since His Election, Biden Has Used Racial Hoaxes To Accrue Power

    The Democrats successfully used a vast racial hoax to put Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into the White House. The problem, then, was helping them stay there. To date, they’ve been relying on new additions to the same racial hoax in order to maint...

  • September 24, 2022

    Democrats Used A Massive Race Hoax To Gain Power

    For two years, a U.S. presidential administration has perpetrated a racial hoax. Teamed up with Black Lives Matter (BLM), an unscrupulous, failed, corrupt organization that promotes violence, Americans have been duped by the world’s largest rac...

  • September 15, 2022

    Abortion: moderate Republicans and extreme Democrats

    Senate Republican Lindsey Graham proposed a bill to legalize elective abortions up to 15 weeks, and Democrats barked that this was more evidence of Republican extremism.  The mainstream media headlined the bill as Republicans banning aborti...

  • September 12, 2022

    Democrats: The Party of Projection

    Psychological projection means that people who think and act in a way even they would admit is wrong project those same motives and actions on others, rather than acknowledging them in themselves. In 2022, Democrats in politics and the media have ele...

  • August 31, 2022

    It’s the Education, Stupid

    The Biden administration has its priorities for education: bailing out dropouts, deadbeats, and foolish investors in negative-return degrees and schools. Meanwhile, the nation’s primary and secondary public schools are in crisis and the adminis...

  • August 18, 2022

    Brittney Griner Is Another Victim Of The BLM Movement

    Believe it or not, Brittney Griner perfectly exemplifies the rolling disaster of BLM in America. In this regard, she is more of a victim than many conservatives, made hostile by her disrespect for America, realize. Thanks to the BLM effect, Griner ma...

  • June 22, 2022

    If California Is Contemplating Reparations, Women Must Come First

    California, which was never a slave state, is now on a path to grant reparations to the descendants of slaves. But if we’re being fair, there’s a group that deserves reparations first: Women. Women were America’s first and last s...

  • June 2, 2022

    The Racialization Of America

    Theories aplenty are floating about the causes of the increase in mass shootings. The White House and the mainstream media (MSM) have zeroed in on the gun lobby and gun manufacturers. Others point to the physical isolation from the Teachers-Union-abe...

  • May 17, 2022

    The Democrats' push for reparations will only make things worse

    Under the guise of remedying historical sins, the government is stoking racial divisions at every corner.  First, there was CRT, then equity, and now a revival of considering reparations.  The first time the government tried to pa...

  • May 7, 2022

    Reparations sacrifice the future on the altar of the past

    The British royals are used to adulation when they visit Commonwealth countries in the Caribbean.  Now they are met with descendants of slaves protesting for reparations.  This turn of events took many Britons by surprise. ...

  • June 30, 2021

    Taking the Racism Test

    Professor Ibram X Kendi is the unremarkable, unapologetically racist “academic” who has become the go-to-guy for guiding woke public sector leaders on how to recognize racism and the through line between systemic racism yesterday and toda...

  • June 2, 2021

    Does America Want to be the Transgender Leader?

    We are told every day that in America we follow the science. If that is so, how can it be that government officials are encouraging pre-pubescent children, with or without parental consent, to make life-altering decisions that lack a firm scientific ...