Kate Wright

Kate Wright

  • April 17, 2017

    Trumped by Trump

    They say timing is everything.  This year, North Korea's Kim Jong-un's "Day of the Sun" parade to celebrate the birthday of North Korea's founder and show off North Korea's Musudan missile ended up heralding North ...

  • October 31, 2012

    Why Catholics Will Choose President Romney

    Because they can. Sixty million Americans are Catholic.  One in every four American voters is Catholic.  This election is about jobs, jobs, jobs -- and about that ubiquitous Catholic "swing" vote in 10 key states where electoral votes ...

  • May 8, 2011

    The 'Social Justice' Trap

    What is Social Justice?  Ask 10 people, get 10 different answers ranging from social responsibility, racial equality, and economic distributism to the ubiquitous "isms" of the 20th Century: Marxism-Leninism, Fabian Socialism, Maoism, I...

  • April 18, 2008

    Real must-see TV

    Colonel Austin Bay's outstanding new pilot episode of Consequences, an Arena USA original series, is available at his Arena Channel. Using his expertise in war-gaming, Col. Bay explores the political and military consequences of a rapid U.S. mil...

  • April 13, 2008

    Ben Stein's Intelligent Adventure

    Ben Stein's new film EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed, is a documentary that appears to be about Intelligent Design and the shortcomings of Darwinism. The film is not just an exploration of the limitations of The Origin of Species, but a journey to ...

  • March 7, 2007

    "We Just Met the President!"

    "Rudy," the Yankee fan from Brooklyn, hit a grand slam with the Los Angeles Dodger crowd who turned out Monday night to endorse "America's Mayor" as their candidate for the 44th President of the United States.  Bill Simo...

  • February 3, 2006

    The Pigskin Parable

    The Islamic Caliphate  is coming. Their version of the One World (Umma),  gilded with Islamic symbols, is ready for prime time. It's going to get very weird.  Just remember, Jesus got here first, courtesy of Abraham and ...

  • January 2, 2006

    The Lion that Roars for Peace

    Thankfully, the world has a magnificent image to help a new generation of young people sort through the confusion and conflict surrounding Steven Spielberg's movie Munich.  In The Chronicles of Narnia,  (Anschutz Film Group, Walt Disney Com...

  • December 19, 2005

    'Munich' stands for 'appeasement'

    Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List taught a new generation of movie—goers the reality of the World War II Holocaust.  Spielberg's new movie, Munich, regrettably undoes some of his earlier good work, in recounting Israel's response to the ...