Karl Ushanka

Karl Ushanka

  • July 7, 2016

    FBI Resignations: Where Are They?

    Roughly 150 FBI agents were assigned to the Hillary Clinton email case.  It was a criminal investigation to determine if the Secretary of State violated any laws when she a) installed an unauthorized email server in her home, b) conducted State ...

  • August 24, 2015

    Cincinnati's Race Problem

    Cincinnati may look like any other American city. We have our share of racial tension, and the #BlackLivesMatter movement is causing problems here as elsewhere. Cincinnati, however, is not like the others. The city has four unique attributes that ...

  • March 31, 2014

    When Barack Obama Stands Firm

    In times past, both Presidents Truman and Reagan took principled stands that resulted in global stability and lives saved.  Specificlally, two determined anti-communist presidents confronted the Soviet Union in such an aggressive manner that it ...

  • March 23, 2014

    When Presidents Stand Firm

    Leadership comes in many forms and with many levels of risk, but history gives us a few moments when leaders stood alone and were proven right.  Can you think of a time a US president stood alone on a policy issue, even against his own supporter...

  • December 17, 2012

    Obama's Stealth Redistribution Strategy

    Resentment of the rich trumps all else in liberalism, and we are defending against a multi-front class war. President Obama is using a shotgun approach to redistribute your wealth, with multiple attacks on your income, property, savings, and cost of ...