Judith Bron

Judith Bron

  • December 9, 2015

    Welcoming the Stranger

    Why is the American Jewish community one of the largest groups defending the Syrian refugees right to immigrate to America despite the infiltration of ISIS terrorists? One of the group’s loudest defenses is the way in which Jews were ...

  • February 10, 2015

    Islamic Barbarity and Moral Equivalence

    In President Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast speech, he was obviously defending his position vis a vis Islam. He doesn’t want to refer to ISIS as Islamic or mention the terror committed against Christians, Jews, and other...

  • October 16, 2013

    Youth on a Downward Spiral

    A two-year-old sitting next to his new sister's infant seat decides to poke the baby in the eye. The baby shrieks, mommy comes running and sees her bigger darling intentionally hurt her baby! She takes his hand and spanks it. The doorbell rings, ent...

  • October 21, 2012

    When God Left the Classroom

    Tenscore and many years ago, our Fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in free speech and dedicated to the proposition that God should never cross state lines. Of course, the great Abraham Lincoln never said any such thing....

  • September 25, 2011

    A Conflict With No Solution?

    The solution to the bubbling caldron in the Middle East is simple, we are told.  If only Israel, A.K.A the Jews, would "give back" the territories conquered in the June 1967 war all would be forgiven.  Sounds simple enough, but that is not ...