J.R. Nash

J.R. Nash

  • July 4, 2013

    Big Brother is a Slaver

    Imagine, for more than half a century, American preachers were being told what not to say from their pulpits by an all-powerful IRS. And too many disinterested souls forgot that in politics, continuing to ignore what happens to others may put a noose...

  • June 30, 2011

    Chris Wallace and Michele Bachman, A Different Look.

    In the past few days an unusual situation has developed regarding an interview of Michele Bachman by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Toward the end of the interview Wallace reminded Bachman of some of the left's attacks against her and th...

  • June 13, 2011

    The Alinsky Alert System

    Unfortunately, because there is so much intra-circle competition among conservatives, new ideas are sometimes discouraged or outright ignored. That is not necessary here. Since Sarah Palin has done far more than any other known individual to develop ...