J.R. Dunn

J.R. Dunn

  • Maine can do better

    February 26, 2025

    Maine can do better

    No one was more delighted than me to watch the President publicly dress down Janet P. Mills, the Dem governor of Maine, in front of her colleagues. Mills decided to mouth off at Trump at a National Governor’s Association todo being held at t...

  • Trump Must Speak

    February 23, 2025

    Trump Must Speak

    American Thinker subscribers will have already read this essay in the American Thinker Digest, the subscribers-only, weekly email filled with essays from American Thinker editors. To read more essays like this, subscribe here. In the span of ...

  • Milley's game

    January 24, 2025

    Milley's game

    One thing that’s overlooked about now-retired Gen. Mark Milley is that fact that his bumbling, asinine interference in national policy could very well have ended in triggering the very war he claimed to be trying to prevent. Picture this: th...

  • MAGA and the Legacy Media Trap

    January 22, 2025

    MAGA and the Legacy Media Trap

    Years ago, I knew a guy who desperately wanted to make a mark as a conservative activist. He was seriously naïve and ill-informed about most things (he’d been raised in a kind of self-segregated immigrant community). He used to call me up ...

  • An award worthy of this country

    January 6, 2025

    An award worthy of this country

    So what do we do about the Presidential Medal of Freedom? SloJoe has, in a last coarse gesture, ruined the award for all time, debasing it by bestowing it on at least one international criminal, several corrupt pols, and media clowns such as Bill Nye...

  • The Last And The First

    January 4, 2025

    The Last And The First

    This essay was originally published in our subscriber-only e-newsletter, a weekly compilation of original essays from American Thinker editors. If you would like to receive this newsletter, you can subscribe here. Once you subscribe, not on...

  • Last of the breed

    January 3, 2025

    Last of the breed

    They say one should never speak ill of the dead, so I won’t… kind of. Instead, I’ll simply say about the death of Jimmy Carter that it marks the end of the narrative of the activist left-wing president. When he was elected in...

  • George Clooney learns about life

    December 9, 2024

    George Clooney learns about life

    Since the collapse of his hopes for the Oceans franchise, it’s being widely asserted that George Clooney is being punished by Hollywood for “alienating the American people” through his opposition to Donald Trump. But that ain’...

  • Beating the 'Committee'

    November 19, 2024

    Beating the 'Committee'

    It’s been an article of faith in many circles of populist conservatism that events of the past few years have been orchestrated by a secret cabal generally referred to as “they” or “the committee” or simply “the el...

  • More fun with schadenfreude

    November 8, 2024

    More fun with schadenfreude

    They just keep on comin’. Jeez – you’d think that they lost the most critical election of the century or sumptin. Freedom of the Press Foundation Donald Trump, an anti-press extremist obsessed with punishing journalists and ...

  • Schadenfreude can be fun

    November 7, 2024

    Schadenfreude can be fun

    Here’s a sampling of some of the emails received by AT from lefty outfits in the wake of Tuesday night’s Restoration: From the Amalgamated Transit Union: Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) International President John Costa released ...

  • Victory

    November 6, 2024


    Victory! Image: AT via Magic Studio ...

  • The age of miracles

    November 6, 2024

    The age of miracles

    In the past few weeks, we have seen: Israel gut a terror organization that for decades was held up as one of most deadly fighting forces in the world, using methods that were incredibly subtle, technologically unparalleled, and strategically un...

  • No Cheating... This Time

    October 28, 2024

    No Cheating... This Time

    There is a tide in the affairs of men, as Shakespeare said, and now, two weeks before election day, that tide has swung decisively toward Donald Trump. Forget the establishment polls. The betting sites show him leading by nearly thirty points. He...

  • ...and good riddance

    October 17, 2024

    ...and good riddance

    At times it’s the easiest thing in the world to miss what’s right under your nose. What’s being missed right now concerning the Democrat presidential campaign is how it’s resulting in the complete collapse of the Democrat poli...

  • Little Timmy's failed mission

    October 3, 2024

    Little Timmy's failed mission

    The consensus agrees that J.D. Vance trounced Timmy Walz in the VP debate (all except for CBS itself, which insists that it was a tie.) But all of them (including Ben Shapiro) also agree that it “doesn’t mean anything” and ...

  • Beating the Cheat

    September 10, 2024

    Beating the Cheat

    It can’t actually be said that either the Butler assassination attempt or Joe’s bugout upended the 2024 campaign. That had already largely occurred by the second week of July. Every last effort against Donald Trump by the progressive e...

  • The Butler Body Cam Footage

    August 14, 2024

    The Butler Body Cam Footage

    Police body cam footage from July 13th was released late last week to little response, and has largely remained under the radar in the days since. This is not surprising, since the last thing the legacy media wants is for people to focus on this h...

  • More fakery from Paris

    August 6, 2024

    More fakery from Paris

    The latest news concerning the ongoing train derailment operating under the name “2024 Olympics” is that a key element of the opening ceremonies was as bogus as everything else in this misbegotten venture. It seems clear that the opening ...

  • That didn't age well

    July 14, 2024

    That didn't age well

    We are publishing continuously today. To see more blog entries, please click here. Here’s a recent quote from Reid Hoffman, the great American patriot who courageously, dutifully, and selflessly used his own money to fund decisive, effecti...

  • Time to revive 'beclown' on behalf of AP

    July 14, 2024

    Time to revive 'beclown' on behalf of AP

    We are publishing continuously today. To see more blog entries, please click here. Here’s how AP reported the attempted hit on President Trump yesterday: BUTLER, Pa. (AP) — Donald Trump appeared to be the target of an ...

  • The demons speak out

    July 14, 2024

    The demons speak out

    We are publishing continuously today. To see more blog entries, please click here. Appalling but expected: that’s all that needs to be said about the Left’s response to the attempted assassination of President Trump. It’s no lo...

  • A Secret Service failure?

    July 13, 2024

    A Secret Service failure?

    According to eyewitness testimony, the gunman climbed up atop a building with a rifle and crawled across the roof before opening fire:   This was a failure by the secret service. A guy army-crawled up a roof with a visible rifle to a fir...

  • Trump just isn't that mean

    July 8, 2024

    Trump just isn't that mean

    It seems that all I’ve been doing lately is fielding pieces apologizing for Donald Trump’s personality. You know, the “mean tweets,” the aggressive remarks, the unwillingness to back down before a hostile establishment. I...

  • Replacing Biden: More facts

    June 30, 2024

    Replacing Biden: More facts

    Do I have great timing or what? No sooner did my short piece debunking the possibility of replacing SloJoe appear than the question attained new urgency with his complete collapse in the first… “debate,” I hear they’re cal...

  • Replacing Joe: The facts

    June 25, 2024

    Replacing Joe: The facts

    As the election season matures and Joe Biden’s deterioration continues in accordance with all known medical protocols, the cries of “They gotta replace Joe,” are mounting to a fever pitch. The tone is one of near-hysteria, not at al...

  • Cancelling the election: The facts

    June 7, 2024

    Cancelling the election: The facts

    Now that the trial results have blown up in the faces of the American Left, we have to ask, what will they try next? The Manhattan (or the Atlanta, or the Florida, or the D.C.) show trial was supposed to be the ultimate anti-Trump weapon, the deat...

  • January 8, 2024

    No More J6s

    Three years ago, several hundred MAGA conservatives followed a man wearing a buffalo skull on his head into the Capitol. Oh, I know there’s more to it – and we’ll get to that – but that will do for shorthand.  Jacob Ch...

  • January 6, 2024

    Bringing the Roof Down on Anti-Semitism

    Thinking about the recent surge in anti-Semitism (brought to us by the Democrats, Antifa, the NAACP, and Harvard) called to mind my favorite historical instance of a rabid anti-Semite getting his well-earned comeuppance. The story involves Ro...

  • January 4, 2024

    Beating the Anti-Semites

    A few years ago, I was nearly shot by a local anti-Semite. I was working at my computer when there was a sharp roar and I looked up to see that a bullet hole had magically appeared in my wall a couple feet above my head. My neighbor, toying with an A...

  • December 11, 2023

    Elise Stefanik: smiting the unworthy

    It can’t be denied that it has been a real pleasure to see the lady college presidents brought low over the past few days. The condescending, arrogant smugness that they displayed before the House Education and Workforce committee is standard b...

  • November 25, 2023

    Has the Left Finally Blown It?

    This November marks the date when the mask was torn off to reveal the true face of the Left. The fact that they tore it off themselves makes it even better. This revelation of course involves Israel, the Gaza War, and the leftist anti-Semitism tha...

  • September 4, 2023

    MAGA vs. the DoJ

    Along with all its other efforts to hamstring Donald Trump’s legal defense in the D.C. case, the DoJ has dumped 12.8 million documents on Trump’s defense team, leaving them without adequate time to prepare before the March court date. Thi...

  • August 28, 2023

    AI and the Elites

    A few weeks ago, Joe Allen responded to my "Artificial Intelligence: The Facts" by suggesting that the real danger of AIs is that the best, most efficient models will be operated by the Deep State and its technofascist allies...

  • August 28, 2023

    A taste of their own medicine

    There is yet another beneficial aspect to the bussing of illegals to welcoming, open-armed blue destinations that hasn't yet been mentioned. A large part of the purpose in allowing illegals into the country involves using them to pun...

  • August 24, 2023

    Trump and the Tower of Lies

    We’re truly living in a Philip K. Dick world. A world in which we’re expected to believe, with the strength of conviction, synthetic constructs without a single grain of truth to them while rejecting and reviling obvious straightforward c...

  • August 7, 2023

    The Copernican Revolution ends

    As was true of many scientific advances, what was done with the heliocentric theory was no fault of Nicolas Copernicus.  Like most pre-modern scientists, Copernicus was a clergyman, fully in accord with Church and its teachings, secure in t...

  • August 7, 2023

    The big woke

    A few days ago, it was revealed that Vintage publishers had placed a "trigger warning" on a number of classic 20th-century novels.  Among them was Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep, his 1939 debut novel introducing th...

  • July 27, 2023

    Agreeing with Gutfeld

    If the left succeeds in canceling Greg Gutfeld over his "anti-Semitic" remarks on The Five, there are few other public figures who have earned the same treatment in the same way.  Among them is Art Spiegelman, author of ...

  • July 24, 2023

    The Mandela effect — one error on top of another

    The "Mandela effect" is a little trope that gets mentioned in news reports and commentary whenever a media figure feels the need to point out how silly people are in general.  It's the major element — in fact, the O.G. ...

  • July 11, 2023

    Artificial Intelligence: The Facts

    Technical topics, of any sort at all, are generally subject to serious distortion when they hit the level of public discussion. There are many reasons for this – ideology, click-lust, and the sheer inability of the average journo school grad to...

  • July 6, 2023

    Transgenders: The Real Numbers

    The other day I came across a piece of information that puts the entire transgender craze into about as much perspective as it is ever going to require. This is actually something I knew from years ago, but that I’d let slip thanks to a conv...

  • June 12, 2023

    Raging Bull----

    The other day, I came across a recording of a press conference concerning the upcoming film Killers of the Flower Moon, directed by Martin Scorsese, long one of our best and smartest directors. With this film, Scorsese has left his custo...

  • May 1, 2023

    China, population, and lies

    Recently, the Chinese government admitted that it had "overcounted" the Chinese population by about a hundred million. Actually, nothing of the sort happened.  Chinese announcements concerning anything are generally s...

  • April 14, 2023

    Bragg vs. the Windmills

    It has always been my contention, drawn from long experience along with wide reading, that the American Left is fundamentally stupid. This is both in a general and particular sense. You have to be a little dense – more than a little – to ...

  • March 23, 2023

    Dodging the Apocalypse

    A little over a week ago, on Sunday, March 12, a near-catastrophic event occurred that could have wrecked the lives of everyone reading this: A Powerful Solar Eruption on Far Side of Sun Still Impacted Earth. A massive eruption of s...

  • February 27, 2023

    A farewell to Jon N. Hall

    Time has claimed yet another AT contributor: Jon N. Hall died this past January 17 at the age of 76. Jon Hall was born on August 7, 1946, in Kirksville, Missouri, to Glenn Franklin Hall and Carolyn Joan Nelson Hall.  He sp...

  • February 6, 2023

    Joe Biden, expert witness

    No, Donald Trump is not going to be either indicted or tried in the "documents scandal." The reason is simple: Joe Biden's collection of half the documents classified by the U.S. government during the past twenty years, with more tur...

  • February 2, 2023

    Our Blue Problem

    Once again, the Left has taken bad policing as an excuse for riots. Tyre Nichols was clearly terrified that what happened to George Floyd was going to happen to him, and it did, leaving us in the perverse position of having to say, “Thank God t...

  • December 6, 2022

    Democrat Voter Fraud: A Brief History

    This is a “brief history” because the complete history of Democrat electoral malfeasance reaching back to Tammany Hall and Tweed would require four volumes or more. (I’m running into the same problem with a new book I’m o...

  • November 23, 2022

    The Voting Morons

    You know the story: a man wakes up after a century-long bout of suspended animation to find… orbital colonies? Contact with aliens? Cheap universal fusion power? Nope – he finds a culture inhabited by ill-dressed goons speaking in monosy...

  • October 17, 2022

    Stand by your pronouns

    This past weekend, Derek Hunter published in Townhall a well turned, nicely argued piece attacking the kind of "liberals" who take their small children to drag shows.  This a classic case of the lefty tactic of using the...

  • October 5, 2022

    Why Trump Must Run

    The final take on the disastrous Mar-a-Lago raid and its noxious aftermath – the latest in a series of “killing blows” aimed at Donald Trump and the movement he created -- is that Trump must run once again for president and must win...

  • June 1, 2022

    Uvalde: The new face of policing

    Anyone shocked by the behavior of the Uvalde P.D. during last week's mass shooting — in which dozens of officers milled around doing nothing (if not worse) while helpless victims were murdered — has to come to terms with the simp...

  • March 22, 2022

    Why Would Anybody Back Putin?

    We’ve been assured repeatedly lately that nobody on the right supports Vlad the Invader and his inept, ill-planned, and ill-fated invasion of Ukraine. I’ve handled several submissions here at AT saying exactly that in recent days. Would t...

  • March 3, 2022

    Ukraine and the new populism

    We have clear evidence of a major change in human circumstances in that during the past half-century, the most consequential leaders in the western world have been a former actor, a storekeeper’s daughter, a real-estate developer, and a standup...

  • February 2, 2022

    Nancy's plan for the SOTU

    Could it get any more blatant than this? Nancy Pelosi has put forward a plan to limit the actual in-person attendance of the upcoming State of the Union address to 25 people.  According to Alayna Treene: Scoop: McCarthy told me...

  • December 25, 2021

    A Very Biden Christmas

    Rick took another sip of his beer. It was a Corona, a favorite of his, and much better than he’d been drinking the past few months. Melissa had bought him a six and put it in the fridge as a surprise for him. In the other room he could hear ...

  • November 13, 2021

    The Left's Bungled Revolution

    The two major political elements in play over the past year are closely intertwined. Those are the new left-wing blatancy, in which the American Left scarcely attempts to hide its actual agenda anymore, and the vast number of enemies the left is lini...

  • November 6, 2021

    Peter Skurkiss, RIP

    AT readers will be saddened to learn that regular contributor Peter Skurkiss passed away at the age of 75 years. Peter died of complications of cancer, which he had been struggling against for years, on October 30. Peter Skurkiss was born in Bl...

  • October 23, 2021

    No, let's not be kind to Alec

    There have been a number of suggestions, from the conservative press as much as elsewhere, that we should go easy on poor Alec Baldwin concerning the terrible "accident" that resulted in a "tragedy" at his New Mexic...

  • October 14, 2021

    No, the U.S. is Not on its Knees

    The United States is now on its knees. It has been shamed before the world. It’s in a state of collapse. It is in a relentless downward spiral,  the Babylon of this era, a nation on its way to the graveyard of history.    We...

  • September 2, 2021

    Yes, the Left is that Stupid

    We’ve been hearing a lot of speculation that the Afghan debacle is more than it seems – that rather than being a typical outcome of activity by some of the dumbest, most ill-informed, and most blinkered individuals ever to occupy places i...

  • July 22, 2021

    Leftwing Losers

    I admit I was worried last January. It really seemed as if the Left had taken it all and that nothing stood between them and their goals. The Supreme Court, Electoral College, HR-1, criminalization of firearms, rollback of immigration reforms, and al...

  • June 28, 2021

    Conservatives and the Chauvin sentence

    At first glance, the Chauvin sentence strikes me as middling — not as much as he deserves, more than might be expected from the "criminal justice system," at this point.  At least we didn't hear the standard response to ...

  • February 10, 2021

    Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption

    Since Nov. 3rd, one particular line has been repeated almost to the point of becoming a meme: “There will never be another honest election in this country.” I’ve seen it in a dozen articles I’ve worked on for AT, and at lea...

  • January 28, 2021

    A New Party: Recipe for Failure

    A major theme among conservatives over the past few weeks is that “Donald Trump should start a new party” – the American Conservative party, the American Patriot party, or something similar. The impulse behind this is understanda...

  • January 20, 2021

    The Glass-Jawed Party

    Somebody needs to explain to me why conservatives are so defeatist. It never fails. A setback occurs, and rather than rolling their sleeves and getting to work, they collapse into bawling, whining puddles. They’re like a glass-jawed boxer wh...

  • December 21, 2020

    Fighting On

    So Mitch McConnell thinks it’s over. We need to congratulate Biden (whom I have taken to calling “President Asterisk”), forget everything, put it all behind us, and move on. According to Mitch, the greatest political crime in Americ...

  • November 11, 2020

    The Deep State starts racing for the exits

    Tuesday greeted us with the long awaited response from A.G. William Barr, who at last ordered the vast force at his disposal — oh, so slowly and reluctantly, it appears — to begin investigating the snowballing reports of vote fraud a...

  • November 6, 2020

    What we mean when we say 'Democrat'

    For those of you with doubts that the Democrats would attempt to bring off something as grotesque, unlawful, and simply indecent as what they're trying to do with the 2020 campaign (and yes, I know you're out there), keep in mind that this is...

  • November 6, 2020

    What you can do to stop the electoral coup

    Dick Morris, as might be expected, has hit on an interesting, and perhaps crucial, element concerning the attempted electoral coup. It seems that virtually all the battleground states — Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisco...

  • November 2, 2020

    Donald Trump and the Mandate of Heaven

    The Mandate of Heaven is a concept that goes back a long way: The Chinese philosophical concept of the circumstances under which a ruler is allowed to rule. Good rulers would be allowed to rule with the Mandate of heaven, and despotic,...

  • July 25, 2020

    The 'Unhyphenated American' is gone

    AT readers will be shocked to learn of the passing of Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party icon, prolific AT contributor, and conservative activist extraordinaire.  Lloyd proudly called himself "the unhyphenated American." Lloyd suffered an...

  • July 8, 2020

    The Left and Borglum's Legacy

    Thanks to the tenor of the times, Donald Trump’s epochal 4th of July address has, despite his own intentions and the impact of his words, put the crosshairs on Mount Rushmore. Though it has gained momentum in recent days, the campaign to deg...

  • July 5, 2020

    Walking Lincoln's Road

    On this weekend, in the midst of an attempted revolution of halfwits, when the visage of Lincoln has once again been thrust before our eyes, I’m reminded of a bit of history I came across several years ago. In the 1930s, as part of the Depre...

  • June 26, 2020

    The Left Craps Out

    There are plenty of leftists swaggering these days. Cities have blazed, municipal and state governments have been humiliated, police forces are cowering, mighty corporations are trampling each other to apologize for things they had absolutely nothing...

  • May 23, 2020

    Turning nursing homes into extermination sites: the Gretchen factor

    We’re finally getting a clear picture of exactly how the beating of a 75-year-old nursing home patient by a man nearly one-quarter his age came about. And boy, it is a shocker. It turns out that victim and perp were sent to the Westwood Nurs...

  • February 13, 2020

    Heightening the Contradictions

    Much conservative writing about communism being published today amounts to little more than nostalgia reading. It seems that every year we see yet another of the endless line of books dealing with either the Red Era in Hollywood or the glories of Joe...

  • January 9, 2020

    Trump Unbound

    One major point is being overlooked concerning the “impeachment”: now that the impeachment weapon has been unsheathed, and swung, and shattered into myriad pieces without so much as scratching its target, the Dems have absolutely nothing ...

  • January 3, 2020

    2019: The Left Goes Over the Edge

    The left has always been a movement in danger of going straight over the edge. You can see it in the rhetoric, the agenda, the public behavior, and the quality of people it attracts. Many of us have been waiting for years for it to blow up like a Sov...

  • December 31, 2019

    The West Freeway Church video

    Following the shooting at the West Freeway Church of Christ, a video of the event was briefly released by the church.  The footage was heavily edited and did not show the shootings themselves, but only the buildup and the consequences....

  • November 11, 2019

    E. Jean Carroll's second act

    We sometimes forget how large a role sheer ego plays in leftist posturing, but somebody always appears to remind us. The latest is E. Jean Carroll, who had her first brush with fame after going public with a completely convincing and utterly reali...

  • November 7, 2019

    Killer Greens

    How is it that the most compassionate, most tolerant, most caring people in the world are so eager to start killing? There’s scarcely a single program suggested by the left that wouldn’t result in the deaths of large numbers of people ...

  • October 31, 2019

    The F-35 prevails

    In the past, it was generally the case that attacks on U.S. weapons systems came from the Left.  Numerous useful weapons, including the AGM-65 Maverick, the M-1 Abrams, the M-2 Bradley, the B-1 Lancer, the AGM-86 ALCM, and the MGM-31 Pershi...

  • October 30, 2019

    Cracks in the impeachment wall

    Is the solid Democratic front in favor impeachment beginning to crumble?  It's probably more correct to say that it never existed at all. We got two clear signs this week that rank-and-file enthusiasm for the Pelosi/Schiff effort to ...

  • October 29, 2019

    Boot, meet mouth... again

    Kneejerk #NeverTrumper Max Boot monopolized the bottom of the cesspool in his response to the successful raid that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, easily edging out Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and the rest  of his media peers. In his response to ...

  • October 28, 2019

    Fear strikes deep into the woke

    An interesting portrayal of the leftist mentality, particularly as regards matters involving President Trump, can be found on the left-wing site Medium. It's not often we get a clear picture of how leftists actually think.  The messa...

  • October 28, 2019

    How the Democrats are like mushrooms

    Adam Schiff is learning more about the high price of his impeachment posturing every day, it seems. Schiff was one of a number of congressmen who were not notified of the impending raid against ISIS that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr...

  • October 24, 2019

    Gaetz vs. Schiff, The Sequel

    Following the attacks that Matt Gaetz endured last week over his attempt to shed some sunlight on Adam Schiff's "secret" impeachment hearings, the ordinary Republican would have meekly subsided into shamefaced, timid silence. Bu...

  • October 23, 2019

    Dems form lynch mob, the GOP holds the rope

    The usual suspects are indignant, indignant, I tell you, about the fact that President Trump used the term "lynching" in one of his tweets: Donald J. Trump 笨如realDonaldTrump So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Re...

  • October 21, 2019

    Will war return to the Solomons?

    Reports that China seeks a permanent lease of the island of Tulagi in the Solomons is enough to induce chills in any student of history, as much as it would puzzle most of the world. Where are the "Solomons," after all? ...

  • October 20, 2019

    Hillary sounds the alarm

    We now have a clearer grasp of where the Democrats stand as regards accusations of scandal among their own. They won’t talk about Hillary’s emails (that was Bernie in 2016). They won’t talk about Joe and Hunter cashing massive check...

  • October 17, 2019

    Vietnam vs. Dreamworks

    It seems that the People's Republic of Vietnam has pulled the Dreamworks production Abominable from theaters across the long green country. The film featured a map that showed the South China Sea encompassed by the "Nine Da...

  • October 16, 2019

    The candidates debate impeachment...kind of

    As might have been anticipated, yesterday's Democratic presidential debates were used to spotlight the so-called "impeachment" effort against President Trump. The very first question was whether the president should be impeached...

  • October 15, 2019

    Schiff ejects Matt Gaetz

    The impeachment saga jumped another notch in intensity yesterday when Adam Schiff ordered Republican Matt Gaetz out of the Intelligence Committee hearing.  The committee was scheduled to hear testimony from Fiona Hill, a form...

  • October 15, 2019

    Ohio and impeachment

    Yet more bad news for the impeachment mob, from Axios, of all places.  Staffer Alexi McCammond chaired a focus group of 11 Ohioans concerning the "impeachment inquiry."  She discovered that the majority of them stro...

  • October 14, 2019

    The California blackouts and solar power

    One valuable lesson has been learned from the California blackouts concerning the greens' vaunted solar power. People with solar panels fitted to their homes have long acted under the impression that these granted them some immunity to blackou...

  • October 14, 2019

    Rashida and the law

    It seems that the charming and attractive Rashida Talib is still running off at the mouth about arresting people — specifically, administration officials who refuse to respond to the House's "impeachment" subpoenas. According t...

  • October 13, 2019

    The cold war's Greta Thunberg

    It appears that major media are now boo-hooing because Greta Thunberg, child goddess and planetary savior, has been cheated out of her rightful Nobel in favor of some interloper who merely worked for peace between two nations that had been at sword...

  • October 12, 2019

    The incredible shrinking whistleblower

    House Democrats are now demanding that the "whistleblower" be allowed to testify by letter.  This marks another step forward in the impeachment narrative.  Yesterday it was from behind a curtain with the voice artif...

  • October 12, 2019

    Minnesota legislator supports Antifa rioters

    It turns out that a Minnesota politician was seen supporting the Antifa rioters who attempted to disrupt President Trump's speech in Minneapolis Thursday night. There's been some speculation that Ilhan (Omar) Elmi was there ...

  • October 12, 2019

    Trump comes out swinging

    As he did Thursday night in Minnesota, President Trump came out swinging in Lake Charles, Louisiana on Friday. The Democrats' policies are crazy, their politicians are corrupt, their candidates are terrible, and they know they can't...

  • October 11, 2019

    There's stupidity, and then there's the Democrats

    There's a first-rate adage from the notorious French avant-gardist Jean Cocteau that I translate as "stupidity is always astonishing, no matter how many times you deal with it." Cocteau, being French, had plenty of opportunities to t...

  • October 11, 2019

    Who is the whistleblower?

    As regards the identity of the "whistleblower," so-called, a number of names have popped up.  Though none is a certainty, each matches what is known about the perp and who was in a position to make the claims that are contain...

  • October 10, 2019

    The new green era dawns in California

    A blueprint for the deindustrialization of the U.S. is being revealed even now in (you guessed it) California. Beginning early yesterday morning, a series of total power shutoffs by Pacific Gas & Electric began in every county of the Bay Area,...

  • October 10, 2019

    Impeachment mania strikes home

    The toll that impeachment mania is taking on America's equilibrium has become apparent in the polls. According to Paul Bedard, a recent poll by Zogby suggests that likely voters believe that Donald Trump will be impeached and re-elec...

  • October 10, 2019

    Triangulating our 'whistleblower'

    So now we learn that the "whistleblower" (more of a pied piper, you ask me) has "professional ties" with a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.  What does this tell us about this individual? There's a...

  • October 9, 2019

    The cowboy and the president

    The Naked Cowboy was at his customary station yesterday when he looked up to behold no less than the Orange Colossus himself approaching through the Blade Runner glimmer of the new Times Square. The Naked Cowboy is Robert John Burck, a s...

  • October 9, 2019

    The witch unmasked

    Samantha Power is an individual who gives rise to a strange sort of nostalgia: "Remember when the U.S. was represented at the United Nations by the Witch of the Moors?" Power has reappeared from obscurity this week amid questio...

  • October 8, 2019

    The bell tolls for Old Joe

    A poll released by Investor's Business Daily/TIPP reveals that 57% of the respondents approve of an investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden regarding the Ukraine scandal.  Only 37% oppose. The poll, needless to say, concerns ...

  • October 8, 2019

    Minneapolis mayor attempts to toy with Trump, gets fingers burned

    We're getting an indication of what next year's campaign will be like thanks to radical mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis.  According to the Donald Trump for President campaign, Frey is abusing the powers of his office in an attempt t...

  • October 8, 2019

    The cost of impeachment

    According to recent reports, White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has no doubts as to the effect of the Democratic "impeachment" drive. Mulvaney has stated repeatedly in recent White House meetings that he believes that the impe...

  • October 7, 2019

    The Impeachment: Politics as lunacy

    There's plenty that is shocking concerning Impeachment 2019, but perhaps the most appalling element is the sheer ineptness of the thing.  Viewing the effort objectively calls to mind nothing less than a particularly pungent observation ...

  • October 7, 2019

    The Left's last card

    Emoluments, Stormy Daniels, Russia collusion, the Mueller report, impeachment...  The Left has played damn near every card in the deck against Donald Trump to no result whatsoever.  Leftists are getting down to the bottom of the d...

  • October 7, 2019

    Rashida spills the beans

    I used to know a guy who grew up in the Yugoslavian ghetto of North Jersey, with a childhood spent with only limited contact with anyone outside that community.  He desperately wanted to become a conservative activist and was constantly com...

  • October 6, 2019

    NPR just wants things to be nice

    NPR has apologized for running an interview with Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN). It seems that NPR’s base audience of deracinated, hidebound suburbanite liberals were shocked, -- shocked, I tell you -- that Banks attacked both Adam Schiff and the impeac...

  • October 6, 2019

    Nancy gets a wakeup call

    According to Team Trump, Nancy Pelosi was greeted by at least 300 Trump supporters while attending a fundraiser at the Greenville, South Carolina Hyatt Regency on Friday. The Speaker was confronted by a sea of MAGA caps, “Impeach Pelosi...

  • October 5, 2019

    Nancy in the swamp of despond

    It's becoming clearer that Nancy Pelosi's half-clever ploy of unilaterally declaring that an impeachment "inquiry" was in progress is backfiring in a big way. At first, it seemed that this was a smart move — by simply stati...

  • October 5, 2019

    The pressure gets to Joe

    Joe Biden has committed one of the cardinal sins for a politician on the campaign trail: he lashed out at a reporter. While speaking at a Service Employees International Union (SEIU — AKA the DNC Thugs Union) summit yesterday, Bide...

  • October 5, 2019

    Ukraine takes off the gloves

    In a story scarcely noticed by Our Honest Media™, the Ukraine prosecutor's office has announced that it is reviewing closed investigations into Burisma, the company that employed Hunter Biden for his vast expertise in fossil fuels and inter...

  • October 4, 2019

    A new GOP comes out swinging

    One way the Democrats could fulfill their dream of crippling President Trump (as opposed to simply running him out of office) would be to stampede the Republicans, to send them running wild-eyed for shelter from shouted accusations and piercing rays ...

  • October 4, 2019

    Little Kamala and the cold hard world

    A touching sob story has been making the rounds concerning Kamala Harris this week. It seems that little Kamala was once told by her teachers that she was very special, and that someday, she would be president.  But now, it has dawned on...

  • October 4, 2019

    Maxine Waters learns about life

    This week we have yet one more example of the total lack of self-knowledge that often accompanies a political career. Madame Maxine Waters, who represents South Central L.A. from somewhere else in the city, complains that she can no longer "g...

  • July 31, 2019

    Master of the Tweet

    Now that the threat of impeachment has dwindled away to nothing, the time has come to clear the decks for 2020 by removing all further impediments, obstacles, and annoyances from the path of Donald Trump. A crucial part of this effort will be closing...

  • June 10, 2019

    Waterloo for the National Popular Vote movement?

    AT readers don’t need to be introduced to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, the desperation measure concocted by the Democrats in an effort to make an end run around the Electoral College by pledging states to abide by the popular v...

  • March 20, 2019

    Beto chows down

    Back in the 1940s, Robert A. Heinlein, the "Dean of American science fiction writers," put together an outline of American history for the next two hundred years.  It was basically a framework on which to hang a number of related ...

  • January 25, 2019

    Lincoln Memorial and the Pashas of the Right

    We're sweeping past the Lincoln Memorial incident without adequately dealing with one of its crucial outcomes: the abject failure of traditional conservative media. In fact, it's twice in the past two weeks that conservative media, instead...

  • January 11, 2019

    Against AOC

    Over the past week or so, it's become common to see the new Solon, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, referred to as "AOC," exactly as if she were as important and notable as other initials-only figures such as JFK and FDR.  In the pas...

  • January 9, 2019

    The Myth of China as Superpower

    Back in the days of the Cold War, much was said about the titanic power of the Soviet Union.  The USSR, we were told, was a superpower the equal of the United States, possibly even superior.  This meme was spread by lefties w...

  • January 2, 2019

    Mark Felt and the 'Collusion' Conspiracy

    One strange element of the attempted coup against Donald Trump is that no one involved has brought up the name of W. Mark Felt. Or perhaps that’s not so strange. Mark Felt is a unique figure in American history, an FBI official who actually ...

  • November 6, 2018

    Vlad's aircraft carrier

    We have a new candidate for world's unluckiest ship – Russia's Admiral Kuznetsov. There's an old urban legend concerning a ship called the HMS Friday.  The story claims that during the 19th century, the R...

  • October 11, 2018

    The Left's Next Big Thing

    Fresh off getting their britches kicked over the Kavanaugh nomination, the American left has come up with yet another scheme to stymie the GOP and strangle the MAGA program in its cradle. This is the product of John Burton, an Obama acolyte and po...

  • October 10, 2018

    Lessons Learned: The GOP Weak Links

    There is one single major cause for the chaos surrounding Republican SCOTUS confirmations over the past thirty years – the fulcrum for the entire exercise of humiliating conservative judges.  It's not the Democrats, it's not t...

  • October 8, 2018

    Grassley Victorious

    During the battle over the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, we heard a lot of praise for Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and even George W. Bush for their handling of the crisis, all for good reason. What we need to hear now is a round of applaus...

  • October 2, 2018

    The Three Lies of Christine Blasey Ford

    The great solon Richard Blumenthal, hero of An Loc, Ia Drang, Khe Sanh, Hue, and Tet, has explained to us that “Who lies in one instance, lies in all.” Blumenthal was referring to Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who hasn’t lied about anyt...

  • August 6, 2018

    'Democrat' vs. 'Democratic'

    There's a trend toward writers and commentators reframing the Democratic Party as the "Democrat" Party.  It's seen often in right-of-center commentary, particularly on the internet.  At AT we see it in potential ...

  • July 8, 2018

    America's Junk Weapons

    Leftist thinking is so pervasive that it often slips into conservative thought without anybody being aware of it. (No? How about “capitalism,” or “HUAC”?) One such case involves U.S. defense policy, specifically U.S. vs. Sovie...

  • July 6, 2018

    The Opportunities of Socialism

    "That's not a problem – it's an opportunity." That's a line attributed to Curtis E. LeMay, a man who ran into a lot of opportunities and solved them all.  It's one of the class of quotes that serves to put...

  • June 8, 2018

    AT vs. the Nazis

    We've had several critical responses over the past few days to our new policy of curtailing comments on articles dealing with Israel, Jewish interests, the Holocaust, and related matters. Over the past few years, neo-Nazis, white supremacists,...

  • June 6, 2018

    Wrapping It Up

    How long will the "Russian collusion" circus continue imploding before it reaches critical mass and leaves nothing but wreckage across the liberal D.C. landscape? At this point, no other outcome is conceivable.  Any hope that t...

  • May 2, 2018

    That's one for The Hill

    It seems that The Hill, one of the country's leading political reportage sites, has notified the White House Correspondents' Association that it will no longer take part in the association's annual dinner. The Hill, which has pa...

  • May 2, 2018

    'Blue China' and the next war

    As public attention is focused on important matters involving Stormy or Kanye, the next world-class conflict is ramping up, almost unnoticed, in the South China Sea. China has laid claim to the South China Sea as its own territory for over eighty ...

  • May 2, 2018

    Science fiction goes PC

    Over at PJ Media, Megan Fox (whom I would never have taken for an S.F. fan – too pleasant and too well balanced) informs us that author Jon Del Arroz is filing a lawsuit in response to being banned from WorldCon last year. ...

  • April 27, 2018

    Over at YouTube, cartel hit men, si – conservatives, no

    Just to put the social media problem vis-à-vis conservatives into perspective: Early this week, a Mexican rapper named Christian Omar Palma Gutierrez, stage name "QBA," confessed to prosecutors in Jalisco state, Mexico that h...

  • April 24, 2018

    Senator Paul speaks

    There's nothing new about senators making bizarre excuses for their actions (or lack of such) on the floor.  But Rand Paul's reason for changing his vote on the Mike Pompeo nomination pioneers new heights in absurdity. In a p...

  • April 24, 2018

    Broward deputies man up

    In the wake of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting of last February, when the Broward Sheriff's Department stood to one side in fear and trembling while the demented Nikolas Cruz shot up the school (killing 17 people), Broward deputies have...

  • April 24, 2018

    The S-400 strikes out

    The past few days have revealed yet more evidence of the failure of one of Vladimir Putin's world-beating whiz-bangs – the S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft system. The S-400 is a supposedly state-of-the-art SAM system capable of knocking down ...

  • April 18, 2018

    Vlad Unveils the Death Star

    It's always interesting when two apparently unrelated elements of the political world collide to shed light on a third, also seemingly unrelated element. That's what happened last weekend during the missile strikes against Assad's nerve-g...

  • March 19, 2018

    Sessions makes his move

    Back in 2011, the indomitable Peter Schweizer published Throw Them All Out, a detailed examination of political corruption as it is actually practiced in the halls of Congress. In his investigation, Schweizer found one single member of Congre...

  • March 13, 2018

    Bring out your dead

    Years ago, Tom Wolfe published a funny piece dealing with the reappearance during the Summer of Love of diseases never seen in the modern epoch.  Wolfe's overall term for these disorders was, if I recall correctly, "The Crud....

  • January 3, 2018

    The Left's 1942

    Nineteen forty-two was the critical year of WWII.  During that year, four battles were fought that turned the fortunes of war in favor of the Allies.  At the beginning of the year, the Allies, reeling from the collapse of France and the ens...

  • January 2, 2018

    Failed before It Began: The Great Sexual Harassment Revolution

    The great Sexual Harassment Panic of 2017 is at last dying down.  We can safely look at a screen without being overwhelmed by stories in which yet another loser – or more than one – has been outed for mistreating or exploiting women....

  • December 27, 2017

    Irving Berlin, white supremacist

    There's an interesting gloss on the blog item by John Washington today concerning the fact that leftists, represented by Newsweek writer Christina Maza, are losing their collective minds over the phrase "White Christmas." T...

  • December 18, 2017

    Mueller goes over the cliff

    With the news that his people illegally obtained the Trump transition emails – many of them having no conceivable bearing on his "inquiry" – Robert Mueller's investigation proceeds even farther into disintegration....

  • November 20, 2017

    What General Hyten really said

    Considerable uproar was generated this past weekend by legacy media reports that the commander of U.S. strategic forces would "resist 'illegal' nuke order from Trump," as CBS, in a headline echoed by most media sources, put it....

  • November 7, 2017

    The Revolution Has Been Postponed

    November 4th has come and gone. The country is still in chaos. Fighting continues in most urban areas. The 1st Transgender Mechanized Division has taken Washington and the black Antifa flag flies over the ruins of the Capitol. Donald Trump has fled i...

  • November 3, 2017

    The Left's Long Goodbye

    The left has endured two further body blows in recent weeks. The first, of course, is the revelation that the infamous” Russian “dossier” was ordered and paid for by Hillary and the DNC. The second is the fact that Tony Podesta...

  • October 18, 2017

    The Left's Last Spasm

    As far as anybody knows, the November 4th revolution/tantrum/jamboree planned by Antifa and its associate organizations remains on schedule. The “Opposition” – Antifa, the John Brown Clubs, Refuse Fascism, and assorted other scraps ...

  • August 24, 2017

    The Left Arms Up: John Brown Clubs

    The John Brown Clubs are gun clubs for leftists affiliated with Redneck Revolt, an outfit in turn affiliated with Antifa (they marched with the other Antifa gangs in Charlottesville). Redneck Revolt was founded to agitate among rural working-class wh...

  • August 17, 2017

    RefuseFascism unmasked

    Thanks to an alert AT reader, we now have photographic evidence that one of the organizations behind the threat of an Antifa "uprising" on November 4 was in fact active in the Charlottesville riot last weekend. The photograph below was t...

  • August 16, 2017

    Big Plans on the Hard Left for November 4

    One thing overlooked in the uproar over Charlottesville is that this was, evidently, merely a dress rehearsal for a much larger-scale effort planned for this Autumn.  Activist groups on the left evidently have something big in store for November...

  • July 21, 2017

    Greenland turns against Mother Gaia

    We've all heard it endlessly: the Arctic ice is melting.  It will soon be open water, and the surrounding islands bare rock.  The Northwest Passage, which lured hundreds to their doom during the Age of Exploration, will at last be a rea...

  • July 21, 2017

    Doubling down on leftism

      The Democrats – and the left in general – are exactly like the Bourbons: they learn nothing, and they forget nothing. The latest evidence of this is the anointing of Kamala Harris as Dem frontrunner for 2020.  Accor...

  • July 21, 2017

    A milestone for...something

    It seems that one of the first "female" applicants to the Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman program, one of the Navy's elite special warfare schools, may in fact be a male "transsexual." According to Military.com: ...

  • July 21, 2017

    Great ideas in entertainment

    This is one of those stories that truly and simply speaks for itself: Lena Dunham joins 'American Horror Story' Season 7 The 31-year-old actress has officially joined season seven of the FX anthology series. Ryan Murphy announced the ...

  • July 20, 2017

    Trump vs. the NAACP

    The NAACP is wailing to the heavens in response to President Trump's refusal to attend the organization's 108th national convention in Baltimore next weekend. The NAACP is nonpartisan, the spokesmen indignantly cry.  It serves th...

  • July 20, 2017

    The new Hollywood terror

    Hollywood is running in fear.  Fear of a kind not seen since the years of the '50s witch hunt.  In the past few days, filmmakers have confessed that there is one national leader they dare not deal with in their pictures. This is a ru...

  • June 15, 2017

    Antifa terrorism

    A day after the attempt to decimate the GOP congressional delegation, we have yet to hear a word about the close resemblance between the behavior of the American left and the tactics of the Islamic jihadis. In the late '90s, there was a fierce...

  • February 27, 2017

    RIP, Movement Conservatism

    Among his other accomplishments, Donald Trump, without ever intending to, has fractured conservatism – something that was long overdue. The American conservative movement has come quite a distance since the middle of the last century, from a...

  • November 11, 2016

    Thanks to Trump, America Dodged the Bullet

    It may well be true that Donald Trump has made his greatest contribution to the nation before even taking office:  the political destruction of Hillary Clinton and her infinitely corrupt machine. It’s difficult to grasp how much damage...

  • January 13, 2016

    Curtailing Jihad

    We’ve established that the current U.S. government is not capable of handling the growing threat of Islamist “Lone Wolf” attacks, and that the grassroots public is the best approach to curtailing the threat. Curtailing Jihadi act...

  • January 12, 2016

    Countering the Contemporary Theory of Violent Jihad

    We’ve established that the current U.S. government is not capable of handling the growing threat of Islamist “Lone Wolf” attacks. How do we respond in a manner worthy of our heritage as free citizens? We need first to unders...

  • January 11, 2016

    The Federal Failure to Counter Jihad

    With the incidents of the past two months, ranging from San Bernardino to Merced to Rochester, we now know that we are essentially unprotected from terrorist attacks. What San Bernardino amounted to is that government fumbled the ball and then ref...

  • December 29, 2015

    The Left's Retreat to Fantasy

    The left’s slide into irrationality in recent years should come as no surprise. There is no way the ideology – in particular regarding its record – can be rationally defended any longer. Virtually every claim made by the left has be...

  • December 14, 2015

    A.F. Branco's 'Comically Incorrect'

    Cartoonist A.F. Branco, who has delighted and enlightened AT readers for years, has published a coffee table book collecting some of his greatest hits. Tony says: “I don’t have a huge media mega force to promote my new book to...

  • December 7, 2015

    Obama Versus the Separation of Powers

    One virtue possessed by all bad presidents, whether they’re evil, venal, lazy, or incompetent, is that they always reveal the weakness of the political system at the time of their tenure. In this, Obama is no different than any other bozo that ...

  • December 4, 2015

    The Alpha Male at Bay

    Filmmakers sometimes hit the exact correct symbol to represent an idea. That’s true of John Ford in the final scene of his masterpiece, The Searchers. Ethan Edwards, frontiersman and Civil War veteran, has succeeded in his years-long quest t...

  • November 19, 2015

    The Obamization of the military, pt. 243

    It appears that the New Military is using the campaign against ISIS as an opportunity to rewrite the rules of war – and not in favor of the West. According to Bridget Johnson of PJ Media, actions taken by U.S. forces in the wake of the Paris...

  • November 16, 2015

    Terror: the real solution

    While Europe cowered and whimpered under the lash of the mighty ISIS, it remained for Israel to show them how things should be handled.   On November 10, a Palestinian freedom fighter attempted to address International Zionism by the custo...

  • November 8, 2015

    Carson Unbound

    Now that the media has been routed in its attempt to take down the uppity Dr. Ben Carson, It appears that the fallback position is that Carson “lost it” while refuting the West Point “exposé”. The incident in questio...

  • September 4, 2015

    A Brief History of White Privilege

    Like most PC concepts, “white privilege” has never been adequately defined. Quite deliberately so -- the idea is to have a concept so elastic and amorphous that it can be stretched to cover any given situation, distorted through multiple ...

  • August 31, 2015

    A question of names

    We've been told that Obama has taken it upon himself, apropos of nothing, to rechristen Mt. McKinley, named after a president murdered by a crazed terrorist, by its original native name, "Denali." What I want to know is how...

  • August 29, 2015

    Gay crime and the media

    The legacy media has twisted itself through several dimensions in in its effort to hide the fact that murderer Vester Flanagan/Bryce Williams was gay. This is typical of the media response to violent crimes by homosexuals in recent years.  Re...

  • August 29, 2015

    Bernie channels Donald

    It appears that Bernie Sanders, the little-known Socialist presidential front-runner, has taken it upon himself to lecture the Democrats on why they lose elections. In a speech to the DNC, Sanders, who hails from the People’s Republic of Bur...

  • August 29, 2015

    A strange plea from the bluegrass country

    A county clerk in Rowan County, Kentucky has capped her refusal to issue homosexual marriage licenses with a plea to the Supreme Court.  Kim Davis late this week filed an emergency petition asking the Supreme Court to put a hold on a lower-court...

  • August 24, 2015

    Hillary's New Crime

    Hillary Clinton may finally have outdone herself by creating an entirely new offense: commingling information. Commingling funds has a lengthy history as criminal behavior resulting in its being completely banned in any of the fiduciary profession...

  • August 13, 2015

    Haven't We Seen the Trump Saga Before?

    Let me see if I’ve got his straight: There’s a man who is a pure product of the City of New York, one of the great urban cesspools of our time, a borderline third-world metropolis run as a combination nanny state and dictatorship. He i...

  • August 12, 2015

    DIY Democracy

    As might be expected, the attention of legacy media as involves the current Ferguson riots has been focused not on the rioters, but on efforts by the Oath Keepers, described as a “controversial right-wing 'patriot' group,” to prot...

  • July 25, 2015

    The Marriage Circus Comes to Michigan

    Big news from the gay nuptials front comes to us from Michigan, where on July 13 the Rev. Brian Hutchison, pastor of the Cassopolis United Methodist Church, was married to his betrothed, Monty Hutchison, to the approbation of the entire community. ...

  • June 30, 2015

    If I'd known she was gay, I'd have baked a cake

    The other day, a friend of mine informed me of strange doings on my Amazon pages.  Checking the site, I discovered five reviews of my books, all one star, all by the same person – SevenTimesSeven – all nasty and dismissive....

  • June 23, 2015

    Guns, responsibility, and madness

    One thing overlooked in all the commentary over the Charleston church massacre is a factor common to several high-profile crimes of the past few years: the novel and bizarre practice of qualified gun owners and purchasers providing weapons (or opport...

  • June 19, 2015

    Colin Flaherty, American Witness

    George Orwell once wrote that, 'In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.' That being the case, Colin Flaherty is one of the leading revolutionaries of our era. Colin Flaherty needs no introduction to AT readers, wh...

  • June 15, 2015

    Slandering Idaho

    One byproduct of the Rachel Dolezal/Mother Africa uproar has been a revival of the old slur that Idaho is a “racist state,” a welcoming and nurturing environment for neo-Nazis, skinheads, and Klansmen. Dolezal herself was raised in the...

  • June 10, 2015

    Conservatives and the Marriage Debate

    The same-sex “marriage” vote in Ireland marks the largest victory for the LGBT movement thus far.  It’s quite a feather in the gay boa – an apparent success in yanking one of the most heterosexual cultures on Earth out of...

  • June 8, 2015

    Recovering from Obama: Foreign Policy

    It’s difficult to single out the worst aspect of President Obama’s tenure, but certainly his foreign policy is somewhere in the top five. Obama’s approach to foreign relations may be the worst since that of Thomas Jefferson, and is ...

  • May 22, 2015

    These gates are always open

    It has long been a feature of the American political scene that Republicans – self-styled defenders of tradition and protectors of the Way Things Should Be Done – often act as the rear guard of the revolutionary process, assuring that cha...

  • May 22, 2015

    Fiorina pays up

    The revelation that Carly Fiorina took four years to pay off twelve workers from her 2010 Senate campaign is one of those small nonpolitical icebergs that sink large political careers. It seems that Fiorina owed substantial money (over $500,000 in...

  • May 22, 2015

    De Blasio drug brainstorm

    Liberals have long been notorious for convoluted, over-elaborate “solutions” to fairly straightforward problems.  Often, these are derived from bureaucratic processes and can’t be explained in any rational sense.  The enti...

  • May 20, 2015

    Jerry Hough's walk of shame

    One thing unmentioned in the “controversy,” I guess the term is, over Jerry Hough’s remarks concerning black separatism is his lengthy history as an apologist for the Soviet Union. Jerry Hough is a man who spent much of his caree...

  • May 4, 2015

    Terror strike against Muhammad exhibit defeated

    An apparent terrorist attack yesterday on the Muhammad Art Exhibit in Garland, Texas, sponsored by longtime AT contributor Pamela Geller, was defeated when the attackers were shot to death by local police. The exhibit was organized by Geller in de...

  • April 29, 2015

    Hillary, the Loser

    Hillary has already lost one presidential campaign. This fact was stuffed down the memory hole so fast that it took a large number of political commentators along with it. How else do we explain how, in all the discussions of the upcoming election...

  • April 14, 2015

    Missiles for the Mullahs

    The latest shoe to drop concerning the great Washington/Tehran pact of 2015 (honest to God, this thing has more legs than a centipede) involves a shipment of advanced SAM missiles from Russia. It appears that Vladimir Putin, that man of peace, has au...

  • March 31, 2015

    Hillary Agonistes

    Hillary is not going to run for president. Oh, she may put her name up. But run, as in the sense of actually campaigning, that’s another story altogether. There’s a line from the first Godfather that’s always stuck in my mind. So...

  • March 11, 2015

    Does Hillary pay mooks?

    While reading about the Divine Hillary’s press conference yesterday, one particular line caught my eye: Clinton’s 30-something campaign manager-in-waiting, Robby Mook, who has been frantically helping to coordinate the pushback ...

  • February 25, 2015

    When 'Weather' turns to 'Climate'

    The country is enduring yet another bout of brutal cold courtesy of the North Pole Express, AKA the polar vortex. Warmists dismiss this as “weather”, which only begs the question as to when “weather” becomes “climate...

  • February 13, 2015

    Marquette at the Crossroads

    An interesting confluence of events occurred this week that will probably fly under the media radar. Ben Cohen reports that Marquette University has begun proceedings aimed at depriving political science professor John McAdams of tenure – an...

  • February 5, 2015

    Brian Williams's Passive Voice

    As reported here by Clarice Feldman, Brian Williams is in trouble.  Over the years, Williams has claimed that an essentially pedestrian frontline assignment during the Second Iraq War in truth found him to be a veritable Hillary, at the center o...

  • January 30, 2015

    Pedophilia and the American Future

    Jeffrey Epstein is back in the news at last. Epstein is a Florida-based hedge-fund manager who, having raked in billions, used his money and his organizational skills to set up an international pedophile network, shipping young girls by private plane...

  • January 28, 2015

    The Elites bow to Mecca

    The aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre has confirmed something widely suspected: this country’s elites have no interest in defeating terrorism. Out of the 17 people murdered by Jihadi thugs in Paris, four were cops and four were innocen...

  • January 28, 2015

    Putin can see Wrangel Island from his house

    Wrangel Island is a godforsaken patch of land several hundred miles north of the Arctic Circle between the Chukchi and East Siberian seas.  The closest mainland is Northern Siberia. While a number of people visited the island over the years, ...

  • January 23, 2015

    The President as Pest

    With the SOTU behind us, what’s left for Obama in his lame duck years? Looking at his record, it’s difficult to see any promise of accomplishment. His entire tenure has been one vast Gobi of negative achievement unparalleled in the his...

  • January 7, 2015

    Obama Condemns Paris Tragedy, Heads for the Links

    Barack Obama has once again astonished the world with the swiftness of his response to today's Charlie Hebdo shootings. The White House statement was swift, incisive, and to the point: I strongly condemn the horrific shooting at the offic...

  • January 2, 2015

    The Left's Base Motive: Vengeance

    American leftism has gotten an awful lot of mileage by monopolizing the moral high ground. It is the sole force in American that favors the poor. The sole enemy of racism. The sole comforter of rape victims.  The sole protector of defenseless Mu...

  • December 22, 2014

    Gangbangers Unbound

    Rafael Ramos and Wenjin Liu died because of the campaign to vilify police. Even as the events of Ferguson begin to fade, the campaign it helped engender rolls on, with new reports of demonstrations and protests appearing almost daily. Last week Carol...

  • November 15, 2014

    Lena Dunham, Gay Rights Pioneer

    One thing being overlooked in the Lena Dunham uproar is the fact that it represents the next step in the normalization of child abuse.  This is a campaign that goes back a long, long way, to the establishment of NAMBLA and Eve Ensler’s The...

  • November 15, 2014

    Lasers Go to Sea

    A new era of warfare crept in on little cat feet this week, unnoticed by the world at large: the U.S. Navy announced the deployment of its first combat laser to the Persian Gulf. Since last August, the amphibious transport USS Ponce has been armed...

  • November 14, 2014

    Fracking Unbound

    The Energy Department has once again lowered its prediction for the price of gas next year.  For 2015, the price will remain in the range of $2.94, a full 44 cents lower than the department’s most recent prediction last month. This is o...

  • November 12, 2014

    Progressivism's Last Call

    The 2014 midterms were more than an average election. They were more than simply a rejection of Obama and his schemes, more than a flogging for the Democrats, more than a simple party shift like 1994. Put aside control of both Senate and House, a nea...

  • November 6, 2014

    The Ebola Presidency

    Whatever else may occur, from fizzle to pandemic, the Ebola and Enterovirus D68 outbreaks have gone a long way toward destroying the myth of Obama as omnipotent mastermind. This has been a long-term conservative preoccupation, something of the fli...

  • November 6, 2014

    The Space Cadet Flames Out

    Amidst the jubilation over Tuesday’s results is hidden a warning to RINOS: the defeat of Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett by Democrat Tom Wolf. Corbett’s defeat is virtually the only blemish in a nationwide gubernatorial sweep by GOP ...

  • October 21, 2014

    Our Hundred Years' War

    All the commentaries about ISIS and the campaign against it, whether coming from the left, right, or middle, overlook the basic nature of the conflict: the fact that this is a thirty -- if not a hundred -- years’ war. Barack Obama, the presi...

  • September 25, 2014

    Johnny Cougar Lays it all Down

    So old Johnny Cougar has been heard from for about the first time in this century. He wants us to know that he too had to deal with racism, that he too suffered, that he too conquered and overcame. In a recent interview, middling rock singer John ...

  • September 23, 2014

    The Dhimmis of Rotherham

    Rotherham has made its splash, had its fifteen minutes and is gone, assuredly with a sigh of relief from the media and politicians on both sides of the big pond. But it left a lot of unanswered questions in its wake, questions that are not going anyw...

  • September 19, 2014

    The American Left and ISIS

    Since the appearance of ISIS, the usual suspects on the left -- those in politics and media in particular  -- have bent over backwards to argue that it has nothing to do Obama, that his silly foreign policy, undergrad strategic considerations, a...

  • July 22, 2014

    Spanking the Elites

    See also: My Brief Response to Dana Loesch, Fireworks flew yesterday with Dana Loesch I’m the editor here at AT who handled M Catharine Evans’ “Americans Protest Illegals as High-Profile Conservatives Pander,” the piece tha...

  • June 18, 2014

    Obama's Last Card

    With the ongoing collapse of Iraq, the endgame for the worst foreign policy in American history has begun. It is no less than astonishing to glance over the foreign policy errors made by the Obama administration since 2009. в—Џ The deliberate a...

  • June 12, 2014

    Brat Flusters the Establishment

    The dust hasn’t settled from the downfall of Eric Cantor and David Brat is already receiving “directives “. Two op-eds, both courtesy of the NY Sun, appeared on the dawn of the primary congratulating Brat, declaring that he was v...

  • June 2, 2014

    A Typical Democrat

    The arrest of the "Frisco Bomber", Ryan Kelly Chamberlain II, raises quite a few questions. Was this case deliberately ramped up to divert attention from the wall-to-wall fiasco of the Taliban-Bergdahl trade? And even if not, exactly how mu...

  • May 22, 2014

    How Conservatives Can Defeat the Media

    One unavoidable truth that must be faced regarding the media and 2014 is this: the American media has the conservatives’ number.  They know exactly where the blind spots are, which are the most sensitive points, and how to do the most dama...

  • May 2, 2014

    Janice Hahn, Abortion Congresswoman

    According to Janice Hahn’s own words, she got up and stalked out of the National Prayer Day ceremonies (after creating an uproar) for one reason: because James Dobson called Obama “the abortion president”. By leaving in a huff, Hahn...

  • May 1, 2014

    <em>Roe</em> and Gay Marriage

    Behold a runaway judiciary.  One that is forcing an unwanted socio-sexual innovation in violation of tradition, religious values, and simple logic on the country at large, with the support of media, academic, and political elites with no evident...

  • April 30, 2014

    Donald Sterling, Defender of Freedom

    The penalty given Donald Sterling by the NBA – a $2.5 million fine, lifetime ban from all NBA games and practices, complete isolation from the Clippers -- is undoubtedly the most severe ever handed down to anybody for a remark made in the priva...

  • April 28, 2014

    Why It's Okay to Hate Cliven Bundy

    It has become clear that Cliven Bundy was transgressed by the New York Times, his words taken out of context and retailed in such a way as to mean something they were not. Bundy is no racist, and the attempt to make him look like one is another step ...

  • April 28, 2014

    Obama among Friends

    Ironies have come thick and fast during the Obama occupation, but seldom as thick as this: while a guest of one of the most racist nations on the face of the earth, Barack Obama has found it convenient to berate a private American citizen for racism....

  • April 24, 2014

    Burning Babies

    It’s not widely known that the Nazis used human beings as fuel for the ovens of their death camps. Body fat will burn adequately, and the Nazis had a surplus in the form of overweight individuals newly arrived at the camps. A few of these unfor...

  • April 23, 2014

    Obama is Bursting the Left's Bubbles

    Early 2014 will be viewed historically as the period when most of the American left’s bubbles detached themselves completely from reality and wafted off to Unicornland. Everyone, without exception, lives in a bubble, an area of individual co...

  • February 24, 2014

    Weapons Failure in Afghanistan?

    The recent uproar concerning the performance of the U.S. Army's M-4 rifle in Afghanistan recalls -- as perhaps it was intended to -- the controversy surrounding the introduction of its parent weapon, the Colt M-16, during the Vietnam War. Operations...

  • February 12, 2014

    Obama's Fate

    It's no surprise that Barack Obama's authoritarian streak is revealing itself at last. It was always there; clearly apparent in his rhetoric (e.g., his envy of Chinese president Xi Jin-ping's powers), his abuse of executive orders, his threats agains...

  • January 20, 2014

    Obama vs. Obama

    A major peculiarity of Obama's recent promises involving his upcoming "Year of Action" is that the chief enemy he's sworn to overcome is none other than... Barack Obama. Consider "income inequality." As far as this can be said to actually exist,...

  • January 19, 2014

    Deflating Christie

    The Democrats, along with the media, appear to think that they've struck a mighty blow in the preparations for Hillary's 2016 "coronation" in taking down Chris Christie. (And he has been taken down -- the accusation from Mayor Dawn Zimmer of Hoboken ...

  • January 1, 2014

    The Progressive Agenda Crashes into Complexity

    There's some irony in the fact that ObamaCare is hitting the wall at the precise moment that the incandescent bulb is being yanked off the market by government fiat -- but not as much as you might think. Their origins were quite distinct in time -- ...

  • December 26, 2013

    Indiana Stands Up

    Evidence continues to amass that 2013 was the year the left went a step too far. Along with near-universal defiance of ObamaCare's various "mandates" and the belated but effective blowback against the gay thought police occasioned by Phil Robertson's...

  • December 20, 2013

    Walker 2, Unions 0

    It seems that the unions had good reason to fear Scott Walker. In news that is unlikely to receive wide play in the legacy media, it appears that a number of Wisconsin unions failed to achieve recertification as a result of year-end member votes. T...

  • December 17, 2013

    Obama's Fall from Grace

    Reportage of last week's Nelson Mandela funeral reveals clearly enough that President Obama has reached the point in his tenure where everything ceases to go right -- when even the most serious and determined efforts deteriorate into a hash, or worse...

  • November 20, 2013

    Obama vs. Liberalism

    The conservative attitude toward Obama has largely been a mirror image of that of the left. To liberals, Obama is the ideal vision of Liberal Man -- the Lightbringer, the new FDR in a darker shade,who will right all wrongs, set the U.S. firmly on a p...

  • November 10, 2013

    ObamaCare finds its Level

    ObamaCare promotion has now sunk to the lowest level conceivable: fake e-mail "testimonials" blasted out to unrelated comment threads. These are in imitation of the "sister-in-law" employment ads that have infested internet threads since the days of ...

  • November 4, 2013

    A Requiem for 'Cash for Clunkers'

    Just in time to act as an illuminating footnote to the ObamaCare disaster, a study has been released revealing that one of Obama's early "triumphs," Cash for Clunkers, was actually a badly-run flop that accomplished nothing worthwhile at very high co...

  • November 1, 2013

    D.C. Court Backhands ObamaCare

    The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals -- the second most powerful court in the country behind the Supreme Court -- today released a decision that may well act as the killing blow against ObamaCare. Two Ohio businessmen, Francis and Phillip Gilardi, the ...

  • October 23, 2013

    The ObamaCare Black Hole

    One thing that the past few weeks have accomplished is the total destruction of Obama's "towering intellect" persona.   This is one the standard lenses through which Obama is viewed, with differing but complimentary angles from each end of the s...

  • October 22, 2013

    Hollywood and the New Racism

    If you believe press reports, Twelve Years a Slave is undeniably one of the greatest -- perhaps the greatest -- film of 2013. Not due to any skill in filmmaking, which remains to be seen, or audience response -- the film was only released last weeken...

  • October 20, 2013

    Tough but Necessary

    The received wisdom of the shutdown has descended from on high and is now carved in stone and placed above the altar where the chickens are sacrificed: do not start any battles you aren't 150% certain you can win. We've heard this from the Dems, leg...

  • October 12, 2013

    Disappearing Act

    By now the Daily Mail's report that ObamaCare's 8 million-plus visitors has boiled down to a mere 51,000 completed applications has trickled through the villages and market squares of the Republic of Obamastan. But in truth it's even worse than that....

  • October 9, 2013

    Jon Jarvis, Gute Amerikaner

    On the principle of "know your enemy," here's a snapshot of the director of the National Park Service, the man who has been handing on the orders to block aged veterans from their monuments, eject retired couples from their homes, and forbid tourists...

  • October 7, 2013

    Kaitlyn's Last Stand

    This past week brought us news that the squalid Kaitlyn Hunt saga is spiraling down to its inevitable conclusion, with Ms. Hunt, on whose trim little shoulders rode the hopes of the entire LGBT world, finally accepting a plea deal involving jail time...

  • September 30, 2013

    Shutout in Nairobi

    As the fog of combat dissipates from around the Westgate Mall attack, it has become apparent that this is yet another case where the authorities fell apart in the face of the terrorist challenge while alert citizens and tourists saved what there was ...

  • September 26, 2013

    Liberalism and Mass Shootings

    One thing generally overlooked in the uproar over the Washington Navy Yard shooting -- and all other recent mass shootings -- is that guns are being used to shield failed liberal policies. Such policies have been implicated in most, if not all, gun m...

  • September 19, 2013

    Against Racism

    An old ploy of the left is being implemented on the comment threads of this website (and elsewhere) to discredit the honest and open discussion of race relations.   For decades the left has discredited conservatism by its oddballs, benefiting b...

  • September 11, 2013

    Three-and-a-half More Years of Obama!

    So the Syria "crisis" is reaching its culmination.  Syria's WMD's are likely to be placed under the control of its patron, Russia, perhaps even with the cooperation of other disinterested, responsible states such as Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela....

  • September 6, 2013

    The Ruling Elite Settles In

    It has been said a number of times in recent years that the U.S.  is undergoing a period of flux, a state of rapid churning on the political-social level with any number of contradictory trends appearing and vanishing while few permanent changes...

  • August 30, 2013

    Black Leadership and Racial Murder

    The recent explosion of black-on-white vicious and hateful killings -- the murder of thirteen-month-old Antonio Santiago, the shooting of nurse David Santucci in Memphis, the murder of Australian student Chris Lane, the beating death of elderly veter...

  • August 8, 2013

    That Word vs. America

    So Tim Allen has decided to publicly defuse that most egregious of English words: the six-letter one that starts with n and ends with r. Allen is not the first you'd guess would attempt such a thing. He's a distinct example of the nonaggressive type...

  • August 7, 2013

    Cracking the Czars

    As expected, Obama's second term has deteriorated into a welter of scandals unmatched by any previous administration, including those of Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Watergate was a minor scandal that simply grew amid the hothouse of D.C. politics...

  • July 31, 2013

    A Straightforward Verdict

    Yesterday's verdict in the Bradley Manning trial marks a reasonable ending to a sometimes absurdly overblown proceeding. Manning was found guilty on 19 counts, including five counts of espionage. A further penalty phase remains ahead. The media is pl...

  • July 10, 2013

    Conservatives and Snowden

    One of the axioms utilized by H.L. Mencken in analyzing politics in the United States stated that Americans were unable to grasp arguments on their face and instead needed them recast in pure Manichean terms, with the most repellent of devils on...

  • June 17, 2013

    A Warped Prism

    There exists a certain real pathos inherent in the NSA's PRISM program -- and not only because of its attempt to undermine American principles. PRISM, along with its doubtlessly enormous support structure, is based on a worldview that no longer ex...

  • June 13, 2013

    The Quality of Mercy

    One of the elements that makes Western civilization unique is the unspoken recognition that we comprise a brotherhood against death. In the West, no one is allowed to go into the darkness in quietude or with indifference. When a small boat is lost, h...

  • May 28, 2013

    Kaitlyn Hunt, Gay Heroine

    In all that's been said so far about the Florida Juliet & Juliet uproar, very little has been heard concerning the fact that it's a near-perfect example of a left-wing propaganda effort (gay-rights division). The story as widely circula...

  • May 24, 2013

    Obama Talks War

    Obama is at the point in his presidency where nothing is ever going to quite be enough. Most two-term presidents do get there eventually, though the majority reach it in last year or so of their final term. Thanks to circumstance, Obama has gotten th...

  • May 15, 2013

    If Obama had an Uncle...

    Don't tell me the left doesn't survive primarily on luck.  On Friday, April 12, the legacy media was on the ropes.  A spectacular uproar, of a type never before seen, had erupted over media refusal to cover the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the ...

  • May 5, 2013

    Philip K. Dick and Our Predicament

    I've been thinking about Philip K. Dick quite a lot in recent months. Philip K. Dick, for those who pay no attention to such things, is the writer who, without ever expressly intending it, transformed the often shabby and degraded genre of sc...

  • May 2, 2013

    One for the Citizens

    Before we get too far away from the Marathon bombing, it needs to be acknowledged that this was yet another incident in which the average American proved crucial.   It wasn't overweight and aging police Tac squads, lumbering around in their armo...

  • April 19, 2013

    A Name to Live up To

    Tamerlan Tsarnaev, hmm? Tamerlane (properly, Timur the Lame, 1336 -- 1405) just happens to be one of the most brutal conquerors in recorded history. Tamerlane was a 14th-century successor to the khans. He is noted -- if that's the word I'm groping fo...

  • March 27, 2013

    Freaking the Straights on Gay Marriage

    St. Patrick's Day has come and gone, and with it the annual debate over whether open participation by marchers associated with the LGBT (sorry if I forgot an initial there) movement should be allowed to appear. The epicenter of this year's conflict...

  • March 27, 2013

    Mark Kelly's Woes, Pt. 2

    Mark Kelly, former astronaut, spouse to Gabby Giffords, and co-founder of the anti-gun organization called Pay Attention to Us, Inc., or something similar, has been having a rough couple days. No sooner did he curtail his daughter's bulldog's rampage...

  • March 13, 2013

    Citizenship: the Last Word

    Considering the experience that one of its co-authors has concerning electoral matters, today's article by Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison on the eligibility of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, and Bobby Jindal to run for president ought to end the...

  • March 7, 2013

    Alvin Lee 1944 - 2013

    Alvin Lee will be remembered for three things: triggering a short-lived fashion craze for clogs, setting a new standard in popular guitar playing, and writing one of the few politically sensible rock songs. Lee was the lead guitarist and singer of T...

  • February 19, 2013

    How the Left Dupes Conservative Voters

    Too little serious conservative analysis of the 2012 presidential campaign has yet appeared. This is understandable. The results of the election were disheartening to the point of shock. The campaign defied all historical precedent, all commonsense i...

  • January 28, 2013

    Two Good Signs

    Last week, which began miserably enough with the defilement of the Bibles of both President Lincoln and Rev. King in support of a political program neither would have tolerated, ended much better than anyone had any right to expect. As the week wound...

  • December 16, 2012

    Sanitizing Adam Lanza

    Amid all its political correctness and ideological distortion, one thing often overlooked concerning the mainstream media is its essential strangeness, its near-total separation from any behavior, attitudes, or ideas that could be defined as "normal"...

  • November 28, 2012

    Conservatives Must Learn the Dark Arts of Image Manipulation

    Okay, we've had the End of the Republic, the degenerate electorate thesis, and the ritual beating of Mitt Romney. I hope everybody has had their catharsis, because it's time to get serious. It's typical in an election lost by the right for every last...

  • November 20, 2012

    Elections have Consequences #3 (A Continuing Series)

    This past weekend Stryker Corp., a leading medical device and supply manufacturer, announced layoffs of 5% of its workforce as a direct result of ObamaCare. To help finance Obama's historic leap into the glorious collectivist future, medical de...

  • November 15, 2012

    Elections have Consequences: a Continuing Series

    One of a series: Yesterday the markets closed at four-month low, matching levels not seen since June. The Dow Jones Average dropped 185 points (1.5%), to 12,571, the S&P 500 shed 19 points (1.4%,) ending at 1355 and the Nasdaq Composite slum...

  • November 11, 2012

    Elections Have Consequences (a continuing series)

    On Tuesday, November 6, the voters spoke loud and clear, awarding Barack Obama with a second four-year term.  They obviously thought they were going to get something beneficial out of this, though what that might be is a political, economic, and...

  • November 9, 2012

    Squandered Trust

    So the diagnoses are all in -- the voting public has lost its collective mind; they've all been brainwashed by the media; the welfare class has taken over and is now in charge. The downhill slide has begun, and there's nothing to stop it. All that aw...

  • November 6, 2012

    Why Obama Must Go

    One overlooked influence on Barack Obama's political philosophy and governing style (if those are the terms I'm groping for) involves the Islamosocialist dictator typical of Islamic states during the mid-20th century. This class of ruler was washed u...

  • October 30, 2012

    Mitt's Royal Slam

    What's the explanation for Mitt Romney's unparalleled breakout?  A few weeks ago, the Romney campaign was regarded as dead in the water.  The polls (with the exception of Rasmussen) had the campaign uniformly down, giving Obama up to half a...

  • October 17, 2012

    The Moment Obama Folded

    The most single telling moment of Tuesday's debate - and possibly of any of the debates - came early, when Obama attempted to interrupt Romney one time too many. The governor rebuked him, politely but firmly, and Obama simply turned and went back to ...

  • October 4, 2012

    Barack Obama and the Mandate of Heaven

    Forget the polls, forget the focus groups, forget the media.  What is occurring in the campaign of 2012 is simplicity itself: Barack Obama has lost the mandate of heaven. We persist in the illusion (even conservatives, who should be immune to th...

  • June 20, 2012

    Prince of Handouts

    Quite a lot has been said about what Obama's instant amnesty scheme means in the purely procedural sense -- that it's illegal and unconstitutional on its face, all of which is undeniable.  What we haven't heard discussed is what it's actually fo...

  • June 7, 2012

    Grifters on Parade

    The nearly simultaneous exposure of the false claims of Elizabeth Warren to Cherokee ancestry and Obama's to Kenyan nationality is an example of two events that are not quite a pure coincidence.  While each of these episodes is causally unrelate...

  • May 16, 2012

    Obama Invictus

    The myth for today is that of Obama Invictus -- the undefeated champion, the master campaigner, the man who could have taught lessons to Honey Fitz, Dick Daley, and Lyndon B. Johnson himself.  Obama is the epitome of the politician for our time ...

  • May 7, 2012

    Mitt Romney Will Do Just Fine, Thank-You

    The upcoming election will be one of the simplest of our lifetimes.  It is defined by one axiom: Obama must be defeated. I'm not one of that crew, sincere but overwrought, who see Barack Obama as some kind of period to the American story, as a n...

  • May 4, 2012

    Obama Meets His Nemesis

    As the Greeks saw it, "nemesis" was an abstract force (personified by the goddess of divine justice of the same name) aimed directly at the destruction of a single individual.  It is nemesis that brings down the heroes of the tragedies.  A ...

  • May 2, 2012

    Romney and the '60s

    The major Demo tactical effort against Mitt Romney is based on portraying him as a robotic, out-of-touch figure not much like other Americans -- at least not Americans of the 21st century.  Romney is a creature of the 1950s, raised and indoctrin...

  • March 6, 2012

    Emulating Breitbart

    Make no mistake - the leftist assault on Andrew Breitbart's reputation since his untimely death has but one explanation: he was effective.      Yglesis and Taibbi... but we don't need to name them further. To my personal knowledge...

  • February 12, 2012

    Whom the Gods Would Destroy

    It seems that Obama, in a classic act of hubris, has created the means of his own destruction.  Through his great historical contribution, his health care bill, he has struck what was surely intended to be a lethal blow against the oldest organi...

  • February 9, 2012

    Tarnished Halos

    The fact that the Komen Foundation for the Cure has backed off (at least to an extent) its decision to cut loose Planned Parenthood is disappointing but not surprising.  What is surprising is that the effort was made in the first place. Planne...

  • January 19, 2012

    Mitt's Game

    One factor that's gone unmentioned as regards Mitt Romney's primary campaign is his status as the sole candidate who displays any grasp of electoral strategy. This is surprising on the face of it.  Certainly career politicians such as Santorum a...

  • January 9, 2012

    How low can liberals go?

    For much of the last week the news has been filled with discussion of the vicious remarks made by liberal commentators Alan Colmes and Eugene Robinson concerning the Santorum family's farewell to their dead child. How did liberals get to the point of...

  • January 3, 2012

    The Stratfor Scandal

    News that Stratfor, the "private intelligence service," has been whacked by Anonymous has brought the former organization and its reputation into sharp focus.  The fact that Stratfor hadn't bothered to fulfill one of the lowest requirements of c...

  • December 28, 2011

    Throw 'Em All Out...And Good Riddance!

    Crony capitalism is the most serious current danger to the American community, a threat not simply to government or the economy, but to our very way of life.  It is the worst such threat since the trusts and monopolies of the early 20th century,...

  • October 25, 2011

    OWS: Easy Prey

    Once again conservatives are fumbling a sure opportunity to deal the opposition a crippling blow.  The Occupy Wall Street movement is an easy target -- a fat, slow dirigible topped up with hydrogen and just waiting for the spark that will set it...

  • October 24, 2011

    He Came, He Saw, He Led from the Rear

    Obama is getting a lot of praise for his recent successes in foreign policy, particularly the new and clever doctrine of "leading from behind," which, we're assured, is superior to the practice of earlier presidents such as FDR and Harry Truman. ...

  • October 17, 2011

    Occupy Wall Street and the Chicago '68 Riots

    As the man said, those ignorant of their history are condemned to repeat it.  How much worse are those who deliberately ignore it? Deliberately ignoring their own record is a liberal specialty.  The ideology could not exist without it. ...

  • September 29, 2011

    Obama's Numbers

    I've run into a rather strange and obnoxious trope in various comment threads over the past few weeks.  A usually anonymous poster wails that there's no point in campaigning against Obama due to the fact that he has a certain percentage of the v...

  • September 28, 2011

    Cain's big advantage

    It's anybody's guess as to whether Herman Cain can go the distance. But here's another item to put on the plus side of the scales. The Dems have gotten considerable mileage out of accusations of scientific illiteracy on the part of the GOP candidates...

  • September 27, 2011

    Predicting Obama

    It doesn't pay to be too exact with predictions. Nostradamus could have told you this -- all six of him, one after the other. The predictions of the Nostradami were set in the form of quatrains so ambiguous as to mean anything. The most famous is the...

  • September 26, 2011

    Green Twilight

    There's something satisfyingly symbolic about the unfolding Solyndra scandal.  A government "investment" based on a totally spurious Green rationale collapses, threatening to take part of the administration with it.  What more apt illustrat...

  • September 20, 2011

    Beating the Racism Card

    Obama is finished.  It's not so much the past six weeks, rough as they were, as his own actions and responses that have finished him.  His showdown with Congress over the debt limit, which he then ran away from.  His bewilderment at th...

  • August 18, 2011

    The Era of Confronting Obama at Public Events

    So here we have "former-Bush official Brad Blakeman" being quoted by the media as attacking Tea Party stalwart Ryan Rhodes over Rhodes's confrontation with Obama.  It seems that every time we see the term "former Bush," "former Reagan," and for ...

  • August 15, 2011

    Burying Obama

    Let me hasten to make it clear before the Secret Service kicks the door in: we're not speaking of the three-dimensional, physical Obama, but the image of Obama created by the DNC, the media, and assorted political mercenaries to sell him and his agen...

  • August 9, 2011

    How Stupid is Obama?

    We've long been aware that the One is not quite the superior intellect he was sold as.  Obama, we were told, was the rare possessor of a mind with the profundity of a Socrates, the breadth of a Goethe, and the penetration of a Newton.  An i...

  • July 28, 2011

    Obama Seems To Be Taking His Defeat In The 2012 Election Rather Well

    Make no mistake: that's what happened over the past weekend.  We have been through a mercilessly condensed version of a presidential campaign, lasting only hours, in which Barack Obama ran against his own image, demonstrated himself unworthy of ...

  • July 26, 2011

    Sabotaging Conservative Victory

    There's something we need to get straight before the election campaign seriously kicks off (I can't believe I'm writing that line over a year before the actual election. Something is seriously distorted in American politics): the possibility of extra...

  • July 21, 2011

    American Blacks Cannot Be Blamed For Barack Obama

    I'm responding to a number of comments that in large part have gone unseen because they were intercepted before they ever went up.  Racists are always attempting to hitch a ride on legitimate sites, and AT is unfortunately no exception.  An...

  • July 14, 2011

    Obama's Strategy to Kill the Space Program

    Many of us will recall Dan Quayle, then serving as vice-president, getting a savage media beating for an error-filled statement he made about exploring Mars. Mars, Quayle said, made a good target for future space efforts because: "Mars is essentially...

  • July 12, 2011

    The Left Starts to Dump Obama

    It appears that the left is washing its hands of Obama. In recent days we've seen a number of left-wing spokesmen ranging from Bill Maher to Frank Rich dismissing Obama as a disappointment -- too centrist, too moderate, not at all the American Lenin ...

  • July 6, 2011

    Democrats Unveil the Weapon of the Future

    What do the political battles in Wisconsin and the Spanish Civil War have in common?  A disturbing characteristic. The Spanish Civil War is one of those events that are on the way to becoming forgotten history.  The term "civil war" is a bi...

  • June 23, 2011

    China's Espionage Threat

    When we think of espionage we tend to think in terms of Europe, Central Europe in particular, the bleak, dark cityscapes of Berlin and Vienna, the border cities of the Cold War. The Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, clandestine meets in the shadow of the Pra...

  • June 21, 2011

    The Democrats' Recall Bomb

    Over the next week, we're going to hear a lot, good or bad but not indifferent, about the Wisconsin recall elections.  To recapitulate: the climax of last winter's wild and lengthy campaign against Gov. Scott Walker's public-employee reforms was...

  • May 12, 2011

    Did Obama Delay the Osama Raid for Political Reasons?

    Amid all the uproar over the Obama administration's missteps following the successful raid on Osama bin Laden's Abbotabad hideout, one question has been overlooked: did the administration deliberately delay the raid to yield the greatest benefit for ...

  • May 9, 2011

    Obama's Worst Enemy

    Obama's worst enemy is Obama, and his downfall will commence when voters awaken to the fact that many of his current "crises" -- and all the most critical ones -- are self-inflicted.  They don't simply come out of nowhere, in the form ...

  • May 5, 2011

    Why Obama's Polling Bounce is So Anemic

    According to several different sources, President Obama's poll bounce from the Osama raid has been far less than might have been expected.  It's not likely to get any better for him, and here's a short checklist as to the reasons why: 1) The Duk...

  • April 12, 2011

    Embargoing Death by Liberalism

    It's not often that a leftist actually admits to tactics as low as embargoing books, but that's the claim made by Frank Rich, former New York Times political commentator and in-house song and dance man.  Rich is a former drama critic who fo...

  • April 1, 2011

    Teflon Liberals

    It will come as news to no one that conservatism often has a difficult time getting the word out. This doesn't simply refer to questions of policy or issues of the moment, but also to liberal scandals, improprieties, and missteps, stories that you'd ...

  • March 30, 2011

    Two Libyan States?

    The divided state was an artifact of the Cold War in which nations conquered or liberated at the close of WWII were partitioned into zones controlled by the Western Allies on the one hand and the Soviet Union on the other. These included East and Wes...

  • March 24, 2011

    Obama's Big Blunder in Libya

    Sun Tzu wrote that deception was one of the most important factors in warfare. He introduces deception in the first chapter of The Art of War (translated variously as "Laying Plans" and "Estimates"):All warfare is based on decepti...

  • March 21, 2011

    The Big Obama Defeat the Media Ignored

    Sometimes the biggest victories are the ones that make the least noise. Lost amid all the excitement over the Rio trip, the anti-obesity campaign, and the March Madness picks was the revelation that Senate Democrats had given up any attempt to confir...

  • March 17, 2011

    The Nuke Scare

    You've got to hand it to the Greens -- 6,000 people dead or missing, but that's not worth mentioning. That can't be blamed on anyone (except maybe Mother Gaia).  But a series of nuclear breakdowns that have killed a reported one person and with ...

  • March 14, 2011

    Lessons From the Battle of Madison

    Long, drawn-out crises can be frustrating in more ways than one. I had a first-class piece written about the Wisconsin standoff the first week, just waiting for the climax. Full of apt historical references, allusions to the Grenada invasion and the ...

  • February 10, 2011

    The CAFE Effect

    Back in 2005, James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal speculated on the existence of a "Roe Effect" -- the possibility that liberal eagerness to take advantage of Roe v. Wade's liberalization of abortion was leading them to Roe themselves ...

  • January 30, 2011

    Outwitting Lethal Government Policies

    Over the past fifty years, at least a half-million Americans, and perhaps many more, have died prematurely due to ill-designed and badly executed liberal programs.  The causes, as I reveal in detail in Death by Liberalism, range from the crimina...

  • January 28, 2011

    Sarah Palin's Way Forward

    It's apparent that the recent media attacks on Sarah Palin have, for the first time, actually drawn blood.  Palin's negatives have shot up substantially, rising 7 points from 49% to 56%.  The proximate cause is held to be the fact that she ...

  • January 23, 2011

    The Mercury Threat -- Again

    One of the remarkable things about human achievement is how it resonates, continuing to be influential long after its first impact, even after its creator's life is ended.  A case in point can be found in the work of W. Eugene Smith. Smith was o...

  • January 18, 2011

    Death by Liberalism

    Many AT readers are aware that I have been working on a book project for the past several years.  I have mentioned it occasionally on this site, more often in the past few weeks as publication drew nearer.  Now zero hour has arrived: Death ...

  • January 10, 2011

    Grieving Giffords

    Last Saturday's shooting in Tucson is of some concern to me, since I will be drawn into the public maelstrom -- at least to a minor extent -- within a matter of weeks. I have no intention of trying to draw any "lessons" from this incident....

  • December 9, 2010

    WikiLeaks, Stuxnet, Cyberwar, and Obama

    War is transforming itself before our eyes, turning into something unfamiliar and strange.  Information has taken a place as a major class of weaponry, with sabotage and subterfuge as preferred tactics.  On the new battlefield, these weapon...

  • December 5, 2010

    Multiculturalism Hits the Wall

    As year ten of the long war looms, the "multicultural" paradigm for defense against terrorism has slammed into a brick wall.Recent developments reveal a policy in terminal disarray. The public revolt against the TSA, the ridiculous and humi...

  • November 23, 2010

    Cargo-Cult Keynesians

    For the second time in my life, the U.S. has descended into cargo-cult KeynesianismCargo cults were a product of WWII. The centuries-long isolation of the South Pacific's native Melanesian peoples ended with the coming of war. The islanders got along...

  • November 20, 2010

    Birchers. Again.

    In the comments to my piece on Beck v. Soros,  there were a number of postings suggesting that the John Birch Society had it right and that we may as well pick up where they left off. This may sound harmless to many AT readers, particularly the ...

  • November 15, 2010

    Soros, Beck, and the Holocaust

    It will come as no surprise that Glenn Beck's broadcast biography of George Soros last week has triggered a vast brawl concerning his interpretation and treatment of the topic.The uproar revolves around Beck's portrayal of Soros' role in the Holocaus...

  • November 13, 2010

    Poor Lenin's Almanac

    There's a problem with unique books, books that don't fit any particular niche or category. Because of this, they can get lost amid the flood of the average and the conventional. Bruce Walker's Poor Lenin's Almanac: Perverse Leftist Proverbs for Mode...

  • November 11, 2010

    Learning from the Landslide

    It's taken a good part of the past week for the breadth of the conservative achievement in the midterms to sink in. Over sixty new House seats, six Senate seats (we can safely say, no matter what occurs in Alaska, since Murkowski is a member of the M...

  • November 8, 2010

    The War Plan for 2012

    "It's good for Obama in 2012." That's what we've been hearing from media commentators concerning his well-earned electoral thrashing. The retiring Democrat panjandrum Evan Bayh is only the latest to express this as the inevitable result of ...

  • November 4, 2010

    Tuesday's Election Was a Vote to Bring the 19th Century to an End

    The 19th century was the nursery for contemporary politics. Every form of modern political activity -- fascism, communism, socialism, liberalism -- has its roots in that epoch. (Yes, I'm fully aware of such figures as Locke, Burke, Madison, and Jeffe...

  • October 29, 2010

    Soros and the Collapse of the Left

    Now let me get this straight: George Soros, Media Matters, and the White House, in some unclear capacity, have unveiled their master plan to destroy the right: isolate and nullify Fox News by getting people fired from NPR. NPR pink-slipped Juan Willi...

  • October 19, 2010

    The Democrats Will Steal the Election if We Let Them

    The longstanding Democrat tactic of stealing elections threatens a reappearance on November 2. It would be foolish to pretend otherwise and rely on the voters' voice to be heard merely because the public has turned on the Democrats.  A numb...

  • October 11, 2010

    The American Left Slides into Psychosis

    History tells us that organizations, movements, even entire nations can go mad in much the same way an individual does, with the same expression of irrationality, frenzy, and violence. Recent evidence suggests that the American left is going through ...

  • October 4, 2010

    Good Golly, Miss Molly: You're on Your Own

    Recently, a sad little footnote to the War on Terror -- sorry, the "Transcontinental Contretemps of Misapprehension"...did I get that right? -- passed nearly unnoticed: the disappearance of Molly Norris. Molly Norris was a staff cartoo...

  • October 1, 2010

    No 'Vague Orders' in Obama's War Management

    President Obama's management of the war in Afghanistan may be falling into a trap that snagged his Democrat predecessors Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter -- at least if a comment by Bob Woodward is to be believed. And almost nobody seems to have no...

  • September 30, 2010

    Ready to Govern

    We've been hearing quite a bit lately about candidates being "not ready to govern." Sharron Angle, we're told, is not ready to govern. Carly Fiorina is not ready to govern. Joe Miller is NRG. Christine O'Donnell...need you ask? It's always ...

  • September 24, 2010

    The Organizational Secret of the Tea Parties

    American politics has never seen anything quite like the Tea Parties, though few appreciate the revolutionary organizational principle powering the movement. A major reason why the Tea Parties have been so successful, why the political establishment ...

  • September 23, 2010

    Are Conservatives Flubbing Their Lines?

    Conservatives often have a tendency to misread cues drawn from popular culture. A few years ago, one particular line from the film A Few Good Men was all the rage among conservative writers: "You can't handle the truth."That line was s...

  • September 20, 2010

    The Counter-Revolution Has Begun

    The Tea Party victories of last week have clearly revealed the movement for what it actually is: not a tantrum, not a voter mutiny, not a short-term insurrection, but something never actually seen before in this country -- it is a counter-revolution....

  • September 19, 2010

    The Biggest Target is Liberalism

    The 2010 election is not simply a campaign against Obama. It needs to be a campaign against liberalism as a whole.Obama remains the major target, and he deserves the honor. No president in my lifetime has been as incompetent, as obtuse, or as polariz...

  • September 15, 2010

    Islam and the American Public

    Questions are flying hot and heavy as to why anti-Muslim fervor is appearing now, nine years after 9/11. Observers note correctly that there was no backlash following the attacks. (The sole victim was an unfortunate Sikh, Balbir Singh Sodhi, murdered...

  • September 14, 2010

    Media's Self-Defeating Attacks on Palin

    Michael Joseph Gross's Vanity Fair piece demonstrates that there will be no end of attacks on Sarah Palin, no limit to their mendacity, and that they will have the exact opposite effect that the left yearns for. The American left and its tame media d...

  • September 8, 2010

    Conservatism's Extreme Makeover

    It will come as news to no one that conservatism has long had a PR problem. The political question of 2010 is this: do America's voters finally "get" conservatism?For a half-century or more, conservatism's public image has covered a vast sp...

  • September 2, 2010

    Obama's Evolving Image

    An image, as any PR pro can tell you, has a life of its own. It can be manipulated and shaped to an extent, but only to an extent. Once past a difficult-to-define but easily recognized point, it is what it is and can be adjusted only on the margins. ...

  • August 30, 2010

    Birthright Citizenship and the 14th Amendment

    It appears that the GOP -- with the help of the Tea Parties, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the Devil -- is out to revise the 14th Amendment to the point of meaninglessness. Maybe even write the amendment out of the Constitution itself -- if not discar...

  • August 23, 2010

    GOP in Default Mode

    It's widely acknowledged that in 2010, the Democrats are on the ropes. But just about the same could be said for the Republicans.  A few weeks ago, John Cornyn and John Boehner revealed this election's GOP platform. In a year of massive unr...

  • August 19, 2010

    Obama's Point of No Return

    There comes a moment in a failing presidency where the incumbent, through some single gesture, action, or statement, crosses a certain line from beyond which there is no return. Through his own will and behavior, he so underlines his failings, so fra...

  • August 6, 2010

    Ten Reasons to Love the Bomb

    Sixty-five years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we still have not arrived at a true measure of the atomic weapon.   Through a constant drumbeat -- in large part coming from the left -- nuclear weapons have become our culture's dominant symbo...

  • August 4, 2010

    JournoList and the Leftist Mentality

    The publication of JournoList discussions has opened a door into the private world of the left, revealing to some extent how their minds work.In a way, the JournoList scandal is old news. It's something long suspected on our side of the aisle, someth...

  • July 28, 2010

    Eric Holder and Race Privilege

    The very belated legacy media reports on the Black Panther intimidation story have overlooked one critical aspect. Concentration on the antics of the two Black Panthers at the polling station -- whom careful examination shows to be officers of the Ne...

  • July 23, 2010

    The Age of the Yoyo

    "Stupidity is always astonishing, no matter how many times you may deal with it."  - Jean CocteauFrom June 30 media reports, we have this: The Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center of New York City lost the records for 130,000 peopl...

  • July 22, 2010

    Obama's Failing Presidency

    Steven Thomma and Charles Krauthammer may disagree on everything else, but they do agree that Obama is a historical titan whose influence will echo across the rest of the century and beyond. Krauthammer looks upon this with foreboding, while Thomma, ...

  • July 19, 2010

    President Haters

    "I'll make those f*ckers glad to mutate."  - Franklin D. Roosevelt, in Roosevelt after Inauguration by William BurroughsWilliam Burroughs will never be an icon of the conservative movement. A proud junkie, an aggressive homos...

  • July 8, 2010

    What America Lost with McChrystal's Resignation

    As is often the case with military topics, major elements of the McChrystal story have been overlooked. Virtually everyone involved, from Obama on down to the myriad media commentators (not excluding Michael Hastings, the Rolling Stone writer who sta...

  • June 22, 2010

    Barack and the Bureaucracy

    Bureaucracy is liberalism's strong right arm. Liberalism would not exist as it does today without it -- it would have nothing of the reach or durability that it now possesses.Government bureaucracy forms a kind of shadow universe, in which each human...

  • June 15, 2010

    Dodging the Anti-Semitism Bullet

    The announcement that Helen Thomas has been sent to journalistic Valhalla is good news on several levels. Not only because it at last removes an erratic, out-of-control figure who has represented a political and social embarrassment for decades, but ...

  • June 10, 2010

    Rumors of a Coup

    We've been hearing a lot of comments recently about a national coup d'etat scheduled for sometime in late summer or early fall and designed to circumvent the coming Democrat debacle in the 2010 elections.This is an example of political gothic of a ty...

  • June 7, 2010

    Obama Fails the Test of Office

    Over the past few weeks, we've been treated to a precise and detailed preview of what the rest of the Obama presidency will be like: a sky black with chickens coming home to roost and blaming George W. Bush. Not even midway into the Obama presidency,...

  • June 3, 2010

    The Rise of the Thug Left

    Times are tough. Actually, they're getting tough in a lot of places. They proved very tough for Hamas operatives in the Eastern Mediterranean last weekend. They were tough in poor Balto as well, with seven people shot to death. (Baltimore should be o...

  • May 26, 2010

    Illegals and the Election

    Thanks in large part to Governor Jan Brewer's bold action in signing SB 1070, immigration is shaping up as the issue of the 2010 election. More than the economy, more than terrorism, more even than the question of whether Obama was chased back into t...

  • May 23, 2010

    The Remarkable Rise of Jan Brewer

    One oddity about the Arizona illegals controversy is how little fallout, positive or negative, has touched the politician who set it off: Governor Jan Brewer. As women have moved into the forefront of conservative politics, they have become targets f...

  • May 18, 2010

    Diverting Kagan Questions

    So we're facing another Supreme Court confirmation, and perhaps as a sign of the times, a brand new category of question has arisen: What is the nominee's sexual preference?My opinion, relying on a gaydar tuned to Aegis levels of sensitivity by ...

  • May 14, 2010

    The Real Reason the Left Loves Illegals

    The Ottomans had an interesting method of assuring political stability. The sprawling empire operated on a system in which "millets," distinct ethnic and religious groups, were allowed to oversee their own internal affairs while giving abso...

  • May 13, 2010

    Will the GOP Wake Up and Smell the Tea?

    It's a painful thing to imagine Robert Bennett over the past few days, sitting alone in a darkened room, staring off into space, wondering what hit him, and whistling Nick Cave's "There She Goes My Beautiful World" over and over again.It ha...

  • May 12, 2010


    The American left is celebrating its hope to racially transform America. Recently the Census Bureau published a demographic prediction that if current trends continue, America's "whites" (actually Europeans -- the sole meaningful identifier...

  • April 13, 2010

    Death by CAFE Standards

    Media discussions of the administration's new mileage rules have covered about everything except how many people they will kill.Manipulating fuel efficiency standards has been a favored method of fulfilling environmental prerogatives for thirty years...

  • April 6, 2010

    Obama's List

    Over the past year and a half, we've seen much in the way of speculation of what Obama is really up to, what his true agenda might be behind all the soothing and meretricious rhetoric. It was quite clear that "Obama" was a construct, a care...

  • April 2, 2010

    In the Company of Wolves

    The killing of Candice Berner by wolves in Alaska last month is one of those stories that we read through and shudder at before moving on. But it's also one of those stories that carries a lot more freight than appears at first glance.Ms. Berner, a s...

  • March 29, 2010

    The Supreme Court and FDR's Power-Grab

    How great a chance do we have to overthrow ObamaCare in the courts? To answer that question, we need to look into that bleak pit of falsehood and mendacity that America's left would like us to ignore at all costs: the historical record. We need to lo...

  • March 24, 2010

    Obama's Empty Health Care Victory

    One major fantasy of American liberalism is the illusion that they get the last word. That the debate is over when they say it is. That their actions are irreversible, that their decisions and conclusions have both the firmness and the weight of the ...

  • March 10, 2010

    Drones and Terrorism

    Combat drones are much in the news these days. Such weapons constitute the major current focus of effort against organized jihadi terrorism, with nearly weekly strikes carried out in the unassimilated areas of northern Pakistan and the Taliban-occupi...

  • March 4, 2010

    Vanishing American Air Superiority

    The debate over the F-22 Raptor has been carried out at the customary level of simplemindedness we've become used to when Congress handles military questions. Since the early '60s, the favored method of killing a military program has been to come up ...

  • January 31, 2010

    Obama's Terror Non-Policy

    The jihadi pinprick terror campaign that debuted last autumn has exposed some very large holes in this country's security system. Nidal Hasan did everything but walk around Fort Hood with "kill infidels" tattooed on his forehead. He continu...

  • January 24, 2010

    Terror at the Mall?

    The shopping malls of America will be among the next major terrorist targets.Malls make such obvious high-value targets that it's difficult to grasp why they haven't been hit up until now. Shopping malls are America's marketplaces, constantly packed ...

  • January 21, 2010

    The End of the Obama Mystique

    It's been a few years since the release of The 13th Warrior. The film was that rarity, an intelligent actioner. Adapted from Michael Crichton's novel Eaters of the Dead, it was a retelling, and rationalization, of the ancient Beowulf legend.In Cricht...

  • December 27, 2009

    Obama's Lost Face

    Why did Chinese premier Wen Jiabao choose to publicly humiliate Barack Obama at Copenhagen? In their eyes, and in those of much of the world, he has lost face, and with it, power and influence. While getting widespread play overseas, this story has b...

  • December 21, 2009

    Global Warming's Forlorn Hope

    Back in the days when war was a form of romance, there was a tactic called the "forlorn hope." When an army reached the end of its string while laying siege to a fortress or walled city, a single unit of several hundred men would be selecte...

  • December 13, 2009

    The Wages of Climategate

    Climategate is the worst blow the left has received in quite some time. The only comparable episode in recent years is Rathergate, involving the bogus documents "proving" George W. Bush's malfeasance regarding his service in the Texas Air N...

  • December 2, 2009

    The New Ruling Class

    So William Jefferson, the man with the fine cold brick of cash in his freezer, is off to jail. This is a step in the right direction, but only a step. There are plenty of others in need of the same treatment: Christopher Dodd, Harry Reid, and Charles...

  • November 29, 2009

    Global Warming Fraud and the Future of Science

    The East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) revelations come as no real surprise to anyone who has closely followed the global-warming saga. The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) thesis, to give it its semi-official name, is no stranger to fraud. It...

  • November 25, 2009

    Climate Fraud and the Environmental Agenda

    The debate on environmentalism -- specifically as regards the environmental movement itself -- has been marked by confusion since the beginning. Criticism of environmentalist thinking tends to confuse means with goals. Environmentalist reforms, howev...

  • November 24, 2009

    The KSM Show Trial

    AG Eric Holder's statement that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will remain in custody no matter the verdict in his upcoming Manhattan trial coupled with Obama's instructions to the jury that KSM be "convicted and executed" reveals the entire exerci...

  • November 18, 2009

    The Coming Jihadi Trial Disaster

    Forget the media chin-stroking and head-scratching. The intentions behind the administration's decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his sideboys in Manhattan could not be clearer. Simply put, Obama wishes to Mirandize the entire murderous ...

  • November 10, 2009

    Ignoring Infiltration

    It was Friday afternoon that I finished the draft of "The Left and Terror," at which point I logged on to waste a little time poking around the Net, something I am very good at. Imagine my shock at being confronted with the news from Fort H...

  • November 8, 2009

    The Left and Terror

    The Jihadis will return. We know this in the same way that we know about death and taxes. Thanks in large part to the weakening of our defensive efforts under the new administration, there will be further attacks against this country's population, pe...

  • October 25, 2009

    The Slander Network

    It's a rare pleasure to see that Going Rogue doing so well ahead of publication. (Even though rescheduling the publishing date delayed my book -- but I forgive you, lass). When it appears, there's little doubt it will go through the roof.  Along...

  • October 13, 2009

    How to take down a great power

    Unlike Augustus or Caligula, Lucius Aurelius Commodus was not an emperor who made a strong impression on modern consciousness. Until the release of the film Gladiator, a heavily fictionalized version of his reign, most Americans had never heard of hi...

  • October 11, 2009

    Terror and the theatrical paradigm

    Pittsburgh was treated to an impressive show the week of the recent G20 conference. A nice assortment of military choppers of various types and missions, along with odder aircraft difficult both to identify and explain. Both police and the National G...

  • October 9, 2009

    Kindergarten Marxists

    One question that has repeatedly been asked vis-à-vis the Honduran situation (it doesn't seem quite fraught enough to be termed a "crisis") is why so many members of the Western elite, governmental and otherwise, insist on backing Ma...

  • October 9, 2009

    The Nobel Prize Curse

    [An AT classic from 2007, very relevant today.]Al Gore's Nobel may very well turn out to be the beginning of the end for global warming. How's that, you say? Surely Al and the International Panel on Climate Control, armed as they now are with th...

  • September 15, 2009

    Fearing Obama

    "Never take counsel of your fears."  -- George S. Patton,  War as I Knew ItOne of the more puzzling aspects of the public reaction to the ascension of Barack Obama is the abject fear, bordering on sheer terror that he arouses in c...

  • September 13, 2009

    Frum's futile quest for a new conservatism

    Canadians are not Americans. That’s not to say there aren’t similarities. With a majority of the population deriving from Northern Europe, a British cultural matrix, and Anglo-Saxon systems of law and government (excepting Quebec, Canada...

  • September 9, 2009

    Barack Ozymandias

    "News is the first draft of history", or so we're told. In truth, the "news" reported by mass media seldom reflects the crucial events of the moment. News reports of the summer of 1914 treated the assassination of Archduke Ferdina...

  • August 23, 2009

    The Varieties of Birther Experience

    -Satire-There are literally dozens, if not hundreds of interpretations of Birthism. We can't expect everyone to adapt a single manifestation. Birthers, after all, are notable devotees of free thought and open inquiry, and would never think of forcing...

  • August 20, 2009

    Palin v. ObamaCare

    Once again we're presented with evidence that the health-care debate is occurring without adequate attention being paid to the record of established nationalized health-care systems overseas. This has arisen as a result of Sarah Palin's superb maneuv...

  • August 13, 2009

    Birthers damage conservatism

    Farther back than even I can remember there occurred a national uproar concerning fluoridation. During the 1950s fluoride was being added to the water supply across the country in hopes of strengthening teeth and improving dental health. As little as...

  • July 30, 2009

    Obama Fails

    Over the past couple of weeks, it has become apparent even to politicians and the media that the Demented Spree Act of 2009, better known perhaps as the "Obama Stimulus", has not worked, and shows no sign of ever working. Unemployment -- th...

  • July 6, 2009

    Sarah Palin: The Best is Yet to Come

    The response to Sarah Palin's surprise resignation last Friday clearly reveals the limitations of the American political class, right, left, or what have you. There's an old academic joke, probably apocryphal, about Count Metternich, Austria's foreig...

  • February 24, 2009

    No Surrender

    I'm curious -- does anyone know of any situation, current, historical, hypothetical, or otherwise, in which some American conservatives don't immediately start hollering that it's time to give in?That's a serious question. It seems that whenever thin...

  • February 19, 2009

    The Democrat Show Trials

    In the past few weeks a number of influential Democrats have expressed an interest in legal prosecution of members of the Bush administration. Nancy Pelosi in particular has a lot of things she'd like to get to the bottom of, and has been seen w...

  • February 17, 2009

    Obama and the Pantheon

    It's best to wait until the end of a president's tenure before comparisons to earlier presidents are seriously offered. George W. Bush, in light of his tenacity and stubbornness in the face of overwhelming opposition, brought to mind the figure of Ha...

  • February 12, 2009

    Back to Mercantilism

    I hate to hear about "partnerships" between government and business, or between government and other organizations. When there is a partnership between an ant and an elephant, who do you suppose makes the decisions?  - Thomas Sowe...

  • February 10, 2009

    Obama's Busted Bubble

    Barack Obama's bubble has been burst. Over the past three weeks, he has learned a primal conservative lesson, one on which all else is based. As put by the noted political philosopher Clint Eastwood: "A man's got to know his limitations." O...

  • January 27, 2009

    Signs and Wonders in Week One of the Obama Era

    Last week I enjoyed the honor of having my essay on "Bush and the Bush Haters" featured on both Democratic Underground and Daily Kos. Glancing over the comments (along with those in a similar vein on RealClearPolitics) I saw that with ...

  • January 19, 2009

    Bush and the Bush-Haters

    There is one thing certain to go through Barack Obama's mind during the inauguration: at one point or another, while glancing at George W. Bush, he will consider the treatment that Bush got as president and hope to God he suffers nothing even vaguely...

  • January 6, 2009

    The Left's Net Feedback Strategy

    We often hear that the Left owns the Net. Like much of what you hear, this is not strictly true. There are no lack of right-of-center websites of all types ranging from personal blogs to influential portals and webzines. (You're reading one of those....

  • January 4, 2009

    Candy-coating the Holocaust

    The "Angel at the Fence" story has been proven to be a hoax, and that's a good thing.It's not a good thing because two aged and troubled people have suffered the humiliation of being exposed as liars. It's not a good thing because the publi...

  • December 10, 2008

    The GOP Must Take Out the Trash

    As the nation absorbs the depth of Democrat political corruption in Illinois, the Republican Party has an opportunity to claim the mantle of reform, but only at the cost of turning against some of our own.The impressive 15-point runoff victory of Sax...

  • December 2, 2008

    The Obama presidency begins to emerge

    Thanksgiving week marked the first challenge to the presidency of Barack Obama since the donut completed its rise on Election Day last month. Anyone who thinks I'm rushing the advent of the messianic presidency is invited to take a closer look at rec...

  • November 1, 2008

    Conservatism's blonde moment

    Standards of discourse exist for good reasons. They are not only matters of individual honor and personal morality, but have a practical purpose. Once the standards go, and any and all tactics are allowed, the argument is automatically won by whoever...

  • October 26, 2008


    "Over the past fifty years, something on the order of a half-million Americans have been killed by liberal policies."That line appears to have gotten to people, as it should. Among the many welcome comments on my piece on Christopher Buckle...

  • October 15, 2008

    The Buckley Apostasy

    On Friday October 10, Christopher Buckley posted a piece titled "Sorry Dad -- I'm Voting for Obama" on "The Daily Beast" announcing that he intended to do exactly that. It's worth reading if only to see how something complete...

  • October 13, 2008

    Obama's Three Strikes

    In dealing with the unexpected, the unusual, or the threatening in life, it's good to keep in mind Goldfinger's dictum. As explained to James Bond just prior to dumping him into the shark tank (or was it chopping him in half with a laser? I forget.),...

  • October 2, 2008

    Sarah Palin and the Experience Factor

    Why is it that liberal misrepresentations are never fully addressed before they become established as received wisdom? Whatever the topic may be, the left is consistently allowed to set the terms on which the argument takes place. Opponents may then ...

  • October 2, 2008

    Nancy Pelosi: The worst Speaker in History

    The House's failure to pass the first bailout bill was historic in more ways than one. Along with endangering the world's economy and pushing the U.S. to the edge of a financial abyss, it also served to balance a historical equation over a century ol...

  • September 21, 2008

    Sarah Palin and the Archetype of the American Frontierswoman

    Now that the early hysteria has died down, the legacy media is moving into the second phase of their assault against Sarah Palin: sometimes regretful, but stern (often mocking) disapproval over her enormous and un-ignorable shortcomings. We'll know w...

  • September 18, 2008

    Palin, the Base, and the Northeast Corridor Conservatives

    The selection of Sarah Palin as Republican vice-presidential candidate has revealed a serious chasm in conservatism, a chasm separating conservative elites – opinion leaders, pundits, spokesmen -- from the vast population of center-right Americ...

  • September 4, 2008

    Palin offers conservatives a moment of truth

    What is it with conservatives, anyway? It seems that there's nothing the left can pull that is so vile, so repellent, so disgusting -- whether involving media, politics, academia -- that some conservative won't come racing out to support, excuse, or ...

  • September 2, 2008

    McCain's Palin Strategy

    Last Friday afternoon a close friend wise and cynical in the ways of New Jersey politics (his career as political tech and advisor going back almost to the epoch of Frank "I am the Law" Hague) got in touch to express some uncertainty c...

  • August 27, 2008

    The Life of Barry

    SatireIn entertainment news, it has been confirmed that the surviving members of Monty Python will reunite to film a remake of their classic religious satire, Life of Brian. The new version will be titled Life of Barry, and will be updated to reflect...

  • August 26, 2008

    Rollback Russian Expansionism

    The only thing novel about the humiliation of Georgia is that the entity that carried it out is called "Russia" instead of the "Soviet Union".It has happened many times before. In Czechoslovakia in 1948. In Berlin the same year. I...

  • August 20, 2008

    The odd choices in Barack Obama's career

    It's time to throw my hat in the ring as regards predicting the election results. So here it is: Barack Obama will be defeated. Seriously and convincingly defeated. Not due to racism, not due to the forces of reaction, not even due to Karl Rove sendi...

  • August 13, 2008

    The Obama Phenomenon is Not New

    A nation enduring hard times. A frustrating war, a doubtful president. Public turmoil, political disagreement, future prospects uncertain as best. Then a figure appears from nowhere, a secular messiah from the heartland -- unique, appealing, promisin...

  • July 28, 2008

    The Operative Term is 'Hubris'

    Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.  - Euripides He has a seat on his campaign aircraft marked "president". He has taken a shot at creating his own presidential seal, complete with Latin motto. He has laid claim to p...

  • July 17, 2008

    Jesse, Barack, and African-American Support

    Jesse Jackson's infamous "hot mic" remarks have raised to the surface tensions seen earlier within the black community.Only days have passed, and already the uproar over Brother Jesse's remarks have been superseded by yet another crisis, co...

  • July 15, 2008

    Memory and the Left

    It's difficult to avoid exasperation over the left's absolute refusal to acknowledge the new realities of the Iraq war. The surge, the Anbar awakening, the collapse of the militias (particularly that belonging to everybody's favorite would-be caliph,...

  • July 10, 2008

    How the Greens Captured Energy Policy

    U.S. energy policy -- to stretch the meaning of the term - is appalling. It has been thrown together piece by piece over the decades to create a system that is dysfunctional, over complex, and internally contradictory. It is a system that victimizes ...

  • June 27, 2008

    Obama's Symbolic Blunder

    The Obama campaign's latest faux pas has come and gone  (to the relief of almost everybody) with the decision to retire the "pre-presidential"seal. This is one of those incidents marked by questions that will never be answere...

  • June 24, 2008

    The Obama Left

      The American left can be divided into three distinct strands, each with its own characteristics, identifiers, and methods of operation: the wimp left, the weird left, and the hard left. The wimp left is the largest, most amorphous, and least i...

  • June 16, 2008

    Conservatives Must Not Practice the Politics of Despair

    "If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure nine will run into a ditch before they get to you."  - Calvin CoolidgeConservatism is the doctrine of least expectations. Conservatives tend to view the world from the blea...

  • May 21, 2008

    Is 2008 to be a Transformational Election?

    This is supposed to be liberalism's year. We hear it from all sources on all points of the political spectrum. A miserable and disillusioned electorate, an energized base, an opposition both confused and demoralized - the 2008 election, we're assured...

  • May 2, 2008

    The Democrats' Ex-Presidents

    Jimmy Carter returned from his visit to Hamas, having embarrassed his country, infuriated the Israelis, and accomplished nothing. The meeting was historic in one sense, marking the first time an American leader actually embraced a head official of a ...

  • April 29, 2008

    The Food Crisis

    As everyone knows by this point, we are in the midst of a food crisis. Domestic prices of basic foods have risen by 46% over the past year, putting even more pressure on already stressed consumers. Overseas, food riots have occurred in Haiti, Cameroo...

  • April 23, 2008

    Politicians Hide from the Real Issues

    It appears that this is going to be yet another campaign with little or nothing in the way of real issues. Oh, there are "issues". Or rather, "Issues", with that opening capital definitely emphasized. Issues such as "Race...

  • March 31, 2008

    Superdelegates are Another Dysfunctional Liberal Fix

    The most striking thing about the Democrat's superdelegate fiasco is how typical it is of liberalism. If modern liberalism -- the style of liberalism that has existed since FDR's New Deal -- is characterized by anything, it's the fixation on addressi...

  • March 27, 2008

    The Disgrace of Liberalism

    2008 marks the end of liberalism as a governing force in the same way that 1968 marked the end of liberalism as a political doctrine. American liberals spent the '60s seeing their programs and policies collapse one after the other. The War on Crime, ...

  • February 12, 2008

    Bill Unbound

    H.L. Mencken said, many times and in many different ways, that nothing beats a democracy for sheer entertainment. By those standards, 2008 is shaping up as the most entertaining election in quite some time. There are two reasons for this: the first i...

  • February 7, 2008

    Obama and 'Da Yutes'

    One unwelcome side effect of Obamamania is the threat of yet another bout of liberalism's youth obsession. This is not a reference to John Kerry's Botox shots or Nancy Pelosi's face lifts, but the liberal tendency to fall on their knees before the na...

  • February 6, 2008

    Obama and the Culture Wars

    It's a truism that a presidential candidate acts as a vessel for the dreams and beliefs of his followers. We've seen this for years with Madame Hillary, and more recently with Mike Huckabee. But nowhere has it been more evident than in the case of Ba...

  • January 28, 2008

    The Terror Scare?

    Influential voices are peddling a dangerous fallacy: that the threat of terror is overblown, another example of scare tactics, like the supposedly nonexistent Communist threat in the 1940s and 1950s. Surprisingly level-headed people are hearing this ...

  • January 14, 2008

    Obama as Liberal Messiah

    When liberals refer to "leaders", they're not talking about the same thing as everybody else. One of the first acts of national leadership carried out by George Washington was to reject a crown. He was motivated by his personal sense of nob...

  • January 13, 2008

    Bush Wrongly Blames America

    I take second place to no one in my admiration for George W. Bush. But there are times when he comes out with something so obtuse, so ill thought out, that it simply grates on the brain. Remarks of the "I have gazed into Putin's soul" varie...

  • December 5, 2007

    Christopher Hitchens Says, 'Bah, Hannukah'

    Christopher Hitchens has achieved for himself quite a strong position as the American center-right's favorite Trotskyite. To a large extent this is well-earned. Hitch has stood fast in his adamant support for the War on Terror in all its aspects when...

  • November 28, 2007

    Eight Years of Liberal Hatred

    In politics as in personal life, hatred is a dangerous tool. It's like one of the early medieval cannons, just as capable of blowing up in your face as it is of lobbing a ball at the enemy. Of course, the medieval metal casters realized they had a pr...

  • November 16, 2007

    Hollywood's Red Decade

    As movie-goers, theatre owners and studio shareholders endure yet another wave of anti-American box office duds like Rendition and Lions for Lambs it is worth remembering that left wing propaganda has real roots in Hollywood. And thanks to the c...

  • November 7, 2007

    Jihad and the American Left

    A few weeks ago a meeting occurred between Iranian mullahs and assorted international left-wing figures in hopes of generating some sort of "revolutionary solidarity".  The guests of honor were the children of Che Guevera, Aleida ...

  • November 5, 2007

    The 'Torture' Fraud of the Left

    "Torture" is one of many current topics of significance that have been abandoned to the left. Leftist commentators have been allowed to set the terms, make the definitions, and generally run the argument without much in the way of serious o...

  • October 23, 2007

    The Nobel Prize Curse

    Al Gore's Nobel may very well turn out to be the beginning of the end for global warming. How's that, you say? Surely Al and the International Panel on Climate Control, armed as they now are with the great cachet of the Nobel, will sweep away al...

  • October 16, 2007

    Buried Victories

    A war's end has its necessary rituals. The defeated must bow their heads and acknowledge failure. The victors must have their triumph, plus the privilege of dictating the terms of peace as they see fit. If this process does not occur, then there is n...

  • October 14, 2007

    The Buried Legacy of Hollywood Anti-Communism

    A number of anti-communist films were made in Hollywood during the late 40s through the 50s, many of them featuring well-known names and of high quality. Almost none are available today. This is no accident, comrades. We owe a nod of thanks to Thomas...

  • October 10, 2007

    The Problems of Victory

    We're closing in on victory in Iraq. (And, if Ray Robison is correct, perhaps at points east as well.) The Jihadis are nearing collapse across the country. With the exception of a few Ba'athist holdouts, the Sunni population is coming over in ever-gr...

  • September 26, 2007

    As the Surge Succeeds

    One of the benefits of Petraeus-Crocker hearings is the way they've cleared up the miasma of defeatism and futility that settled over the topic of Iraq since the beginning of this year. Much of this was produced by MoveOn, the media, and advantage-hu...

  • September 24, 2007

    Defeating the Terror Bombers

    At last, eight months after the surge began and three months after it went into high gear, we have the first Jihadi response: a bombing. Recently, Abdul Sattar Buzaigh al-Rishawi, the Sunni sheik largely responsible for turning Anbar province against...

  • September 11, 2007

    Six Years Later

    In September, 2001, I was working for a company two blocks off Wall Street, just a five-minute walk from the World Trade Center.It was a good job. A business database company, very much of the dotcom era, easygoing, loose, and lucrative. I worked abo...

  • September 7, 2007

    After the Surge

    The surge was not going to work. But the surge has worked. Everybody from the Brookings Institution to the Washington Post has gotten around to admitting that. Even such an inveterate war opponent as Rep. Brian Baird, who voted against virtually ever...

  • September 5, 2007

    The Withdrawal Crowd is in Retreat

    One welcome by-product of the surge is the way it has put all the cries for "withdrawal" into perspective.Withdrawal from Iraq has been a major theme of the denizens of Kos and Democratic Underground since before the invasion ever took plac...

  • August 7, 2007

    Premature 2008 Defeatism

    "One of the things I learned during the war was never to pick up my pen to transmit my own despair."      - Albert CamusSo we've got a candidate who is among the most radical ever to stand for the presidency. One wh...

  • July 26, 2007

    Democide: Democrats and the Awful Truth of Genocide

    Since the first of the year, I've been working on a project dealing with the connections between liberal policies and mass mortality - the easily demonstrated (though somehow  never mentioned) fact that, since at least the 1950s, liberal policie...

  • July 24, 2007

    The Surge Succeeds

    God looks after children, drunkards, and the United States of America- Otto von BismarckIt's now quite clear how the results of the surge will be dealt with by domestic opponents of the Iraq war. They're going to be ignored.They're being ignored now....

  • July 18, 2007

    Think Twice About Closing Gitmo

    What danger is there of Guantanamo being closed? Rumors to that effect have been circulating for weeks, most of them based on the premise that certain administration insiders are that far from persuading the President to shutter the place. Peter Wort...

  • July 6, 2007

    London Calling

    There are many reasons why the U.S. has chosen its current strategy in the fight against terrorism. The most crucial of them were underlined last weekend, thanks to events in the UK.The world was fixated on Britain, watching with fascinatio...

  • June 26, 2007

    Casting Terrorists as Defenders of the Constitution

    The American legal system is the latest of our institutions to collapse in the face of terrorism. Cherished pillars of our society and polity have dropped, one after the other. In most cases, it was only to be expected. The media lasted a matter of d...

  • May 25, 2007

    Rachel Carson and the Deaths of Millions

    At times it seems that there are more sites honoring Rachel Carson than Josef Stalin at his peak. There's an environmental advocacy institute (at Chatham University, her alma mater), a state office building in Harrisburg, several research institution...

  • May 22, 2007

    Why the Left Hated Jerry Falwell So Much

    Jerry Falwell's funeral is today, and now that he is being laid to rest, it is appropriate to dissect the vicious treatment he has received at the hands of his enemies since his unexpected demise. We might have guessed that Jerry Falwell's death...

  • May 15, 2007

    The Coming Great Divide in American Political Culture

    Michael Barone's occasional forays into sociology are always a pleasure to come across. Like the rest of his work, they are concise, well-researched, original, and always marked by clarity. Barone goes where the data takes him, and never seems to hav...

  • May 9, 2007

    The Relative Stablity of Turkey

    Nicolas Sarkozy’s triumph was not the only good news for the resurgant West this pastweekend. The Islamists also suffered a setback in Turkey, by way of the May 5 announcement by Abdullah Gul, the fundamentalists' favorite candidate, that ...

  • May 2, 2007

    Bureaucratic Failure

    Three of most widely-covered recent news narratives revolve around the same fundamental issue: the failure of bureaucratic institutions to meet challenges involving their basic missions.The British Navy, a force that embodies the term "lege...

  • April 10, 2007

    The War on Children

    It seems at times that not a week goes by without a child disappearing or being found dead under ghastly circumstances. It may well be as appalling to you as it was to me to learn that there's no easy means of checking whether or not this sort of cri...

  • April 3, 2007

    The Democrats Go Fishing

    Last week, Democratic strategy for the rest of the Bush presidency was rendered transparent: the Dems intend to impeach George W. Bush by whatever means necessary. The Democrats need to impeach Bush. It's not optional - it's something they have to do...

  • March 27, 2007

    Rebranding the Enemy

    The Left has developed no end of tricks to manipulate debates without the trouble of making a case or putting together an argument. Many of them have been in wide use for decades without ever being identified, much less counteracted. One example wide...

  • March 22, 2007

    Gun Owners, Child Molesters, and the Free Press

    The Roanoke Times is the latest newspaper to discover that just because something can be done does not mean it should be done. As reported by Michelle Malkin and others, the Times on March 11 ran an editorial titled "Shedding Light on Concealed ...

  • March 6, 2007

    Warming to Failure

    A certifiable paranoiac would have a high old time tracing out the patterns behind the global warming campaign of the past month. The effort has the feel of something long planned, well scripted, and worked out to the final detail. It's hard to avoid...

  • February 27, 2007

    9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Heads for the Tall Grass

    Readers who recall last fall's 9/11 debate in American Thinker between Professor James Fetzer, founder of the 9/11 Scholars for Truth, and me will be interested to learn that an actual confrontation was scheduled this Sunday on Irish National Radio ....

  • February 23, 2007

    Postwar Eras and their Crises

    Postwar eras tend to be overlooked. It's as if they're intermissions between the interesting parts of the historical continuum. The curtain comes down, and rapt in all the excitement of what went on before, we can scarcely be bothered to pay attentio...

  • February 16, 2007

    Who's Afraid of Global Warming?

    Science works by means of prediction. Once data is collected and evaluated, and a hypothesis formed, scientific method requires that certain predictions be made to act as tests of the overall theory. If the predictions work out, we can regard th...

  • February 9, 2007

    Global Warming's Globalist Backers

    The other shoe has dropped concerning global warming. Fasten your seat belts: an "international authortity" to act as enforcer has been demanded. Concurrent with the release of the International Panel on Climate Control's "report...

  • February 2, 2007

    A Necessary Apocalypse

                A man who ceases to believe in God does not believe in nothing; he believes in anything.     - G.K. Chesterton, OrthodoxyThe apocalyptic vision of global warming s...

  • January 31, 2007

    Resisting Global Warming Panic

    It may well turn out that George W. Bush's greatest service to the country won't involve terrorism or Iraq at all, but his steadfast refusal to be buffaloed into joining the panicky consensus on global warming. Rumor had it that Bush intended to...

  • January 29, 2007

    The Media Have Changed War

    The weekend before last showed us yet another facet of the problem of war and the modern media. On Saturday, 25 U.S. troops were killed -- 12 of them in a downed helicopter, 5 others while guarding a security meeting in Karbala. This was a bold ...

  • January 18, 2007

    Defending the Media's Right Flank

    Recent weeks have seen the appearance of editorials by Max Boot and Rich Lowry attempting to make the case that the media (by which they mean the legacy media more or less exclusively) has always been correct about the situation in Iraq and that...

  • January 10, 2007

    The Fascists are Coming, The Fascists are Coming

    The American left never, under any circumstances, engages in anything that can be called McCarthyite tactics. They leave that to the far right, unbalanced, vicious, and desperate. The left, on the side of reason, decency, and fair play, has never had...

  • January 5, 2007

    Breaking the Hold of Hegemonist Doctrine

    Hegemonism is the doctrine holding that every American action on the international stage should be examined under suspicion of evil intent. And what does it foresee occurring in Iraq - and the Middle East at large - after the United States pulls...

  • January 3, 2007

    On Going Roman

    "They have made a desolation, and they call it peace."    -TacitusMuch in the way of criticism of the United States comes in the form of accusations of  imperialism. According to this view, echoed by everyone from H...

  • December 30, 2006

    Knowing the Enemy

    A recent New Yorker article "Knowing the Enemy" has aroused more comment than such pieces usually attract this time of year. "Knowing the Enemy" deals with recent efforts by social scientists, anthropologists p...

  • December 8, 2006

    Seeds of Intellectual Destruction

    It's always amazed me how quickly the American left managed to twist the 9/11 attacks into a club with which to beat their own country. I recall watching the smoke from the towers late in the day, exhausted from stress and emotions I could scarc...

  • November 27, 2006

    The War on Terror's Newest Combatant

    Things are getting positively biblical in the War on Terror’s African front.  According to Agence France Presse, Ethiopia is about to attack the Somali Islamists single-handed, on their own hook, and with assistance from nobod...

  • November 22, 2006

    A Dose of Reality for the Realists

    The intentions of the realists, as represented by the Iraq Study Group, appear to be perfectly straightforward: convene a conference of all concerned parties – Iraq, Syria, Iran, the  Gulf States, Turkey, perhaps even Armenia and Georgia, ...

  • November 13, 2006

    The Worst Case

    'The problem, Mr. President, is people don't believe we're at war.'     —  a law student speaking to George W. Bush The 2006 midterm elections mark the worst defeat for the West since the opening of the War on Terror. ...

  • November 6, 2006

    The Iraqi Way of Justice: Lessons for Americans

    'A visibly shaken Hussein was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity for his roleа in ordering the deaths of 148 Shiite villagers in the town of Dujail in 1982.'аа —— Deutsche Welle We've been waiting a long time to read those wo...

  • November 1, 2006

    Has Kim Jong-Il Backed Down?

    That would seem to be a fairly urgent question, despite the strange lack of concern among politicians and the media. China is receiving the lion's share of credit  for 'persuading' North Korea to resume the Six Party negotiations it had abandone...

  • October 27, 2006

    Air Defense and Terror

    Air defense is the most problematic element of the War on Terror. One of the major questions surrounding the 9/11 attacks (and one of the seeds of many paranoid conspiracy theories)  is, where were the defenses? It took nearly three hours f...

  • October 19, 2006

    The Battle Over Battleships

    Robert Novak recently informed us that the battleship debate has once again reared its head. Naval partisans in Congress are attempting, in defiance of the wishes of the Navy itself, to bring back the last two surviving battleships, the Iowa and the ...

  • October 11, 2006

    The Emperor's New Bomb

    It's been a bad week for sensational media stories. The Mark Foley child sex scandal has no child and no sex. And it may well be there was no nuclear bomb exploded by North Korea, either. While trying to puzzle out why Kim Jong—Il went for the ...

  • October 10, 2006

    Kim Jong-il's Note of Hesitation

    An important factor is being overlooked in all the clamor surrounding the test of a North Korean nuclear weapon: despite the bold show at flouting international norms, Kim Jong—Il is, in fact, making a carefully—calculated effort to stay ...

  • September 28, 2006

    And Hitler Liked Puppies

    An interesting example of a phenomenon that might be called 'mainstreaming' turned up in the New York  Observer's October 2nd edition. That weekly newpaper, while not of enormous circulation, is a trend— and tone—setter among the sma...

  • September 15, 2006

    Conspiracy Theories and Media Ignorance

    The problem with the media doesn't end with bias. You can also throw in pure ignorance. Unless they specialize in a particular topic, journalists tend to be completely uninformed on technical issues, to the point where they often miss how those issue...

  • September 13, 2006

    Clausewitz On Terror

    Are we losing the War on Terror? Five years after 9/11, the question is being asked with some urgency, and not by appeasers, defeatists, or the general run of whiner, but by individuals of respect, people of considerable expertise and experience, peo...

  • September 6, 2006

    America's Strong Hand in Dealing with the Mullahs

    A dangerous fatalism has gripped too many people with regard to the threat posed by Iran's nuclear weapons program. America holds much better cards than the mullahs. We have let ourselves be spooked for far too long. History is full of instances that...

  • August 14, 2006

    Another Such Victory

    'Another such victory and we are undone.'  —— Pyrrhus, after the Battle of Asculum (279 B.C.) You know you're in trouble when Israel lets you down. One of the few useful methods of judging the results of a war is whether you are bet...

  • August 4, 2006

    Ballistic Missile Defense and Terror

    Ballistic Missile Defense(BMD) is one of those military assets that — along with the F—22 Raptor, carrier battle groups, and guided—missile subs — have been criticized in recent years as being irrelevant to the new strate...

  • July 31, 2006

    The Canary Keels Over

    Make no mistake — Israel's July 29th retreat from the village of Bin Jibeil marks the most serious defeat of Western arms to date in the War on Terror. Whatever occurs from this point on, the retreat (And it is a retreat; there is no other...

  • July 25, 2006

    No Cry for Jihad: On Religious War, Part 2

    Part 1 is found here. According to religious war theorists (they've clearly earned such an appellation by now), what's occurring in southern Lebanon is another step in the advance of jihad. Israel, battered on all sides, back against the wall, has be...

  • July 11, 2006

    Allah Will Know His Own: On Religious War, Part 1

    On the morning May 20, 1631, the army of the Habsburg Holy League, commanded by Count Tilly and Graf Pappenheim, breached the works of the city of Magdeburg. Desperate last—ditch sorties by the defenders were swept aside, and two of the city's ...

  • July 4, 2006

    The Real Story of "My Country, Right or Wrong"

    Quotations, particularly quotations with political content, often seem to end upmisrepresented and mangled, their meaning twisted if not completely reversed. Consider only 'The business of America is business', 'War is politics carried on by other me...

  • June 26, 2006

    Vigilantes in Baghdad

    Recent reports from Baghdad have made passing mention of the appearance of vigilantes in some of the city's neighborhoods. Streets have been blockaded by residents, and only individuals with legitimate business are allowed in. Unofficial curfews have...

  • June 15, 2006

    Ann Coulter Hurts the Cause

    Let me ask you this: when, prior to last week, was the last time you heard of the Jersey Girls? I can't give a definite answer, which in itself is telling. Not that I was paying any large amount of attention, but there was a lot of noise in...

  • June 14, 2006

    The Jihadi Network's Fatal Flaw

    Almost overlooked in the celebrations surrounding the elimination of Zarqawi is a considerable body of evidence that the Lion of Anbar was seeking to dramatically extend the range of his operations. The day before Zarqawi was at last struck down, the...

  • June 9, 2006

    Brother to Dragons

    Spin — as in media spin, of the kind that we experience too much of — can be used not only to impart a desired meaning; but to deprive an event of any meaning whatsoever, to rob it of the expected impact it might have in the ordinary cour...

  • June 7, 2006

    The Haditha Stratagem

    We face an Islamist enemy for which no deception, no cruelty, no inhumanity is too low in battling the infidel. I have previously �argued that the Jihadis (among others) were fabricating incidents pointing to American involvement in massacres of Ir...

  • June 6, 2006

    Give 'em More Rope

    One thing can be said for Iranians — they've sure come up with a novel method of running a secret nuclear program. The U.S. ran the Manhattan Project (more in hope than execution, it turned out) as one of the most secret programs of the Second ...

  • May 26, 2006

    Kharijism and Cultural War

    Five years into the War on Terror, the debate on our relationship with Islam remains on the level of 'Nuke 'em all' on one hand or 'Islam is the religion of peace' on the other. It never gets beyond those two points. Muslims are either soulless, robo...

  • May 16, 2006

    Zarqawi and the Company of Blood

    There are two distinct types that end up on top after a revolutionary—insurgency victory: intellectuals who can double as men of action, and thugs.  The first —— the thinkers who can handle themselves in a brawl —— ...

  • May 10, 2006

    A Break in the Chain

    No less an authority than Pope Benedict XVI has pointed out that since the Koran is taken as the very word of God —— as opposed to the Bible, which is the work of men inspired by God — no interpretation is possible. (That this in it...

  • May 8, 2006

    Moussaoui's Gift

    The Moussaoui sentencing verdict should come as a surprise to no one. A legal system adept at trivializing all forms of criminal behavior was not going to be stopped by anything as grave as 9/11. Between incompetent prosecutors, over—officious ...

  • May 2, 2006

    The Lesson of Uno de Mayo

    Uno De Mayo has come and gone with none of the predicted effects — no drastic plunge in retail sales, no nationwide economic earthquake, the only businesses shut down the ones that agreed to do so beforehand.  But still we're assured the m...

  • April 26, 2006

    The Generals and CDI

    A critical element of the 'General's Revolt' that has not received enough attention is the involvement of the Center for Defense Information (CDI).  The CDI is a Washington—based advocacy group that, like the Institute of Policy Studies or...

  • April 25, 2006

    The Guns of '88: Lessons of the Forgotten Tanker War

    Iran once again directly challenges the United States today as a nuclear power in the making, and panic attacks are breaking out in the expected quarters. Hardly a day goes by without another round of bloodcurdling threats from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or...

  • April 21, 2006

    The EMP Threat: ElectroMagnetic Pulse Warfare

    Concerns are rising about the threat of an EMP (ElectroMagnetic Pulse) attack, aimed at destroying our electronic guts. What if our computers and other electronics didn't work? What if electronic records of your bank account were immobilized? What wo...

  • April 17, 2006

    Lightweights: The Iranian Nuclear Threat

    The sabre—rattling coming from Tehran has more rattle than sabre to it. Iran is making threats on which it cannot deliver. Literally. The Federation of American scientists site features a useful guide to international weaponry, containing detai...

  • April 10, 2006

    Parkinson's War

    C. Northcote Parkinson has a lot to say about the war on terror, even though he died in 1993. And not simply because he predicted (in East and West, published in 1962) that the great conflict of the third millennium would involve a battle between the...

  • April 4, 2006

    Bogus Massacre Reports in Iraq

    Over the past few weeks, two serious accusations of mass murder by Coalition units have surfaced, both involving current operations — one against the Jihadis, the other against illegal militia. Both were given a wide airing in the international...

  • March 29, 2006

    Muslims and PC

    The major problem facing American Muslims today is not active prejudice or government harassment; it's political correctness. PC has been the governing force in relations with the American Muslim umma since 9/11, if not before. It is the sole reason ...

  • March 23, 2006

    Prospects of Terror: An Inquiry into Jihadi Alternatives (3)

    [This the third of three parts. Partа1 is found here. Part 2 is found here.] Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack. One defends when his strength is inadequate; he attacks when it is abundant.а аааааааааааааааааа...

  • March 22, 2006

    Prospects of Terror: An Inquiry into Jihadi Alternatives (2)

    [Part 2 in a three—part series. Part 1 may be read here.]    The ultimate in disposing one's forces is to be without discernable shape              ...

  • March 21, 2006

    Prospects of Terror: An Inquiry into Jihadi Alternatives (1)

    The first campaigns of the Long War are drawing to a close. The Jihadis have lost the opening rounds. What next? There's an unconscious conviction that what happens next is... nothing. We go back to everyday life, the way things were before all that ...

  • March 10, 2006

    The Saddam Files: National Security and Enemy Documents

    Two million captured documents from the files of Saddam Hussein's government remain mostly un—translated, their contents unavailable to the national conversation on Middle East policy. History has some lessons for us in the treatment of treasur...

  • March 8, 2006

    The French Way

    'This is worse than a crime... it's a blunder.' (Talleyrand, on Napoleon's execution of the Duke d'Enghien) The French have always gone their own way in international relations. Back in the days of the early Louis, the French, annoyed by several Ital...

  • March 4, 2006

    Good Night and Good Riddance

    So George Clooney's Good Night and Good Luck is not on anyone's lips to win Best Picture Sunday night. All the same, the response to Clooney's film demonstrates that the McCarthy myth still possesses considerable potency, even among people who think ...

  • February 23, 2006

    David Irving Jailed in Austria for Holocaust Denial

    Years ago, I picked up a book titled The Trail of the Fox, a biography of Erwin Rommel, the legendary German armored commander. I found it an  impressive read — lively and informative, thoroughly researched, and extremely well written....

  • February 16, 2006

    Halabja's Shadow

    The slowly building story concerning the actual status of Saddam Hussein's WMDs promises to upset a lot of apple carts in politics, the media, and international diplomacy. Testimony by former Iraqi officers  and WMD investigators, along with a '...

  • February 12, 2006

    Stephen Douglas, Bush Supporter

    America has been lucky in its great men. Nothing demonstrates the essential soundness of the democratic concept than a Lincoln, a Truman, or a Reagan stepping forward to take on a crisis that at first glance seems insurmountable.  But we've been...

  • February 2, 2006

    Is there a 'conservative style' for America?

    I'd like to take this opportunity to put in a word for the Ramones Conservatives. You've heard of them —— those Conservatives who walk in the footsteps of Johnny Ramone, the late and lamented guitarist for the eponymous pioneering punk...

  • January 25, 2006

    Thinking the Unthinkable About Iran

    Before the founding of the modern State of Israel, the anti—Semitic view of the historical role of the Jew was that of half—willing victim. Jews were supposed to wait patiently while the Poles, Tartars, and Cossacks threw the bones to see...

  • January 18, 2006

    How Demography Fails

    'Europe will be Islamic by the end of this century at the very latest.' The floodgates opened with that comment from Bernard Lewis. Since its publication in Die Welt in July 2004, countless responses have appeared from writers as varied as George We...

  • December 20, 2005

    The Legacy of Tet

    It was with Tet '68 that the American media first knew sin. Anyone seeking to understand the character of consistently negative media coverage of the Global War on Terror must understand Tet. The Tet offensive of February 1968 is widely regarded as o...

  • December 7, 2005

    Zarqawi and People's War

    The way the media plays it, you'd think Abu Musab al—Zarqawi was the greatest Muslim strategist since Saladin. Every car bomb is a Jacob's Ford, every massacre a Hattin every move a masterstroke against the clumsy and inept Crusaders. He makes ...

  • November 18, 2005

    Winning in Iraq - and losing at home

    There are a number of methods of judging how a war is progressing. The American media knows none of them. Based on mainstream media reporting, many Americans, including some in elective office, are coming to the wrong—headed conclusion that we ...

  • October 11, 2005

    The descent into ideology

    With the Harriet Miers controversy, conservatism has begun its descent into ideology. Unlike the Left, conservatism has never been an ideological movement, in the sense of possessing an overarching system of thought demanding acceptance in toto. Amer...