Joyce Capron

Joyce Capron

  • November 26, 2009

    On to Copenhagen for Obama and a climate conference with no real agenda

    President Obama will attend the Copenhagen climate talks in December, despite the fact that global warming has recently been shown to be a fraud.   According to the the Los Angeles Times Greenspace blog , The White House will also announce today...

  • October 28, 2009

    Meanwhile, back in Chicago

    Obama's hometown newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, today recommends GOP ideas on healthcare: tort reform, allowing sales across state lines, and extending healthcare-related tax benefits to individuals.  The potential for cost savings seems t...

  • June 1, 2009

    Obama Moves Mountains to Create Jobs; Environmentalists Weep

    The Obama administration has expressed approved of at least two dozen new ‘mountaintop removal’ projects, an environmentally destructive mining method used in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, to expose coal by removing the entire tops o...

  • February 9, 2009

    Needed: anti-Obi gestures

    Today at tennis, after I made a hard point, my partner offered the Obama fist bump."I don't do that," I said, and I gave her a stern look.  It's not the first time I've run into Obamabots on the courts; the game attracts argumentative,...

  • January 19, 2009

    PBS's friends in Iran

    A recent hour of cable television revealed media bias where it doesn’t need to be, and a crying need for more fair and balanced programming. I like Rick Steves. In his half-hour how-to-travel shows on The Travel Channel, the camera follows him ...