Joshua Foxworth

Joshua Foxworth

  • ’Diversity, inclusion, equity’ at NASA

    September 17, 2024

    ’Diversity, inclusion, equity’ at NASA

    The spotlight tends to shine on NASA only when a tragedy occurs or when there are issues such as the recent ones with Boeing’s Starliner.  The removal of that spotlight coupled with incompetent congressional leadership has left NASA w...

  • October 31, 2019

    Twitter intensifies attack on conservatives by forbidding political ads

    Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced yesterday that the platform will no longer accept and run paid political ads.  Despite the fact that this change of policy will do little to affect Twitter's revenue, it will have a fairly significant e...

  • October 10, 2019

    This bipartisan immigration bill will change the face of America

    In July of this year, the U.S. House overwhelmingly passed H.R. 1044, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act.  The bill had broad bipartisan support, with Democrats voting 224-8 in favor of it and Republicans voting for the act by a m...

  • September 25, 2019

    Pelosi's 'impeach Trump' announcement a bad, bad sign for our republic

    Yesterday, House speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the first steps are being taken to impeach President Donald Trump.  While few people actually believe that these actions will result in the disclosure of any offense on the part of the pr...

  • September 20, 2019

    Affirmative Action and NASA

    In the 47 years since the last man set foot on the moon, the space program has changed a great deal.  One of those changes has been incorporating mandated affirmative action policies.  These policies have had an incredibly negativ...

  • September 16, 2019

    Republicans must stem the tide of illegal immigration or be obliterated

    For the Republican Party, and indeed the American people, 2020 is a time for choosing on immigration.  Illegal immigration is out of control, and there appears to be no stopping it.  While many Americans understand this, others...

  • September 13, 2019

    Make No Mistake: The GOP is Losing Texas

    To date, five congressmen from Texas have resigned instead of seeking re-election in 2020. Their resignations signal two things from GOP leadership. The first is the realization that Texas is now lost. The second is that this loss is due entirely to ...

  • August 6, 2019

    Unidirectional Empathy Is Now the Cornerstone of Modern Society

    In the aftermath of 9/11, Americans were given a persistent and unquestioned drumbeat of messages instructing them not to seek retribution, but to show grace and mercy towards those whose people had carried out the attacks. They were told to go shopp...

  • July 5, 2019

    Nationalistic College Debt Relief

    American citizens currently owe an estimated $1.6 trillion in college debt. Senator Bernie Sanders has proposed a plan to forgive all of this debt with many other Presidential candidates proposing similar plans. Americans who did not attend college, ...

  • June 29, 2019

    Infotech and Rights

    On June 26, Reddit - one of the largest social media companies in the world - announced that it was placing a forum with more than 750,000 subscribers in “quarantine”. This meant that it could no longer be found by users searching for it,...

  • April 17, 2019

    Health Care: The Real Problem

    For all the talk that has surrounded health care in the recent elections, both parties have been largely unwilling to propose specific policies to address the cost of healthcare in the U.S. The reason for this inaction is simple -- neither Democrats ...

  • April 10, 2019

    Why Do Young People Find Socialism So Attractive?

    To anyone over the age of 40, the growing appeal of socialist policies within the younger generations can be confusing.  To us, this nation's capitalist system has provided the highest standard of living the world has ever seen, while ...

  • April 6, 2019

    Immigration as Economic Warfare

    Political influence in America is garnered through a number of mechanisms -- campaign contributions, social media, YouTube, news channels, and authority from moral figures such as the church, to name a few. However, the dominant force in American pol...

  • May 11, 2012

    Obama's Marriage Masquerade

    This issue of marriage is not as simple as it seems on the surface.  It is not simply about allowing two people to have the same rights with respect to hospital visitation or property rights.  Marriage involves the role of the federal gover...

  • May 2, 2012

    Why conservatives should oppose the renomination of Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana.

    With all the attention being paid to the Presidential race, not much national press has been dedicated to some of the early Senate primaries.  Three Republican Senate primaries have been held to date in states with solid Democratic incum...