Joseph Svetlic

Joseph Svetlic

  • February 24, 2012

    Gasoline Prices and Dollar Prices

    It's not that gasoline is more expensive; it's just that your dollars are worth less.  But neither the media nor the political establishment wants you to realize the real reason Americans are experiencing pain at the pump. Surging gasoline price...

  • February 23, 2012

    They Think You Are Stupid

    So it is with great interest that I read this past week about the President's initial response to rising gas prices. What or who was to blame? According to the President, speculators. Nameless, faceless speculators. They are to blame for the rising p...

  • April 25, 2011

    Gasoline Prices and Speculators: They Think You Are Stupid

    It is with great interest that I read this past week about the President's initial response to rising gas prices.  What or who was to blame?  According to the President...speculators.  Nameless, faceless speculators.  They are to ...