Joseph Rosenberger

Joseph Rosenberger

  • September 6, 2012

    That Unalienable Right to Your Neighbors' Labor

    I laughed out loud when Mr. Obama's apologists (The Gray Lady) accused the Romney campaign of "last century" thinking.  For it is 19th century thinking -- pre-Civil War thinking, yes even Dred Scott thinking -- to legislate rights that entitle s...

  • August 14, 2012

    Do You Have an Inalienable Right to Your Neighbor's Labor?

    This next presidential election presents a choice between two social contracts: the socialist-fascist contract of Mr. Obama and the Democrat Party1, and the limited government-free enterprise-capitalist contract of Mr. Romney2 and the Republican Part...

  • May 2, 2010

    A rational approach to profiling

    The outrage some have expressed over Arizona's government (supported by over 70% of her citizens) to enforce federal foreign citizen trespasser laws by claiming to do so requires unconscionable racial profiling to enforce, is both confounding and irr...

  • March 26, 2010

    Coercive Charity Destroys the Human Spirit

    After the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Senate's health care bill (without changes because they could not craft and pass a bill of their own), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi proclaimed that the effort reflected American's founding declaration ...

  • March 1, 2010

    The Facilitator-in-Chief Failed Miserably

    President Obama, renowned for his love of wonkish talk-fests, utterly failed as a facilitator at last week's Health Care Summit. As one who has facilitated expert groups for twenty years, with over 20,000 hours of group-conflict-management experience...

  • March 2, 2009

    Obama the wealth destroyer

    This morning, the Dow went below 7000.Since a majority of Americans first thought Barack Obama would be our President, on through his presidency, the DJIA has lost one third of its value.   While correlation is not necessarily causation, th...

  • February 28, 2009

    Maybe time to re-read an assessment of Obama's narcissism

    A narcissist is "a pond pretending to be an ocean."  Seeing President Obama at the Chicago Bulls game last night reminded me of Dr. Vaknin's assessment of The Occupant as narcissist last August.As I wasn't paying much attention to The ...

  • February 25, 2009

    More historical obfuscation from Obama's address to Congress

    President Obama opined, "History reminds us that at every moment of economic upheaval and transformation, this nation has responded with bold action and big ideas. In the midst of civil war, we laid railroad tracks from one coast to another that...

  • October 8, 2008

    Obama the Facilitator

    How anyone can seriously consider this exasperatingly unqualified Candidate Obama for President of the United States has confounded me.  Until now.  Now I get it.  And now I know why he scares the wits out of me.  The reason is a ...

  • February 19, 2008

    Michelle Obama, America, and pride

    Perhaps the Obama Campaign should reconsider its priorities and message.  The object of one's civic life is not to live in a country one can be proud of, but that one should live a life of such selfless courage, meaningful toil, and lasting...

  • February 16, 2008

    Who said that? (a continuing series)

    While Sen. Obama turns a phrase partially in the tradition of an inner-city AME evangelist, the exalting themes are not new: Lest we get too excited about inspiring political rhetoric, others have come before Sen. Obama  All he is doing, so...

  • August 23, 2007

    The Future of Western Civilization Depends on Two Things

    The current political squabbles in America between the liberal, socialist left and the moral capitalist conservative right are merely a skirmish line on the edge of two colliding civilizations.  The combatants are not the free market, individual...

  • April 6, 2007

    Lincoln on supporting the troops

    I recently happened across two paragraphs from Gabor Boritt's wonderful study on Lincoln's Gettysburg address in The Gettysburg Gospel. Boritt recounts the history after the battle, ending July 4, 1863, to the dedication of the National Cemetery, on ...