Joseph E. McIsaac

Joseph E. McIsaac

  • August 18, 2021

    COVID bumps climate change

    "Fear sells." This long-held trope from the sales world is also the battle cry for the political enemies of individual freedoms and the U.S. Constitution.  Isn't that what climate change is all about?  ...

  • June 16, 2021

    Five tips for debating Critical Race Theory

    The latest battlefront in the culture wars is over Critical Race Theory (CRT), a dangerous concept that makes race the prism through which all aspects of American life should be analyzed.  Recently, stories about corporation inculcation of ...

  • November 4, 2013

    High Deductibles Chase the Middle Class from Health Services

    In a recent conversation, a good buddy enraged by his new private insurance premiums and $5,800-per-year deductible said something that struck me as undoubtedly prophetic. "I'd literally need to be dying before I would start paying this ridiculous...

  • September 27, 2012

    Understanding Romneycare

    Conservative criticism of Mitt Romney's involvement in Massachusetts' universal health care (so-called "Romneycare") targets one of the most misunderstood issues in the 2012 presidential race.  Critics lash out against Romneycare as proof that R...