Jonathan Colvin

Jonathan Colvin

  • Unfixable cars? Enough already!

    February 22, 2025

    Unfixable cars? Enough already!

    I am old enough to have owned a half-dozen cars or trucks with no computers, including a 1941 Ford coup, a 1956 Chevrolet two-door sedan, and a 1966 Chevrolet Malibu.  Fixing these vehicles to make them run correctly took some rudiment...

  • July 4, 2022

    A history of rockets, and a history of independence

    Some history first.  The Declaration of Independence took the first part of the year of 1776 to write and was signed on July 4.  The United States Constitution was written in the summer of 1787 in Philadelphia.  The Unit...

  • June 19, 2022

    Father's Day and our fathers' fathers

    I remember growing up in Phoenix on a small farm.  We raised goats.  I was on the north end of Phoenix, near 16th Street and Oak in 1952.  My father had moved to Phoenix in the early '40s with his father; my father...

  • December 5, 2021

    Finding Purpose in Life

    Twenty years ago in the summer, I traveled  to Guatemala with my Nazarene Church to build church structures in some remote areas of the country.  We would stay in small towns at the local hotels, if you could call them that. ...

  • November 4, 2021

    For true sports equity, teams will have to start losing a lot more often

    Just about the time I thought that the sports in Arizona were going to be compliant with woke equity, the wheels fell off.  The usually equity-compliant Arizona Cardinals started the season with a record-tying (for the franchise) 7-0. ...

  • August 4, 2021

    The homeless may not be homeless

    As a private investigator in Arizona, I always look forward to each day's surprise or learning experience. Several years ago, one of my attorney clients wanted to visit the scene of an accident.  It was a complicated traffic light situati...

  • July 29, 2021

    The case for conscription

    When Israel became a country in 1948, it implemented conscription for all persons turning 18.  It seems to have worked well.  Everyone who turns 18, both male and female, is conscripted for a period of time.  The length ...

  • July 8, 2021

    Here's an idea: Vice President Trump

    I saw and understand where there is no remedy in the U.S. Constitution for the impeachment of a vice president.  I also see that Donald Trump likes to have fun, and he loves what he does, especially on the political front.  He alw...