Jonathan Schlackman

Jonathan Schlackman

  • July 12, 2023

    Missing the point on the Axios 'Old Yeller' article

    On July 10, Axios published an article titled "Old Yeller: Biden's Private Fury," where they talk about how Biden is quite the old curmudgeon behind the scenes at the Oval Office.  Dutifully, like clockwork, all the conservati...

  • August 26, 2012

    Why Voting Democrat Is Voting against Yourself

    My mother-in-law often tells me that "voting Republican is voting against myself."  She's a lifelong progressive who believes that Republicans are evil by nature (though considering that she's also an atheist, it strikes me as being philoso...

  • July 30, 2009

    Will Obama's presidency be saved through failed initiatives?

    Obama's presidency is spiraling down.  The more he attempts to implement previously failed initiatives (nationalized healthcare, immigration reform) as well as harmful new ones (Cap and Trade) instead of concentrating on unemployment and the eco...

  • March 27, 2009

    How times change

    In 1788 it took a series of 77 thought provoking essays (The Federalist Papers) presented to the public (via newspaper- the dominant media of the time) to sway the American people to adopt a completely new course of government. In 2008 it took a mere...