Jonathan Schanzer and Asaf Romirowsky

Jonathan Schanzer and Asaf Romirowsky

  • November 14, 2010

    The 'Facebook' of Palestinian Society

    In the internet era, the battleground of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no longer limited to just ground, sea, or air mêlées. Now the boundaries have shifted to include protracted and arduous online campaigns.Israelis are only just ...

  • October 16, 2009

    Juan Cole Between Madison and the Mullahs

    Juan Cole, the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan, produces a steady stream of writings that downplays the threat radical Islam poses to America and the West. His opinions are at odds with the beliefs of...

  • August 15, 2009

    Norton Mezvinsky's Lamentable Legacy -- and His Future

    A newly formed "educational think tank," the International Council for Middle East Studies (ICMES), is poised to influence U.S. policy toward the Middle East in ways that could further harm American interests in the region. It will be led b...

  • May 31, 2009

    Islamic Speakers Bureau Backed By Radical Profs

    A California nonprofit dedicated to "teaching about Islam & Muslims" at U.S. high schools and college campuses features a board of advisors that is stacked with some of the most controversial activist professors in the field of Middle E...

  • January 4, 2009

    Middle East Studies on the Mend?

    In recent years, Campus Watch (CW) analysts have leveled a barrage of criticism against the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) as a bastion of groupthink for scholar-activists peddling a politicized agenda.  CW's current director, Winfield M...

  • March 12, 2008

    Profs Hammer Israel, Fail to Predict Palestinian War

    From the Egyptian border breach to indiscriminate rocket fire at Israel, the Gaza Strip currently poses serious threats to regional security. The Hamas terrorist organization controls this territory because it defeated the Palestinian Liberation Orga...

  • November 13, 2007

    Auctioning Jerusalem Foretells Israeli PM's Demise

    "Peace is achieved through concessions. We all know that," said embattled Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to crowd of businessmen last week, implying that parts of Jerusalem could be offered to the Palestinians in exchange for peace.This...