Jonathan Levin

Jonathan Levin

  • March 9, 2015

    Netanyahu and the Facts

    Criticism of Benjamin Netanyahu’s March 2 speech before a joint session of Congress ranges from evasive, to merely imprecise, to outright conspiratorial. Suggestions that Netanyahu is war mongering, or that he represents some nefarious Israel L...

  • August 29, 2014

    Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Failures

    Do not be fooled by Hillary Clinton’s attempt to rehabilitate her term as Secretary of State ahead of the 2016 presidential election.  From 2009 to 2013, Clinton embodied U.S. foreign affairs even as President Obama’s avowed policy o...

  • July 11, 2014

    John Boehner and John Roberts, Meet John Marshall

    If and when House Speaker John Boehner sues the President, John Roberts and his colleagues on the Supreme Court will confront a challenge that has bedeviled the judiciary for more than 200 years.  When the executive disregards constitutional lim...