Jonathan Ehret

Jonathan Ehret

  • January 9, 2016

    2016 Will Not Be like 1964

    Over the past months, as Ted Cruz has steadily climbed in the polls and national exposure, the far left (and establishment right) have either gloated or fretted that Cruz winning the Republican nomination would leave him playing Barry Goldwater to Hi...

  • November 18, 2015

    Chris Matthews Equates ISIS and Islam with Mussolini and Catholics

    Keeping up with the vacuity of progressive Leftists is nothing if not exhausting, and the terrorist attacks in Paris have left no shortage of bumbling dissembling among the Leftist elite. Yesterday, Democrat Propaganda Minister and MSNBC host Chris M...

  • August 19, 2015

    Lyndon Baines Johnson: Face of the Modern Democratic Party

    The current hand-wringing among the Democratic Party elite regarding association with Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson for fundraising purposes has led to an obvious question: with whom to replace these “fallen” heroes of the Republic?...

  • June 26, 2015

    How long until the book burnings start?

    One wonders if the leftist zealots frothing at the mouth for the destruction of all things with a connection to the Southern Confederacy of 1860-1865 can even recall the catalyst of their current rage.  Surely they recall that their current effo...