Jonathan D. Strong

Jonathan D. Strong

  • September 19, 2010

    Seize the Opportunity

    The Tea Party has flexed its muscles in recent primaries and special elections to the delight of conservatives and Republicans across America. The GOP is getting the biggest wake-up call since Barry Goldwater realigned the Republican Party with ...

  • May 15, 2008

    Human Rights Regression

    Since the end of the Second World War, much of Western Civilization took it for granted that the progress and triumph of human rights, freedom, and liberal democracy would continue in perpetuity.  Of course, there were setbacks as communist insu...

  • October 8, 2007

    Thanks but No Thanksgiving

    In the days after 9/11, President Bush exhorted America and the world that Islam was a religion of peace, and that the perpetrators of the attacks had violated the very tenets of the religion they claimed to be killing for.  Throughout the Iraq ...

  • June 18, 2007

    The Retreat of the West?

    International affairs is a zero sum game.  When power is withdrawn by one state, another state or group will fill that power vacuum.  History has proven this in the past.  When British hegemony declined, American power filled that gap ...

  • March 9, 2007

    Heavy-handed Putin

    President Vladimir Putin increasingly has been imitating his Soviet predecessors of a bygone communist era. Dissidents, spies, "undesirables", and people just in the wrong place at the wrong time frequently "disappeared" in the fo...

  • February 11, 2007

    Invested in Defeat

    While political partisanship is the norm, rather than the exception, in Washington D.C., leaders from both sides of the aisle have historically come together for the sake of unity and for the good of the nation during a time of war or crisis.  T...

  • January 16, 2007

    The Duplicity of Redeployment

    It did not take long after the defeat Saddam Hussein's military machine by US and coalition forces for Democrats to start calling for retreat.  Even the use of the word "quagmire" made a speedy appearance within weeks of the invasion o...

  • September 4, 2006

    A Proven Way to Lessen Dependence on Foreign Oil

    Until recently, the plan (such as it is) for reducing America (and the world's) dependence on oil from foreign sources, mainly in the Middle East, has been to find more sources of domestic oil and oil from friendlier, non—OPEC countries. This h...

  • May 11, 2006

    Energy: The GOP's Issue for 2006

    Many on the Left are eagerly awaiting the elections in November with the perception, or delusion, that the Republicans in the House and the Senate have been weakened by the Iraq War and multiple budget deficits.  Although many conservatives are ...

  • March 28, 2006

    Beyond NATO: a New Alliance for a New Threat

    Since the end of World War Two, a collection of western nations have relied upon the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for collective defense. This organization was originally created to counter the nuclear and conventional threat posed by th...

  • January 19, 2006

    The Canadian Election's Impact on America

    During the years of President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Canada and the United States shared an important relationship as trading partners, allies, and warm friends. Our common Britannic history encompassing the rule of law, dem...

  • December 22, 2005

    Culture of Expedience

    Whether it be Paul Martin in Canada, Harry Reid in the United States, or Gerhard Schroeder in Germany, leftists have shown a propensity towards political expedience rather than a foundation of principle. First, take the current Prime Minister of Cana...

  • November 25, 2005

    Stupidity in the Fight Against AIDS

    Today there are over 40 million people living with HIV or AIDS. Last year, 5 million more people contracted the virus. Despite increasing awareness and education about AIDS and how it is transferred along with billions of dollars of research to find ...

  • November 1, 2005

    The President's nominee

    The President fully redeemed himself yesterday in his nomination of Sam Alito, Jr. to the Supreme Court of the United States. I say this not simply because I believe that Mr. Alito is a conservative who will overturn Roe v. Wade, but because he is an...

  • October 30, 2005

    Time to rally

    It has been a tough week for President, perhaps one of the most difficult of his Presidency apart from 9—11 and the Iraq War. However, like a true conservative and red blooded American its time to cowboy up, dust off, and get back to business. ...

  • October 27, 2005

    The War Dead in Perspective

    The 2,000 mark for the number of soldiers killed in the Iraq War has been touted widely in the media as a grim milestone.  This number is significant; it is not to be overlooked; and it is a tremendous loss for this nation.  Words cannot de...