Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen

  • Giggler and Snitch: Two Phonies atop the Democrat Ticket

    August 28, 2024

    Giggler and Snitch: Two Phonies atop the Democrat Ticket

    Fox News commentator and author Tyrus nicknamed Kamala Harris “The Giggler” and V.P. candidate Tim Walz “The Snitch.”  The label for Harris stems from her frequent nervous laughter that accompanies her public comment...

  • March 26, 2023

    The precedent for the House Judiciary Committee to question Alvin Bragg

    House Republicans have called for Manhattan District Attorney Albert Bragg to appear before Congress to answer questions about his office’s pursuit of legal actions against former President Donald Trump. While some, such as National Review colu...

  • March 17, 2023

    There are no Good Options for U.S. Policy in Ukraine

    Tucker Carlson caused a stir among potential and announced 2024 Republican candidates by asking them to reply in writing to a series of questions about their views on Ukraine. By far the most controversial response was Ron DeSantis’s statement ...

  • March 7, 2023

    Unanswered COVID questions

    As COVID-19 fades as a public health emergency into a more manageable nuisance like seasonal flu, lingering questions about the disease's origin and our health officials' response have come into play.  Questions about the role of th...

  • November 30, 2022

    The Georgia runoff: Challenger vs. bargainer

    On December 6, Georgia will decide whether the Senate splits 50-50 or the Democrats have a two-vote majority.  Given the politics of the Democrat party, they are two votes short of abolishing the filibuster and passing an ambitious radical ...

  • March 3, 2022

    Biden chooses appeasement over sound war-preventing diplomacy

    The first twelve minutes of Joe Biden's State of the Union message was devoted to a strong statement of support for the people of Ukraine and a salute to their courage.  It was, however, short on specifics of what the U.S. was prepared ...

  • January 8, 2022

    Political violence and Trump's reactions on January 6, 2021

    January 6 is a complicated story.  For the Democrats, it is a Reichstag Fire moment, a chance to pulverize their political opposition.  For the Republicans, it is an awkward story because while they don't approve of the violen...

  • November 14, 2021

    The real villains in the Rittenhouse trial

    After the defense rested in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the lawyers on both sides met with the judge to go over possible jury instructions and the introduction of lesser charges.  A video was shown of a mob of rioters with axes and what ...

  • November 9, 2020

    The rejected vote count is what matters

    The challenge to the 2020 presidential election is based not on unlawful voting, but on ineligible ballots.  There is a narrative put out by the Democratic party and their media allies that to contest the election, the Trump campaign must p...

  • September 29, 2020

    Some questions for Biden at the first debate

    Fox News has been promoting the upcoming presidential debate that will be moderated by their own Chris Wallace.  The reporters on Fox have been assuring their viewers that Biden will not escape challenging questions from the tough-reporting...

  • July 24, 2020

    The Biden campaign: disease, depression, and racial discord

    As the presidential election draws closer, the Biden campaign’s strategy has increasingly focused on blaming Trump for disease, depression, and racial unrest. Presidents, like coaches of sports teams, get too much credit during good times and t...

  • January 31, 2020

    Trump impeachment: An important distinction

    The argument that the House Democrats have been pushing in favor of calling witnesses is that it will resolve a factual disagreement.  The Democrats claim that Trump withheld military aid in order to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Bide...

  • November 25, 2019

    Unraveling the Impeachment Inquiry Testimony

    The several days of hearings produced lots of melodrama but no direct evidence that President Trump held up aid to Ukraine to pressure the Ukraine to investigate meddling in the 2016 election or the company Burisma that hired Hunter Biden to its Boar...

  • November 17, 2019

    The ‘impeachment inquiry’ hearings so far

    The first week of hearings have revealed quite a lot about the current proceedings. What is beginning to emerge is a clearer look at the actual case, the forces behind the inquiry, and an infuriating abuse of process propelling the whole inquiry. Her...

  • November 5, 2019

    The Democrats get to throw the first punch

    Narratives are the lenses through which observers assess information.  In an honest trial, the prosecution and the defense outline their case, witnesses are questioned and cross-examined, the two sides sum up their version of the evidence, ...

  • October 17, 2019

    Twenty unasked questions at the Democrats' debate

    Tuesday's Democrat presidential debate was a farce!  The one thing it clearly demonstrated was that Tom Perez and his DNC buddies were on to something when they froze Fox News out of their debates.  Here are some questions not...

  • June 9, 2019

    When John Dean testifies, the real Watergate analogy should be made clear

    The Democrats in the House are opening their post-Mueller report hearings with testimony from John Dean, the former Nixon White House Counsel, whose riveting testimony in the Watergate Hearings helped push the House of Representatives towards an impe...

  • September 2, 2013

    The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 3: The Weight of History

    See also: The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 1: The Trial, the Evidence and the Verdict and The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 2: The role of the media, the lawyers and the racial divide Sixty years ago the black soci...

  • September 1, 2013

    The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 2: The role of the media, the lawyers and the racial divide

    See also: The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 1: The Trial, the Evidence and the Verdict The media story From the beginning, the national media was informed of the case primarily from the vantage point of Martin's family and their supp...

  • August 31, 2013

    The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 1: The Trial, the Evidence and the Verdict

    The aftermath of the verdict in the George Zimmerman case has been as depressing as the actions and atmosphere during the 17 months preceding the trial.  The misuse of state power for political purposes and the deliberate misleading of the publi...

  • July 15, 2013

    More lies from the main stream media about the Zimmerman case

    Today's Chicago Tribune editorial on the Zimmerman verdict repeats some of the lies and misrepresentations that have helped create so much of the anger over this case for the past 16 months.  The editorial which urges acceptance of the verdict n...