Jonathan Barth

Jonathan Barth

  • December 12, 2021

    When it comes to Inflation, it’s the Fed, stupid

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics just released its latest report on the Consumer Price Index. As expected, the data looks bad. The year-over-year increase in November was 6.8%. Inflation is now at its highest level since 1982 -- that is, in almost four...

  • November 25, 2021

    The God of Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving is among the greatest of our national holidays, and there is a real case to be made that it is the greatest of our national holidays.  Tragically, however, Americans in the general have lost a real understanding of why we celeb...

  • April 16, 2020

    Sweden and the coronavirus: a lesson in media spin

    All the rage in the news of late is the “failure” of Sweden’s coronavirus policy. Sweden thus far has adopted a moderate, targeted approach. They prohibit visitations at nursing homes, gatherings of more than fifty people, they have...