Jon Daly

Jon Daly

  • November 23, 2010

    Show us the data

    Much is now being made about the new TSA regulations and practice's being employed at airports.  But if these new scanners and, alternatively, the sanctioned gropes going on are effective, how many arrests have been made?  How many bombs or...

  • November 20, 2010

    The Progressive Cure Will Kill You

    While a case could have been made for Ben Bernanke's Fed plan to print money to buy government debt, is the timing of this plan good monetary policy or just bad politics?First of all this scheme confirms the fault inherent in the Obama, Krugman, Keyn...

  • November 14, 2010

    Barack and unintended consquences

    As Obama finishes his Asian trip and is forced to answer questions he doesn't want ("what were the biggest complaints you heard from the other foreign leaders?") some things become clear.  This man and his administration are completely...

  • October 29, 2010

    Dude, where's my gravitas?

    Every once in a while an article comes along that describes perfectly in the pathology of the left.  Shelby Steele, in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, does it.  In a piece entitled "A Referendum on the Redeemer," he say...

  • January 12, 2010

    The moral relativism exposed by Reid's remarks

    The current dust-up with Harry Reid and his racist remarks about Obama have exposed more than Reid's covert racism. It has, through the aftermath, exposed the fallacy that is moral relativism. Not in what Reid said. That was just stupid. But in t...