John M. Clark

John M. Clark

  • November 4, 2022

    The definition of wokeism

    According to a posting I read on the Nextdoor app, "woke implies social activism, nationalism, and collectivism.  It suggests rage, passion, resistance, action; seeking to draw a line against the unacceptable."  "Wo...

  • October 30, 2022

    Did I see the fall of America?

    Willing duplicity and complicity of organizations to undermine the Constitution is amazing to me.  When I first read Orwell's 1984 in high school, I considered it to be farfetched in the U.S.  Yet here we are. Lincoln's...

  • August 24, 2022

    How many Americans shall we kill for the greater good?

    Let's assume that for the greater good, the US admits 10,000 people per year from Middle East countries (or any countries) that sponsor, encourage, or train terrorists.  Now, most of the people will be truly decent folks and just want t...

  • February 7, 2021

    The media-created ‘Hive Mind’ and our politics

    A common theme or meme in Science Fiction is the concept of the “Hive Mind”. One excellent depiction is The Borg in Star Trek, the Next Generation. The Borg is a collective species without a home planet.  Like locusts, they travel th...