John Mastronardi

John Mastronardi

  • June 27, 2022

    Manchin and Collins: 'We wuz robbed.'

    No sooner had the Supreme Court issued its Dobbs opinion then West Virginia’s sometimes-rational-Democrat senator Joe Manchin and senior Maine-Squish-Republican, senator Susan Collins, came out expressing their combined horror and indignation o...

  • February 16, 2022

    Generational Damage: The Democrat party

    The political punditry is currently fixated, ad nauseam, on the November midterms when discussing the upcoming fortunes of the two major political parties.  While the impact of the upcoming election is certainly relevant, as it is with m...

  • September 17, 2021

    MacArthur was fired; Milley should be court-martialed

    Douglas MacArthur was one of the nation's greatest generals.  In his time, there was no more revered, lauded, and beloved military figure.  He graduated first in his class at West Point, where, after service in WWI, he served ...

  • April 20, 2021

    The Chauvin jury just may do what it wants

    All that remains of the trial of Derek Chauvin is the verdict.  Conventional wisdom (C.W.), since about two minutes after the first cell phone videos hit the internet and the riots started, was that Derek Chauvin would be convicted of the m...

  • April 15, 2021

    New Jersey's attorney general gets creative to crush 2nd Amendment rights

    New Jersey has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation.  Oddly enough, despite the strict laws controlling the possession and use of firearms, criminals in New Jersey seem to have little difficulty obtaining one. ...

  • February 12, 2021

    The New York City public school system honors JoAnne Chesimard

    JoAnne Chesimard: BLM unashamedly embraces her and, recently, the New York City school system decided to incorporate her so-called wisdom into its curriculum. Therefore, it is more imperative than ever to shine a bright light upon the life, times, an...