John Green

John Green

  • Disturbing Questions about the Intelligence Community

    January 27, 2025

    Disturbing Questions about the Intelligence Community

    In the run-up to the 2020 election, 51 “intelligence experts” signed a letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop bore all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation operation.  In recent months, we’ve learned that the le...

  • Why are we studying the sun, if the science is settled?

    January 6, 2025

    Why are we studying the sun, if the science is settled?

    NASA’s Parker solar probe just completed one of its primary multi-year mission objectives, with the closest ever approach to the Sun. On Christmas Eve, the probe flew through the Sun’s corona at a blistering (literally and figuratively) 4...

  • How Trump Can Leverage the Hunter Biden Pardon

    December 9, 2024

    How Trump Can Leverage the Hunter Biden Pardon

    Joe Biden just gave his son his Christmas present — a 10-year “get out of jail free” card.  And apparently, he’s still caught up in spirit of giving.  Politico reports that Joe is considering a raft of pard...

  • Is it time to vote with our minds rather than our hearts?

    October 28, 2024

    Is it time to vote with our minds rather than our hearts?

    From childhood we’re encouraged to follow our hearts. Of course, “hearts” is a euphemism for “emotions.” Society implies that it’s noble to pursue what we crave, and avoid what we loath -- following our emotions ra...

  • Kamala Harris promises price controls … and a few unintended consequences

    October 12, 2024

    Kamala Harris promises price controls … and a few unintended consequences

    I just spent a few weeks in the People’s Republic of Minnesota. The Democrat campaign ads were 24/7 promises of unlimited abortion and putting a halt to greedy corporate profiteering. Coincidentally, I was re-reading Atlas Shrugged at the...

  • Is America Reaching a Suicidal Level of Complacency?

    August 27, 2024

    Is America Reaching a Suicidal Level of Complacency?

    The worst president in modern history has passed the baton to an even worse candidate, Kamala Harris. Harris is calling for government control of all commerce -- though she calls her plan “price controls” rather than communism. Her runnin...

  • Did Complacency Almost Get Donald Trump Killed?

    August 5, 2024

    Did Complacency Almost Get Donald Trump Killed?

    On January 27, 1967, a freak accident during a routine test killed astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee. At the conclusion of the investigation, fellow astronaut Frank Borman testified to Congress that his friends were killed by a ...

  • An Economic Crisis Point

    June 30, 2024

    An Economic Crisis Point

    It’s an election year, and the Dems are warming up their “tax the rich” chorus.  Speaking at the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Mark Warner (Commie-Va.) said, The main goal here is this can’t just be a debate...

  • Our Federal Government Needs an Intervention

    May 21, 2024

    Our Federal Government Needs an Intervention

    Allison Pearson has an important article in the Telegraph about the British National Health System (NHS). People in Britian are dying of treatable conditions because the NHS will not provide quality care in a timely fashion. As one doctor complained:...

  • Will the Supreme Court Let This Crisis Go to Waste?

    May 8, 2024

    Will the Supreme Court Let This Crisis Go to Waste?

    Has the Supreme Court noticed that we’ve crossed a legal Rubicon?  The Constitution — that thing the Court is supposed to defend — is becoming less relevant by the day because the left has decided that our mutual pact of s...

  • The Democrats Validate an Einstein Postulation

    April 29, 2024

    The Democrats Validate an Einstein Postulation

    Albert Einstein allegedly said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” But without validation, he was just a super-smart guy making an educated guess about scientific repeatability and h...

  • ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Aren’t Theoretical Anymore

    April 22, 2024

    ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Aren’t Theoretical Anymore

    The national mood in the mid-twentieth century was very different from now. The United States was respected around the world -- even if not necessarily liked. Technology was advancing faster than at any time in human history. Our cities wer...

  • The FBI Arrests a Terrorist, Raising Questions

    April 20, 2024

    The FBI Arrests a Terrorist, Raising Questions

    Last week Merrick Garland announced the arrest of 18-year-old Idaho resident Alexander Scott Mercurio. Mercurio is accused of being a loyal follower of ISIS and preparing to attack Idaho churches. I’m a resident of Idaho. It is my community tha...

  • Is Article V the Solution to Our FBI Problem?

    March 24, 2024

    Is Article V the Solution to Our FBI Problem?

    The FBI has clearly shifted its mission from law enforcement to political enforcement.  Only the geniuses of The View, the TDS-afflicted “journalists” of CNN, and the beneficiaries of the FBI’s legal exemption policy (the ...

  • What Do AI Bots Reveal about Their Creators?

    March 13, 2024

    What Do AI Bots Reveal about Their Creators?

    We’re undergoing a revolution in the computer industry.  The science is transitioning from computers as computational devices to imitators of human behavior. Recent revelations in artificial intelligence (A.I.) have left me conflic...

  • It’s Not Wise to Corner a Bear

    March 10, 2024

    It’s Not Wise to Corner a Bear

    Imagine you’re awakened in the middle of the night by a disturbance in your living room.  You grab your trusty Louisville Slugger and go downstairs to investigate, only to find that a grizzly bear has shattered the front door and is f...

  • Trump Made Our Political Choice Clear

    March 5, 2024

    Trump Made Our Political Choice Clear

    I used to think that Donald Trump’s greatest accomplishment was banishing the Clintons from the political landscape. I was wrong. Sidelining the Clinton grifters is a distant second to his greatest feat -- showing us, in the starkest possible w...

  • New York Opens a Back Door to Communism

    March 3, 2024

    New York Opens a Back Door to Communism

    Our founders saw our various states as places to experiment with governance.  Each can test ideas to see what works and what doesn’t.  Citizens can provide feedback by migrating to those places where things work the best. ...

  • Fani Willis Plays the Stooge

    February 28, 2024

    Fani Willis Plays the Stooge

    I’ve always liked those criminal mastermind movies. There’s always a criminal genius who assembles a crew of the best in their fields to pull off the heist of the century. After a flawlessly executed crime -– with lots...

  • Cowboys Are Not the Solution to Our Problem

    February 25, 2024

    Cowboys Are Not the Solution to Our Problem

    Kevin Downey, Jr., a writer whom I deeply respect, recently penned an article with the title “Where have All the Cowboys Gone?”  The article convincingly argues that America is currently in a headlong rush towards Marxism. ...

  • The DIE Road Leads to Gaza

    February 18, 2024

    The DIE Road Leads to Gaza

    What happens when generations of children are reared to view others as less than human, unworthy of basic human rights?  It creates a dysfunctional society, which has lost any sense of morality.  It’s a society in which rape...

  • Will 2024 Be the Most Dangerous Election of Our Lifetime?

    February 3, 2024

    Will 2024 Be the Most Dangerous Election of Our Lifetime?

    It’s election season and the talking heads are all singing the “this will be the most important election of our lifetime” chorus -- for real this time. While this year’s election will certainly be important, I’d argue th...

  • January 26, 2024

    The Left Had Better Watch Its Fani

    I was going to avoid commenting on the Fani Willis comedy routine playing in Atlanta.  But after the last week’s events, I’m busting at the seams with snark.  So here goes. The Atlanta district attorney, Fani Willis...

  • January 21, 2024

    The FBI’s weird relationship with Alec Baldwin

    Is it just me, or does the Alec Baldwin manslaughter case seem strange? After a person was killed while working on a movie set, manslaughter charges were filed, then dropped, and then refiled.  The FBI was used to test the evidence, but ...

  • January 12, 2024

    The FBI -- the Dog That Turned on Its Master

    Feedback is a fundamental principle of control theory. All systems, regardless of whether they’re technical or social, require negative feedback to maintain predictability and stability. System actions which deviate from those desired must trig...

  • January 10, 2024

    Have No Fear, ‘Big Brother’ Is On Duty

    The news is abuzz about Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, landing in intensive care for 5 days and not telling anyone— including his boss. The news got even more alarming when we learned that the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks, w...

  • January 7, 2024

    A Case Study in Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome

    Our epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) does not appear to be abating, and Big Pharma hasn’t developed an mRNA vaccine for it yet.  Those employed in government, academia, media, and medicine seem to be at highest risk. Ro...

  • January 3, 2024

    We Want Disruption, Not Chaos

    Presidential candidate Nikki Haley, like most of us, doesn’t like chaos. She’d prefer that America be an orderly, law-abiding, harmonious nation. Unfortunately, that is no longer the America in which we live. But in her condemnation of ...

  • December 30, 2023

    Our Awakening Terrifies the Left

    As every parent knows: you figure out which child broke mom’s favorite vase by how the kids behave, not what they say. Despite their protestations to the contrary, aren’t the Dems behaving as if they’re guilty? Don’t misund...

  • December 22, 2023

    Die Hard: Definitely a Christmas Movie

    There will be no political commentary from me this week.  This week is going to be all about Christmas. Today, I need to dive into a debate that has been raging for 35 years without a satisfactory resolution.  Is Die Hard a Christ...

  • December 20, 2023

    Biden's Party is Over… and the Hangover Has Begun

    As we approach the last year of Joe Biden’s term, it’s an opportune moment to reflect back on January of 2021. Our new President had been inaugurated (though we still don’t know that he was elected). Democrats believed the evil...

  • December 17, 2023

    Paul Krugman explains economics for us hysterical conservatives

    In addition to being an insufferable leftist, Paul Krugman is a world-renowned economist.  He even has a Nobel Prize to prove it. I’m just a retired engineer who refuses to keep my opinions to myself.  I shouldn’t b...

  • December 14, 2023

    Head of Biden Crime Family Feels Guilty...but Doesn’t Plead Guilty

    The MSM are reporting that Joe Biden is raging at his staff because of the unfairness of Hunter being investigated.  It’s giving old Joe a guilty conscience.  I didn’t even know that was possible. According to Axios: ...

  • December 8, 2023

    When Public Distrust of the FBI Comes Home to Roost

    The FBI has spent years earning our distrust.  Those leading the bureau have refused to address their obvious issues — behaving as if they were above accountability.  But violating the public trust has consequences, which they are jus...

  • December 4, 2023

    Hard Work, Not Pessimism, Is Called For

    Voter enthusiasm is a key ingredient to a winning campaign. The Democrats leveraged anger over the Dobbs decision to create enthusiasm and outperform expectations in both the 2022 midterm and the 2023 off-year elections. But that advantage isn...

  • November 20, 2023

    Idaho Faces a Reproductive Health Care Crisis

    You know that reproductive health care crisis the left keeps crowing about?  That women’s rights are being threatened — namely the right to end any life she created?  Well, in Idaho, women are facing a genuine reproduc...

  • November 15, 2023

    2,000 Sociologists Discredit Their Profession

    Over 2,000 sociologists (and climbing), from some of the world’s most prestigious universities, have proudly signed a letter of support for Gaza after the October 7 attack on Israel. They accuse Israel, not the Palestinians nor their Hamas gunm...

  • November 11, 2023

    Every life matters

    The radicals of the Left sure do get animated about abortion. Put a measure on the ballot to legalize the surgical execution of their young, and more of them will show up to vote “yea” than showed up for the “save the Palestinians...

  • November 7, 2023

    Was October 7 an Earthquake for the Democrats?

    I see the drag queens, black-masked thugs, and vagina hat wearing spinsters at every Democrat party event. I know the Dems are the party of radicals, community organizers, and the occasional posse-organizing bartender. But there are also a great many...

  • October 29, 2023

    When Men Define Morality, Evil Flourishes

    According to the book of Deuteronomy, the Israelites and their descendants are the chosen people. As it states: For you are a people holy to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all th...

  • October 16, 2023

    I Am All for Calling Joe’s Policies ‘Bidenomics’

    Ronald Reagan was elected during the period of malaise and stagflation created by Jimmy Carter, our third worst president.  The economy was so horrible that economists had to invent a new metric, the misery index, which was calculated by ad...

  • October 9, 2023

    The Moral of the McCarthy Saga: Promises Matter

    Speaker Kevin McCarthy is out, and so are the headlines. According to the MSM, the Republicans are in full self-destruction mode, the radicals have taken over, the House of Representatives is in chaos, and 2024 is looking brighter by the day for the ...

  • August 21, 2023

    Some Advice for the T in LGBT

    I want to talk about something of the utmost scientific importance.  It's a question the CDC, NIH, NASA, and even Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson are woefully unqualified to answer.  I suspect the advertising executives at Anheu...

  • August 20, 2023

    Is Leftism Compatible with God’s Will?

    Why do people who are faithful Judeo-Christian religious followers support acts of evil? Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden claim to be devout Catholics while advancing an agenda which is counter to the religious doctrine of their church. They claim they...

  • August 13, 2023

    California Has Another Planet-Saving Idea

    A perpetual motion machine is an imaginary device that can accomplish more work than the energy it consumes.  Inventors have devised countless concepts for such a machine, but none has worked because all of them violate the 1st law of therm...

  • July 31, 2023

    The Radicals Propose a New SCOTUS Fix

    The radical left is in a blind rage over rulings from the new Thomas Supreme Court.  It was bad enough when the Supremes told them they don't have a constitutional right to kill their babies, but now it's telling them they can't...

  • July 27, 2023

    Bidenomics: Controlling Inflation by Making Us Poorer

    Bidenomics is the topic of the month for the MSM.  President Biden is claiming that his economic policies are working.  His supporting evidence is that the economy has grown since being shut down, people who were prohibited from w...

  • July 19, 2023

    Are Conservative Defenses of Trump Just 'Whataboutism'?

    The Democrats like to mock our whataboutism.  Every time Donald Trump is attacked, we pull out an ever-growing list of examples illustrating how he's being treated differently from his political opponents.  He is charged with illegally ...

  • July 15, 2023

    The Assault on Our Rights is Not Sustainable

    The Left is big on de-escalation of conflict. They insist on talk rather than action to address rioting, theft, and even violent assault. The one place where they will not use it is in politics. De-escalation of political conflict would require them ...

  • July 10, 2023

    Loving Dad Joe Engages Son in Life of Crime

    The propaganda ministry is in full spin mode, trying to explain why Joe Biden is parading around the world with Hunter in tow.  The two are together for state dinners, overseas junkets, and weekends at Camp David.  As the narrativ...

  • July 2, 2023

    Joe Biden makes the case for the Second Amendment

    Joe "Top Gun" Biden is sure fond of talking about fighter aircraft when he's on the subject of gun control.  He did it again at a recent fundraiser in California: You know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is ...

  • June 27, 2023

    How Can the Dems Get Rid of Joe?

    The Biden hits just keep coming.  Trust in government is collapsing.  Americans are starting to wonder what passes for "normal" in Washington, if this is a return to normalcy.  According to Pew Research, only a...

  • June 22, 2023

    Understand the Biden Plea Deal for What It Is: Evidence

    After 5 years of investigation, and a damning amount of publicly available evidence, Hunter Biden got a sweetheart plea deal from the Department of Justice. The son of the President was given a deal that would have never been offered to Donald Trump,...

  • June 19, 2023

    Have Trump's Tribulations Been a Blessing in Disguise?

    Merrick Garland has dropped any pretext of the DOJ being anything other than the enforcement thugs of the Democrat party.  He is showing us the depth of his department's corruption and daring us to do something about it.  His hubris may...

  • June 17, 2023

    COVID May Come Back to Haunt Donald Trump

    If Donald Trump wants an encore performance in the Oval Office, he has a vulnerability that he needs to address.  It isn't classified documents, election interference, hush money to a washed-up porn star, or urinating Russian hookers....

  • June 11, 2023

    America's Headlong Rush Back to Slavery

    We're told by the left that our history of slavery is America's original sin.  They insist that since some of our founders failed to honor the God-given rights of all humans, our founding principles are flawed, and America remains u...

  • June 4, 2023

    There Are No God-Given Rights without God

    When did morality become relative?  When did good and evil stop being black and white — and become shades of gray?  When did thieves and murderers stop being predators and become the oppressed victims of a corrupt system? ...

  • June 4, 2023

    We have a deal! The swamp is saved!

    Praise the Lord.  The Republic is saved.  We have a debt ceiling deal.  The high-paid help in Washington finally exercised their 1st Amendment right and talked to each other.  They hammered out a deal at the la...

  • May 26, 2023

    In the Fight for America, We Hold the High Ground

    I get a lot of email from readers who think the American experiment is over.  They believe that the lights in Reagan's "shining city on the hill" are being snuffed out by the advancing darkness of tyranny — and there...

  • May 21, 2023

    Let's Call Them What They Are: Communists

    There are forces determined to destroy the American experiment (and they're not white supremacists, Joe).  The most dangerous are attacking from within. They're using asymmetrical warfare to attack socially, economically, and ideolo...

  • May 18, 2023

    Biden Stokes the Flames of Distrust

    I've been interviewed several times by a podcaster who contacted me after reading one of my articles.  We always have lively and respectful conversations — about even the most sensitive topics. She is a woman "of color."...

  • May 16, 2023

    Bill Barr Goes after Trump Again

    Bill Barr is inserting himself into politics again.  And he's doing it in the best way to get fawning media coverage — sniping at his former boss, President Donald J. Trump.  Barr issued a statement about Trump: He ...

  • May 7, 2023

    Beleaguered Democrat Exposes the Open Borders Scam

    When is a sanctuary city not a sanctuary?  When it's declared by a poser more interested in appearing charitable than actually being charitable. The Democrat party is infested with such shameless actors.  They sanctimonious...

  • May 3, 2023

    The FBI's Snipe Hunts

    When I was in the Boy Scouts, we used to send new scouts on a snipe hunt during their first campout. It was a search through the woods for a made-up creature that didn’t exist. The exercise was a good-natured joke to welcome them to the troop. ...

  • April 29, 2023

    Biden Will Be Running on His Record This Time

    God must approve of MAGA, because Donald Trump is surely blessed.  He's never been a politician, and he's famously undisciplined on the campaign trail.  But he is always blessed with the most incapable opponents to run aga...

  • April 26, 2023

    'Too Big to Fail' Is Too Big Period

    A recent Gallup poll found that public confidence in our institutions is collapsing.  The only institutions that still garner majority confidence are the military and small businesses.  Nearly three quarters of Americans have lost...

  • April 19, 2023

    Republicans Step into the ‘Do Something’ Trap

    New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg has certainly gotten everyone excited with his application of the Beria gambit. His “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” approach to election interference -- while calling it law enfor...

  • April 10, 2023

    Alvin Bragg Has Opened Pandora's Box

    A consensus has been reached by the legal panels at the alphabet soup media outlets — the people who consider "consensus" to be synonymous with "proof."  They've looked at Alvin Bragg's charging document an...

  • April 6, 2023

    A Pandemic of Cognitive Dissonance

    We’re facing yet another pandemic. It’s not a viral outbreak. This crisis is a mental disorder outbreak -- rather like mass hysteria. The outbreak has spread worldwide, but fortunately only affects those of a leftward political persuasion...

  • April 5, 2023

    Trump Can't Win without Recognizing His Flaws

    Now that Donald Trump has been indicted, the left will get its mug shot and a month-long orgy of barking media hate.  But the Republicans are already coming to Trump's defense.  Alvin Bragg did what the party has been unable t...

  • March 21, 2023

    Trump Gets a Boost from Bragg

    Leaks have been flying for about a week that Donald Trump is about to be indicted by a Manhattan grand jury -- for improperly accounting for a payment made to Stormy Daniels. District Attorney Alvin Bragg seems to be slowing things down a bit, claimi...

  • March 19, 2023

    The Donald needs to play the part

    First, I must state that I am not, have never been, and will never be a NeverTrump.  I voted for the man twice and will gladly do so again if he wins the nomination.  I'd like to see him in the Oval Office again because I believe it to ...

  • March 14, 2023

    Failing Accountability Leads to Chaos

    I used to work for a major defense contractor. We referred to our company as the best machine shop in the world. We could manufacture virtually any part, to even the most exacting tolerances. The company had even received numerous “Excellence...

  • March 10, 2023

    Prevent Federal Overreach by Empowering the States

    Our federal government is out of control.  That fact is no longer even debatable.  Numerous groups are looking for ways to remedy that situation before it's too late.  One such group is the Convention of States movem...

  • March 7, 2023

    The Ruy Teixeira Strategy for Electoral Success

    In 2002, John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira published a book entitled The Emerging Democratic Majority. Judis and Teixeira posited that historic voting patterns, urbanization, and growing minority populations could lead to Democrat party electoral domina...

  • March 6, 2023

    When Strength Is Needed, America Shows Weakness

    President Ronald Reagan's doctrine for national security has been summarized as "peace through strength."  He believed that projecting strength discourages aggression.  He understood that the schoolyard bully never p...

  • February 28, 2023

    Joe Biden Puts Liberal Theories to the Test

    The self-proclaimed "party of science" tosses around theories as if they were hard and fast laws of nature.  They are not.  Theories are nothing but educated guesses about how the world behaves.  Until proven, ...

  • February 22, 2023

    Keith Olbermann calls for war

    Liberal icon and strategic thinker Keith Olbermann celebrated Valentine's Day and expressed his love for his fellow Americans by calling for a civil war.  He tweeted: We must have Economic Civil War. Blue States must financially st...

  • February 16, 2023

    I hope it's space aliens...but I doubt it

    Suddenly our skies are filled with threatening UFOs — that absolutely must be shot down. It all started when Joe Biden allowed a positively identified Chinese aircraft, with a sensor payload the size of two school buses, to cross the United ...

  • February 15, 2023

    Will Vigilante Justice Replace Corrupted Criminal Justice?

    The Constitution is our pact of civilized behavior.  From it we've derived a system of institutionalized justice, which we call our criminal justice system.  It's intended to include checks and balances to protect defendan...

  • February 7, 2023

    The Biden Family Problems are Converging

    The Biden family (as in crime family) legal problems are beginning to converge in an interesting way.  It may be the formation of a perfect political storm. Objective observers (which excludes the MSM) recognize that the Biden clan has had so...

  • February 1, 2023

    Child Abuse in the Name of Wokeness

    Mia Cathell of Townhall has been doing yeoman's work documenting a disturbing case out of Atlanta, Georgia.  Her four-part series can be found here, here, here, and here.  I recommend reading it in its entirety — but not...

  • January 30, 2023

    Diversity Improves Performance — So They Say

    The diversity industry is a collection of consultants and trainers who make wild claims about business practices because they fit the diversity, equity, and inclusion narrative.  They assert that diversity in the workforce is good for busin...

  • January 25, 2023

    Joe Biden threatens Americans — again

    Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of peace.  He understood that true cultural revolutions happen when men come to understand and accept one another — not when one side crushes the other under a boot of force.  He repeatedly ...

  • January 23, 2023

    We Are Not Victims unless We Choose to Be

    I get a lot of email along the following lines: The Dems have corrupted our elections — our vote will never matter again. We'll never see justice from our DoJ — the system is rigged against us. We can't fight the federal...

  • January 19, 2023

    Two Special Counsel Theories -- One DoJ Conclusion

    Attorney General Merrick Garland has now appointed two special counsels to investigate two presidents (one former, one current) for mishandling classified documents while out of office. Donald Trump is accused of keeping classified documents aft...

  • January 17, 2023

    This a Republican Turning Point

    Did the prolonged fight for the Speaker’s gavel create circumstances for change in Washington -- especially in the Republican party? For the first time in over a century, it took 15 rounds of voting, cajoling, compromise, and almost one fistfig...

  • January 13, 2023

    Don't expect much from our new special counsel

    On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents.  Don't expect any indictments (sealed or otherwise) to come out of this investigation. ...

  • January 11, 2023

    The World May Have to Do Without America for a Bit

    In a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, 39 percent of Americans consider other Americans to be America’s greatest threat. That’s more people than consider China our greatest threat (25 percent). It’s almost twice as many as those that c...

  • January 9, 2023

    We Need to Have a National Birds and Bees Talk

    The most recent $1.7 trillion slap to the voter’s faces (known as the omnibus bill) includes almost $12 million to fund various LGBTQ museums, centers, advisors, and housing projects. According to our federal government, we shouldn’t just...

  • January 6, 2023

    Trump Hatred Is Not Cheap

    We have a close family friend who voted for Joe Biden. Yup, she’s really a friend -- proving that us semi-fascist conservatives are more tolerant than members of the coexist party. We’ll call her Pat. She voted for gropey Joe even though ...

  • December 13, 2022

    The Commercial Impacts of COVID Will Last for Years

    Have you noticed that things have changed in our country over the last three years? In 2019, my truck broke down.  I got it into the shop the next day to be fixed.  In 2022, I needed a mechanic to service the brakes on one of o...

  • November 13, 2022

    America Needs Donald Trump — But Not Like This

    Donald Trump has decided to get started on his 2024 campaign early.  He's trying to position himself for the Republican primary by clearing the field.  He's attacking his fellow Republicans — including the current su...

  • November 2, 2022

    You'd Better Be Prepared for the Perfect Transportation Storm

    We've all heard of the game "Where's Waldo?"  Well, I've got a better question.  As we look upon the hordes of federal parasites dedicated public servants, where's Pete?  We're seeing the co...

  • October 26, 2022

    The MSM Threatens Democracy

    For our form of self-governance to work, we need a robust news industry. Its role is to hold authority accountable and allow an informed public to make well-reasoned decisions. That’s why a free and independent press is protected by the Constit...

  • October 25, 2022

    The Democrat Dilemma -- What to Do about Joe

    The red wave is building and the political landscape next January is going to be a bit different after the 118th Congress is seated. The Republicans will be leading at least one chamber of Congress, and it’s increasingly looking like they may c...

  • October 10, 2022

    Candace and Kanye make a fashion statement

    Candace Owens has a new documentary coming out about BLM, titled The Greatest Lie Ever Sold.  Now she just needs to get people to pay attention, and do it on a limited advertising budget.  Her solution was both elegant and in...

  • September 27, 2022

    There's a Reason Conservatives are Becoming Less Tame

    New York magazine is suddenly realizing that the Republicans will likely retake the House of Representatives in the midterm election. They are not happy. They just ran a piece titled: “The MAGA House Will Make the Tea Party Look Tame....

  • September 21, 2022

    The Jab Put Me on a Journey I Didn’t Expect -- Or Want

    This is my COVID story, which is more about the vaccine than the virus. It doesn’t represent scientific evidence -- but then the medical experts refuse to give us any real scientific evidence -- only the prevarications of Anthony Fauci and Debo...

  • September 5, 2022

    Joe Biden: The T-800 destroyer

    Joe Biden has been called a lot of different nicknames signifying his lack of leadership, wisdom, and moral character.  He's been called the Perv in Chief (reference Ashley Biden's diary).  He's been called an emp...

  • August 31, 2022

    The Joke's on the Welchers

    Joe Biden is making a move consistent with time-honored Democrat party electoral politics.  When they can't win the contest of ideas — like socialism vs. capitalism, or tyranny vs. freedom — just buy the votes.  Pr...

  • August 27, 2022

    Biden Calls on the Mob

    The Dems decided they needed a little presidential revival before the midterms to fire up their base -- which isn’t looking very motivated at the moment. They gave President Gremlin a few days of vacation to rest up, a couple of shots of Addera...

  • August 24, 2022

    Is this the Public Image the FBI Wants?

    In a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, 53 percent of Americans agreed with the Roger Stone statement that there is “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI… as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” Over...

  • August 18, 2022

    Bill Barr Had His Chance — and Blew It

    In discussing the Hunter Biden investigation with The Federalist, Bill Barr, most recently Donald Trump's attorney general, said: Intervening events, especially recent reports about FBI whistleblowers and the possible reach of the investigat...

  • August 11, 2022

    The FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago, and I Have Questions

    On August 8, 2022, the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, President Donald Trump's Florida residence.  Such an act against any president, past or present, has never been done before.  The FBI served their warrant, searched the Trump famil...

  • August 8, 2022

    The Fall of CNN: A Cautionary Tale

    If you want to see what a company committing suicide looks like, look no further than CNN. Its profits have slipped below $1B for the first time in years and its viewership has fallen below 640K -- about a quarter of the 2.4 million nightly viewers o...

  • August 3, 2022

    Democrat Logic: Reduce Inflation with More Inflation!

    What could be dumber than spending $433B that we don't have during an inflation crisis? Raising taxes by $739B during a recession, that's what. Could anything be less economically sound than doing either of those two things?  Yup...

  • July 29, 2022

    Americans have their own economic indicator

    The economic indicators were updated this week, and we're getting a good look at where the policies of the Democrats have taken us.  Inflation is going up so fast our ears are starting to pop.  It's at 9.1 percent — ...

  • July 28, 2022

    Republicans take another run at Lucy's football

    Let's climb on board the "wayback machine" and take a journey to the distant time of summer 2021.  To fulfill his "return to normalcy" pledge, Joe Biden was demanding a budget-busting (and inflation-triggering) $1.2T...

  • July 22, 2022

    Socialism Is a Deal with the Devil

    America was founded on the principles of capitalism.  But there are those who think communism is the solution for every problem, from bad weather to old Joe's dementia.  In their book, In Their Own Words, Terry Turchie and Donagh Bracke...

  • July 15, 2022

    Enough with the doom and gloom — we've got this

    I've been writing a lot about how the Dems have painted themselves into a corner.  It is beyond fun to contemplate how badly they've cooked their own geese for the next two election cycles.  It's also a reason for us c...

  • July 12, 2022

    Hopelessness is all the Democrats have left

    It looks like President Gremlin may be done. The Dems are starting to turn on him. Both the New York Times and The Atlantic have run stories that Democrat party leaders are questioning old Joe’s ability to do the job. Duh! In fact, according to...

  • July 8, 2022

    Gallup poll shows confidence in American institutions plummeted

    A new Gallup poll found that confidence in our institutions is collapsing.  That means that Americans have lost confidence in our government, social, and economic institutions to care for us.  It's about time. Of ...

  • July 7, 2022

    Mitt Romney: Master troll

    Mitt Romney penned an especially inspirational piece in the Atlantic for the 4th of July, in which he itemized our national problems and then blamed us (the people who don't reside in Washington, D.C.) for them. Mitt starte...

  • January 22, 2022

    Who are the Oath Keepers?

    Hearing the Department of Justice describe them, one would think that the Oath Keepers are the scariest bunch of anti-American knuckleheads to come down the pike since the Ku Klux Klan.  Given that a bunch of them were just arrested for plotting...

  • January 20, 2022

    The January 6 Narrative is Starting to Unravel

    The Democrats and the propaganda ministry have tried to portray the events of January 6 as the greatest assault on democracy… in like, forever.  But it seems like that narrative is starting to unravel.  The unraveling began when many...

  • January 15, 2022

    Is Ray Epps the Key?

    Is Ray Epps the key to uncovering a deep state conspiracy that many of us have suspected for years?  With what we have witnessed with Midyear Exam, Crossfire Hurricane, the Whitmer Kidnapping, the 2020 election, and now the January 6 ...

  • January 13, 2022

    The FBI's Broken Relationship with Us

    All large organizations suffer from the occasional presence of bad actors.  The FBI is no exception.  But it managed to retain a good relationship with the public in spite of its flaws because it was still solving rather than crea...

  • January 10, 2022

    Government stimulus stimulates only the government

    A person can learn a lot about economics by playing a good game of Monopoly.  Paul Krugman should give it a try sometime.  Even though there is a finite amount of currency, the game can go on for hours.  The same bills k...

  • January 4, 2022

    Equal Justice? Contrasting Potter and Baldwin

    Comparing the Kim Potter and Alec Baldwin cases is a powerful illustration of the missing element in our criminal justice system.  Prosecutors are granted broad discretion in who they charge, so that they may consider the totality of circumstanc...

  • January 3, 2022

    6 Basic Concepts Liberals Don't Get

    There's a famous saying often attributed to Edmund Burke: "If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart.  If you are not a conservative at 35 you have no brain."  Youth is attracted to liberalism because its ide...

  • December 27, 2021

    What would Norman Rockwell paint for 2021?

    This holiday season, I've used my downtime to reflect on the events of the past year.  We have much to be thankful for, despite the issues we've faced.  We are all recipients of God's blessings.  Those blessi...

  • December 17, 2021

    Does a Law Enforcement Oath Mean Anything Anymore?

    I had coffee recently with a friend of mine, a retired FBI agent.  We were talking about the mess the FBI has become.  He’s even more disturbed about the politicization of the bureau than I am.  During our talk he said something ...

  • December 14, 2021

    A Clever Way for Leftists to Achieve Gun Control?

    The Supreme Court has just heard oral arguments in the case of Dobbs v Jackson.  The justices have not reached a decision yet, but the decision could overturn Roe v Wade.  If the left dodges a bullet, and the Supremes uphold Roe, ...

  • December 11, 2021

    We broke everything in the name of COVID

    I used to run a fairly large I.T. department.  Every few years, we were required to power down the entire computer room while the factory underwent electrical maintenance.  It was always a dicey operation to shut down systems that...

  • November 29, 2021

    How's 'Demographics Is Destiny' Working for the Dems Now?

    Nineteenth-century French philosopher August Compte coined the term "demographics is destiny."  He posited that falling birth rates in Western countries would inevitably result in those countries losing global influence. ...

  • November 22, 2021

    The 'OK hand sign' and other evolving nonverbal language

    A few years ago, I learned that the "okay" hand signal had come to mean white supremacy.  I haven't heard too much about it since Donald Trump triggered a bunch of snowflakes with it a couple of years ago, but it's in the ...

  • November 18, 2021

    Transitory Inflation? Not With Joe in Charge

    Americans are now facing the highest inflation in 30 years.  People are even starting to talk about the “misery index” again -- and I haven’t heard that term since the Carter administration.  Unfortunately, inflation hits ...

  • November 17, 2021

    So how’s that Plan Working for the Dems?

    If a party wants to get something big done, it needs a plan.  A complete plan should include: A long-term objective A guiding strategy to achieve the objective Tactics to enhance the probability of success Specific actions to realize...

  • November 8, 2021

    What Does Election 2021 Tell Us about 2022?

    Looking at election 2021, all I can say is wow!  Virginia was a big deal, but conservatives made gains in state legislatures, city councils, and school boards across the country.  And these gains occurred even in blue states that ...

  • November 3, 2021

    It Takes More Than an Inauguration to be President

    We have now reached the first anniversary of the most infamous political heist in U.S. history.  It’s a good time to reflect on the past year and consider how it has worked out for the Dems. You’ve got to give them credit, they ha...

  • October 29, 2021

    No One Knew Where it Would Lead

    As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  Over the past century, we’ve embarked on a number of noble initiatives to improve the world in which we live.  But in the true spirit of “never let a crisis (o...

  • October 23, 2021

    The DOJ Targets Domestic Terrorists -- AKA Angry Americans

    Merrick Garland is taking political weaponization of the DoJ to a whole new level.  It started with the National Association of School Boards (NASB) asking the DoJ for protection against protesting parents.  You know, those parents who...

  • October 19, 2021

    COVID vs. the Bill of Rights

    In response to questions about the vaccine mandate, Dr. Fauci, our intrepid pandemic guardian, says we need to put our personal freedoms on hold for a bit — for the greater good.!  That's not how our freedoms w...

  • October 16, 2021

    Are Our Systems Failing?

    Who is John Galt?  In the classic novel Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand described a future world in which proliferating regulations and restrictions progressively rob the world's most productive people of the fruits of their labor.  ...

  • October 9, 2021

    School's Out – For the Marxists

    The Marxists have a plan and they’ve been executing it for years.  They’ve been preparing our children for life under tyranny by indoctrinating them at school.  One teacher (an Antifa supporter) was even caught on a Project Veri...

  • October 7, 2021

    Gang wars become legit in Chicago

    Last week, Chicago had a gang shooting in which one person was killed and two were wounded.  I know -- nothing newsworthy there, just a normal day in the Windy City.  But this gang shooting is different.  The city leadership decided to...

  • October 6, 2021

    Government spending has become insane

    Our current national debt stands at a whopping 29 trillion dollars.  As if that isn’t bad enough, Congress wants to increase it by another five trillion dollars or so.  They have no choice, you know, because they have some Christmas s...

  • October 4, 2021

    They Can’t Win if We Won’t Surrender

    I get a fair number of emails along the lines of:  We’ve had our last fair election, it’s hopeless, America is lost.  These disturb me because they represent a faction of conservatism that’s ready to surrender. The simp...

  • September 22, 2021

    Joe Biden — ingenious idiot

    Hanlon's Razor states, "One should never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."  There's an engineering interpretation of this guidance that says, "Never underestimate the ingenuity of idiots....

  • September 13, 2021

    Did we just hear Biden's 'malaise' speech?

    As I watched President Asterisk describing his vaccine mandate, I had a déjà vu moment. The nation had just heard his "malaise" speech. Jimmy Carter gave the original "malaise" speech — though it was actuall...

  • September 11, 2021

    Joseph R. Biden: Hollow Man

    By definition, a façade is the outside appearance of a building.  Buildings on Hollywood sets are often called façades because outside appearance is all they are.  They look like complete buildings from the front, bu...

  • September 1, 2021

    Critical Race Theory is On the Ropes

    Protests against Critical Race Theory (CRT) are breaking out all over America. It may even be shaping up as a major election issue next year. Parents are protesting against CRT at school board meetings and with their local school administrations. It ...

  • August 30, 2021

    Hunter Biden: A legend in the art community

    What do Hunter Biden's art and the Clinton Foundation have in common?  We'll circle back to that in a moment. First, let's take a look at what happened to the Clinton Foundation since Madame Secretary Box Wine lost the presid...

  • August 27, 2021

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is Quite Real

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had an email debate with a Biden supporter who objected to one of my articles on American Thinker.  We’ll call him Lloyd.  It’s proven to be a fascinating window into the thinking of tho...

  • August 20, 2021

    How Big Is the Angry Majority?

    In an article last week, I posited that the silent majority in America is angry and becoming loud. A reader — we'll call him Lloyd — sent me the following: "Trump-supporters are neither silent nor the majority ... and if we had a...

  • August 13, 2021

    The Silent Majority is Going to Get Loud

    When government fails to act in the interests of its citizens, it’s their duty to take action.  For 20 years, the United States has seen failure of government through unrestricted illegal immigration, one-sided trade deals, uncontrolled sp...

  • August 12, 2021

    When Everything is Racist, Nothing Is

    Prior to the second half of the 20th century, racism was a genuine problem in America.  However, the civil rights movement of the 1960s focused attention on the issue.  The peaceful protests of Martin Luther King provided clarity of message...

  • August 11, 2021

    The Supreme Court has Become a Council of Kings

    In this month's edition of "let's kill the Constitution," we have the CDC's eviction moratorium as the next demonstration that no one in our government feels compelled to comply with the Constitution anymore. In Alabama Assoc...

  • August 8, 2021

    Isn't it great that leftists found a 'right to dignity' in the Constitution?

    In the Supreme Court's landmark case Obergefell v. Hodges, Justice Kenney wrote the majority opinion ruling that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.  He wrote, "They [same-sex couples] ask for equal dignity in th...

  • August 6, 2021

    In California, Recalls are not Just for the Governor

    Just about everyone in America is aware that California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing a recall election.  But California has a lot more recall news than simply the recall of its governor.  In fact, the state is in the midst of a genuine r...

  • August 2, 2021

    Wake Up, RINOs!

    Historically, Democrats and Republicans were merely opposition parties.  They had a few shared objectives — prosperity, liberty, and national security.  However, they had very different ideas about how to achieve those objec...

  • July 21, 2021

    Looking for a Word for Mitt Romney

    I’ve been searching for just the right adjective to use for Mitt Romney.  In the spirit of full disclosure, I must sadly confess that I voted for Mitt for President in 2012.  At the time, even a vote for a RINO was preferable to votin...

  • July 8, 2021

    Are We Seeing a Cultural Realignment?

    Recently we’ve been seeing stories in the news about average Americans pushing back against liberal initiatives.  Taken alone, these stories are entertaining, though not particularly earth-shattering.  But observed together, do t...

  • July 1, 2021

    Is the Supreme Court gaslighting us?

    George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley has posited that recent unanimous Supreme Court rulings may be the Court sending a message to politicians.  Facing threats to pack the Supreme Court and calls for J...

  • June 30, 2021

    What Was California Thinking?

    Back in 2014, the political leadership of California became alarmed at the rapidly rising prison population in the state.  The state was also under court order to reduce the overcrowding in state prisons.  The people of California set a gra...

  • June 23, 2021

    It’s Beginning to Look Like Enemy Action

    Dong Jingwei is a Chinese defector working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). He served as Vice Minister of State Security in the Chinese Ministry of Defense.  Before defecting, he was responsible for the counterintelligence effort...

  • June 18, 2021

    The Supreme Court’s Day of Reckoning is Coming

    The election of 2020 is going to lay bare the dereliction of the Supreme Court for all to see.  The COVD-19 pandemic gave numerous state election officials an excuse to implement far-reaching changes to our election processes.  Those change...

  • June 16, 2021

    Sometimes a Coincidence isn’t a Coincidence

    Coincidences are interesting things.  They’re considered remarkable because their combined occurrence seems improbable.  But sometimes, improbable occurrences really happen.  Lightning really has struck the same location twice --...

  • June 10, 2021

    Radio Free America – Rush’s Legacy

    During the dark days of the Cold War, eastern Europeans were isolated from the rest of the world behind what was warmly referred to as the Iron Curtain.  Everything behind the Iron Curtain was autocratically ruled by the Soviet Union.  As p...

  • June 3, 2021

    The Great Conservative Migration

    The results of the 2020 census are in, and the Democrats are looking very nervous.  It turns out that red states are growing and blue states are shrinking.  Red States are gaining three congressional seats while blue states are losing three...

  • May 27, 2021

    Blue Pill or Red Pill – Choose Wisely

    I’ve been writing a great deal about buyer’s remorse.  But just when I think I’ve said everything that needs to be said on the subject, it suddenly gets even worse.  President Asterisk’s poll numbers are going south ...

  • May 20, 2021

    The Biden Honeymoon is Definitely Over

    Joe Biden has had his 100-day honeymoon.  People were bound to start complaining eventually. But then something at the gas station caught my attention.  As I was filling my car, I noticed that someone had put a sticky note on the gas pum...

  • May 12, 2021

    The Supreme Court has taken up residence in the swamp

    The Supreme Court was originally envisioned as a nonpartisan third branch of the government.  With lifetime appointments and a mission to defend the Constitution, it was believed that the Court would remain above the political fray. But ...

  • May 6, 2021

    Is Balkanization Inevitable?

    Despite its flaws, the United States is the greatest country the world has ever known. We don’t need fences to keep people in America and there are no flotillas of refugees escaping to Cuba.  Its greatness stems from its foundation of free...

  • May 1, 2021

    Will We Keep Our Republic?

    Ben Franklin famously said, "You've got a republic, if you can keep it."  That warning is particularly haunting now, because we seem on the verge of losing it — not from foreign invasion, not from revolution, but because...

  • April 21, 2021

    It’s Time to Flatten the Gun Violence Curve

    We have a brand-new public health crisis -- gun violence.  Now that the last pandemic is dying out, President Asterisk has decreed that people shooting each other is our next pandemic.  It turns out murder is not a morality problem, it...

  • April 17, 2021

    The Diversity Industry Has Turned the Clock 1960

    When I was young, Americans prided themselves in being part of the "great melting pot" — good times.  People from diverse cultures throughout the world could come here and become full-fledged Americans.  Our consti...

  • April 9, 2021

    Diversity Comes to the Cockpit

    United Airlines has decided that it’s time for a little makeover.  The airline is not going to do that by changing its paint scheme, its in-flight service, or its billing structure.  No, it’s got a much more ...

  • April 8, 2021

    When President Harris Breaks the Glass Ceiling (and Everything Else)

    The Democrats are poised to shatter the glass ceiling by providing us with the first female president of the United States.  If recent events are any indication, this accomplishment may happen sooner rather than later.  The first ...

  • March 30, 2021

    The Real Five Laws of American Politics

    The American Political Science Association asserts that there are Five laws of politics.  These are: Only a minority of citizens will ever vote Incumbents always have an advantage It’s rare for anyone to garner over 60% of the vo...

  • March 18, 2021

    It’s Cool to be Conservative

    After a piece I wrote about my Democrat friends, one of my readers asked the question, “How in the world can you stomach friends that voted to ruin our country?”  It’s a really good question.  My Democrat friends ...

  • March 12, 2021

    My Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed

    Now that the implications of the Harris/Biden administration are setting in, my Democrat friends (yes, I do have a few) are becoming very embarrassed.  They bought into the propaganda that all the turmoil in Washington was created by the er...

  • March 6, 2021

    Republicans must leave Democrats to be the party of conspiracy nuts

    The left in general, and the Democrats in particular, will embrace any conspiracy theory that fits its narrative.  Leftists have accused Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians, entering into a quid pro quo agreement with Ukraine, and even o...

  • February 22, 2021

    Joe Biden Held Hostage -- Day 34

    Joe Biden conducted the most anemic presidential campaign in history.  Using COVID-19 as an excuse, he stayed off the campaign trail for months, limited press access, and held strange rallies with no voters in attendance.  When he called a ...

  • February 15, 2021

    A Layman’s Guide to Penumbral Reasoning

    For over 50 years, constitutional scholars, and Supreme Court justices in particular, have used “penumbral reasoning” as one means to explain rulings expanding the Constitution of the United States.  Law schools describe it as ...

  • February 11, 2021

    Public Servants or Parasites?

    I have a question.  When did politicians and federal employees start calling themselves “public servants”?  Even more importantly, why are we letting them?  It’s almost as if they’re trying to claim the mantle o...

  • February 8, 2021

    Why are the Democrats Acting So Guilty?

    Now that we’ve reached the post-inauguration stage of our peaceful transition of power, one person in America needs a full audit of the election more than anyone -- President Asterisk.  How can the Harris/Biden administration effectively g...

  • February 2, 2021

    The Real Constitutional Crisis Is upon Us

    We've heard repeated claims over the course of the Trump presidency that we're facing a constitutional crisis.  We've been told that everything from executive orders to impeachment proceedings were such a crisis.  Thos...

  • January 29, 2021

    So now we're going to tax miles driven?

    Last week, Pete Buttigieg began confirmation hearings for his appointment as Transportation secretary.  During the question-and-answer session, we discovered why President Asterisk favors Mayor Pete for this position.  It seems he...

  • January 27, 2021

    Buyer's Remorse? Let’s Blame the Press

    In his first week in office President Asterisk has done his old boss proud.  In just six days, lunch bucket Joe has signed 36 executive orders and put tens of thousands of jobs at risk.  He’s cancelled major construction projects like...

  • January 21, 2021

    Now We’ve Got Them Right Where We Want Them

    Like many Americans, I’ve been in a funk since last November.  Now it’s time to shake it off and re-engage.  George Washington presided over a series of lost battles and tactical retreats during the American revolution.  Bu...

  • January 19, 2021

    What happened to the unity thing?

    For the four years that Donald Trump was president, politics felt like anything but "unity."  Government bureaucrats resisted him, and the media built false narratives about him.  Congress reviled and impeached him....

  • January 17, 2021

    Joe Biden is going to show us what he’s made of

    On the campaign trail, we conservatives frequently ridiculed Joe Biden.  We thought he was showing signs of dementia.  Truth be told, he was operating at a much higher intellectual level than we proles do. We simply didn’t recognize h...

  • January 16, 2021

    Now it’s the no-fly lists

    For the past year, our ruling class has used all tools at its disposal to erode our liberties.  They have censored our speech, restricted commerce, and denied us assembly (both religious and political).  Now the corporate boardroom wing of ...

  • January 14, 2021

    A message to RINOs: It's time to choose

    A handful of squishy Republicans (RINOs) supported the impeachment of Donald Trump.  To be clear, this effort is little more than rabid wolves baying at the moon.  What could be more impotent than impeaching a president who i...

  • January 12, 2021

    Donald Trump: Destroyer of the Clinton dynasty

    It's been a rough couple of months, but I'm done grieving now, and I'm ready to get back in the fight.  But first, a brief celebration is in order.  Let's reflect on four extraordinary years, ponder for a few minut...

  • January 11, 2021

    Sportsmanship, Democrat style

    Have the Democrats ever heard of good sportsmanship?  Do they understand what it is and why it's important?  Consider this scenario: you've won the game, and now it's time to cross the field and greet your opponent....

  • January 10, 2021

    The ruling class beat Trump. Now it's salting the earth.

    Donald Trump has the distinction of being the first challenger to our political ruling class in my lifetime.  This ruling class is not strictly party-related.  It comprises a broad array of Democrats (almost all of them), Republic...