John C. Zimmerman

John C. Zimmerman

  • December 23, 2022

    The Electoral Map Favors DeSantis Over Trump

    The critical issue for any Republican running for the presidency is whether he or she can reach 270 electoral votes. In 2020, Trump reached 232. In 2024, everything he carried in 2020 will be worth 234 votes as the result of demographic changes Thus,...

  • August 5, 2020

    Why mail-in voting is not needed in Nevada

    I have been a resident of Nevada since 1989 and voted in all elections during that period.  The announcement by Nevada's governor, Steve Sisolak, that mail-in balloting is needed to protect the population from COVID-19 should be viewed ...

  • October 30, 2016

    The 'Bradley Effect': The myth that never dies

    It has become an article of faith that in 1982, Tom Bradley, the African-American mayor of Los Angeles, was far ahead of his Republican challenger, George Deukmejian, in the polls for the California gubernatorial election.  The surprise caused b...