John W. Howard

John W. Howard

  • February 14, 2015

    The Left's War on the Poor

    Why does the Left so hate the poor? For all its pious intonations of compassion, its consistent project has been to make their lives immeasurably harder. We could start, of course, with Johnson’s “War on Poverty” that not only en...

  • December 26, 2013

    Liberalism and its Discontents

    Last month's solemn 50th year remembrance of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and its confluence with an event of eventual monumental insignificance provides a useful context in which to contemplate the current state of national politics. The one...

  • January 24, 2012

    He's No Damn Good

    We live in cynical times.  Ours is an epoch in which, more often than not, values are trumped by political expediency.  It is a time when self-righteousness masquerades as morality.  Those who claim -- and truly believe -- that theirs ...

  • December 31, 2011

    Our Forefathers' Business

    As perennial as the season itself, is the annual emergence of the secular left to file lawsuits challenging the presence of Christian symbols, however benign, on public property.  It is, I suppose, a festive tradition for some whose lives are ot...

  • November 20, 2011

    Parallel Universes

    Almost nothing unites the commentariat these days.  But if there is a consensus about anything, it is in the almost universal condemnation of our toxic political culture.  We are certainly more polarized than at any time in living memory. T...