John R. Graham

John R. Graham

  • January 24, 2017

    Voodoo employment economics threatens health care reform

    Is Obamacare a health reform, however misconceived, or a jobs program? As congressional Republicans embark on their promise to repeal and replace President Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act, they are being overwhelmed by claims that impl...

  • June 20, 2015

    ObamaCare and Employer-based Benefits

    Now that we have over one full year of ObamaCare under our belts, a mystery is unfolding: What is happening to employer-based benefits? Data from different sources convey widely different messages, but until we solve this mystery, it is difficult to ...

  • May 12, 2015

    Doctors Beware: the Electronic Health Records Debacle May Get Much Worse

    More and more people are having the disturbing experience of seeing their doctors spend more time pecking at a computer keyboard than examining them. The doctors are entering data into their patients’ electronic health records (EHRs) in complia...

  • February 7, 2015

    Get the Federal Government Out of the Electronic Health Records Business

    In 2009, the federal government decided that doctors and hospitals were slow to take up electronic health records (EHR).  Isn’t everyone fed up with filling out forms and having his or her medical records filed in manila folders?  So ...

  • September 11, 2014

    ObamaCare Is Reducing Economic Growth, Not Growth In Health Spending

    One major criticism of U.S. health care is that we spend more money on health care than any other country. If health spending consumes resources that are needed elsewhere, this could be a problem. The U.S. now spends about 17 percent of its Gross Dom...