John O'Connor

John O'Connor

  • Whom Should the Media Blame for Harris’s Defeat?

    November 11, 2024

    Whom Should the Media Blame for Harris’s Defeat?

    In the wake of Donald Trump’s crushing presidential victory over Vice President Kamala Harris, the major media are indicting all the usual suspects, beginning with claimed “disinformation” from conservative sources.  But t...

  • March 29, 2023

    Ukraine and the FBI: Profiles in Corruption

    Two cases of corruption have recently come to the fore, both involving foreign countries.  Significantly for U.S. citizens, both of these shed light on questionable activities of Hunter Biden regarding vital United States foreign interests....

  • June 7, 2022

    Deep Throat's lawyer takes on the chicanery behind the Sussmann verdict

    In the wake of Michael Sussmann's "not guilty" verdict, the validity of the entire Durham investigation has been alternately criticized and defended.   And while much focus has been placed upon the Court's potential e...

  • July 1, 2021

    Giuliani's Suspension: Questionable Statements, But Not by Him

    On motion by an Attorney Grievance Committee, a New York Appellate Court suspended Rudy Giuliani, a member of President Donald Trump's personal legal team, from the practice of law for making supposedly false claims about the 2020 U.S. presidenti...

  • March 27, 2020

    How the Partisan Media Are Harming America's Pandemic Response

    In the face of the country's dire health crisis, our country's political leaders are recognizing the importance of instilling confidence in governmental leadership, putting aside partisan differences.  But the mainstream media are vie...