John Mendez

John Mendez

  • September 22, 2008

    Another Dem talking point proven false

    The Democrats want you to believe that the Iraq War turned the world -- especially the Muslim world -- has turned against us because we toppled an evil killer of Muslims. Their prescription was to pull out our troops. So how do we explain this from t...

  • August 30, 2008

    Free Gorki Aguila!

    Sometimes movements are launched from the unlikeliest of sources. They might begin when a tired seamstress refuses to give up her seat on an Alabama bus or when a simple Polish shipyard worker organizes a union and faces down an empire. In Cuba, Gork...

  • August 27, 2008

    Cuba jails dissident musician

    The world’s last bastion of the failed Stalinist ideology, Cuba, has yet again arrested the outspoken musician Gorki Aguilar.Jeane Kirkpatrick once said of her penchant for standing on the floor of the UN and naming the names of those held in S...

  • January 5, 2008

    Only Change Can Save Cuba

    If one believes he is still alive, January 1st marked the 49th anniversary of the uninterrupted, uncontested, tyrannical rule of Fidel Castro. Five decades in power might just be enough for the perpetual revolutionary. Granma, the state-run and not c...

  • May 29, 2007

    Cindy Sheehan and protestors

    Now that Cindy Sheehan has ‘resigned'as a protest leader, she has the leisure to travel to Venezuela and talk with her buddy Hugo Chavez about how protestors are dealt with  in that country. I hope she takes Michael Moore with her....

  • May 19, 2007

    The Antithesis of Michael Moore: Real Courage in Cuba

    There’s been much made recently about the vaunted Cuban medical system since propagandist Michael Moore traveled to Havana with 9/11 heroes in tow searching for "free" health care. It’s Mr. Moore’s idea of a clever way to ...

  • August 10, 2006

    See You In Havana

    And so it ends, not with an assassin's bullet or a military strike or even a popular uprising (at least not yet). Instead, the messianic Castro appears as though he will succumb to intestinal bleeding, if not already, then in the very near future. No...

  • May 5, 2006

    Illegal Immigration: Mexico's Shame

    Even as activists attempted to redefine this very heated, latest debate on illegal immigration with the misnamed 'Day Without Immigrants,' the two issues apparently lost are ultimately the most critical: 1. The responsibility of Mexico to its citize...

  • March 19, 2006

    The Motorcycle Diaries II: A Proposal for Robert Redford

    Dear Mr. Redford, I have a movie idea for you. I'm in the process of writing a screenplay and wanted to run it by you with the hope that you would be interested in producing my project. I call it, The Motorcycle Diaries II and since you produced the ...

  • February 28, 2006

    No Civil War in Iraq

    Do not fear a civil war in Iraq. The strife on display is the unfortunate evolution of a burgeoning democracy. These are the last gasps from a segment of the populace reluctant to accept its diminished political clout as the country's ethnic minority...

  • February 17, 2006


    The sounds you're hearing are the last gasps of life of the Middle East's autocracies and the bankrupt ideology of the American left. A left that was once idealist when it should have been realist and now has discovered "realism" at a moment in histo...