John Massoud

John Massoud

  • August 18, 2021

    Afghanistan — The disaster everyone could foresee

    The videos coming from Afghanistan have been one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with in my adult life.  As most of you can tell from my name, half of my family comes from Kabul, Afghanistan.  Some of my relatives ...

  • March 30, 2018

    America Not to Blame for Mexico's Problems

    Regarding the current border crisis and problems in Mexico, if you ask many Latinos who come over to the U.S., and those who advocate on their behalf, they will tell you with a straight face that their country was ruined by the Mexican-American War o...

  • May 24, 2016

    Call me Mark Moseley

    As of this day, my name is no longer John Massoud.  My name is Mark Moseley, former kicker of the NFL’s Washington Redskins from 1974 through 1985. I am no longer Shenandoah County’s favorite ½ Afghan and ½ Scots I...

  • May 11, 2016

    Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations

    For the past fifteen or so years, there has been a movement among some liberals to require that the descendents of former slaves be paid for the suffering of their ancestors.  Conservatives have railed against this transfer of wealth, saying (ri...

  • February 12, 2015

    Why is Anyone Shocked About Brian Williams Being a Liar?

    Many in the media and pundit world are shocked that Brian Williams has been telling lies.  So are news listeners.  My question is: why? Sad to say, journalists have been lying in the USA for hundreds of years.  And Mr. Williams is h...

  • September 12, 2014

    It is Time for Roger Goodell to go

    When current NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell was brought into replace Paul Tagliabue, he was brought in for one specific reason – to help clean up the league’s emerging image of being a bunch of thugs. Paul Tagliabue had been either unwill...

  • February 14, 2014

    A Nagin Victim Speaks

    On Wednesday, a jury found former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin guilty on 20 of 21 counts involving wire fraud, bribery, and other sorts of corruption. Most likely he will be sentenced to 17-22 years, according to experts who are familiar with federal ...

  • April 22, 2007

    Is the Orange Revolution Over in Kiev?

    Just a few short years ago, what seemed to be a tidal wave swept across The Ukraine.  Ukraine reformers and nationalists led by Yulia Timonschenko and Victor Yushchenko overturned a fraudulent election and swept the Russian backed President Vict...

  • March 30, 2006

    The Last Stalinist in Europe

    Last week, a tragedy occurred in Europe, though the American media largely ignored it, and our political leadership has not made it an issue.а For all the talk of democracy in Iraq and in the Middle East, there is still one bastion of Stalinism in Eu...