John Kudla

John Kudla

  • Can Trump Accomplish His Lofty Goals?

    November 18, 2024

    Can Trump Accomplish His Lofty Goals?

    It’s the dawn of a new era for the Federal Government.  At least, we hope so.  Donald Trump has been re-elected, and Republicans control all three branches of government. Thus far, it looks as though Trump is off to a str...

  • A Trump Landslide Is Still Possible

    November 1, 2024

    A Trump Landslide Is Still Possible

    I wrote a similar article when Joe Biden was still a presidential candidate.  Back then, the polls suggested that a Trump landslide was a real possibility.  Now the polls are closer, and some pollsters claim that Kamala Harris wil...

  • Sorry, Democrats, the Silent Trump Vote is Real!

    September 29, 2024

    Sorry, Democrats, the Silent Trump Vote is Real!

    The 2024 election is just a few weeks away.  This means we are nearing the end of election propaganda, commercials, gaslighting, and talking heads offering their biased opinions on anything that might give their candidate an edge.  That goe...

  • Stop Worrying About the Polls: Kamala’s Lead Is Fake

    September 1, 2024

    Stop Worrying About the Polls: Kamala’s Lead Is Fake

    Yesterday, as I watched a podcast about my favorite NFL football team, a commercial interrupted my reverie.  Yes, I know.  Podcasts have commercials.  However, this was not one of those “buy this, buy that, take th...

  • Kamala Up? What Do the Polls Really Say?

    August 7, 2024

    Kamala Up? What Do the Polls Really Say?

    This is an interesting situation.  As Kamala rises in the polls, the stock market declines.  Are the two linked?  Probably not, but who knows? As of today, the Kamala bounce seems to be real.  A Morning Cons...

  • The Hint of a Trump Landslide Appears

    July 5, 2024

    The Hint of a Trump Landslide Appears

    Before discussing a potential Trump landslide, I want to summarize Biden’s debate performance.  Below is an edited version of the lyrics to “One Night in Bangkok.” One night in ’lanta makes a hard man humble Not ...

  • Civil War if Trump Goes to Prison?

    June 10, 2024

    Civil War if Trump Goes to Prison?

    I find it difficult to believe that we are still discussing the possibility of a second American Civil War.  However, the trial and conviction of Donald Trump in a Russian — excuse me, New York court on dubious charges has once again ...

  • Biden Claims the Polls Are Wrong. He May Be Right.

    May 27, 2024

    Biden Claims the Polls Are Wrong. He May Be Right.

    It seems Joe Biden didn’t like what recent polls were telling him.  So he and his staff started claiming they’re fake. Unfortunately for Biden sycophants, the most recent Rasmussen Poll had Trump up by a gob-smacking +12 in a...

  • Is Biden’s Poll Surge for Real?

    April 20, 2024

    Is Biden’s Poll Surge for Real?

    We are now roughly six and a half months from election day or election month, depending on your state’s election laws.    Today, we’ll focus on Joe Biden’s recent polling surge, as shown in the Real Clear Politics ...

  • Are We on The Doorstep of Another Civil War?

    February 7, 2024

    Are We on The Doorstep of Another Civil War?

    Before I get into my analysis, I want to make it clear I believe that anyone who wants a civil war to happen in the U.S. is dangerously naïve, insane, or working for one of America’s enemies.  Imagine a Russia-Ukraine-type conflict in...

  • December 9, 2023

    An Early Look at Biden versus Trump

    The Iowa caucuses are less than six weeks away, and only eleven months remain until Election Day 2024.  Right now, it appears possible that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be on the ballot for president.  So maybe it is a goo...

  • April 15, 2023

    America's Coming Energy Crisis

    President Joe Biden and the apocalyptic climate cult within the Democrat party believe that climate change is the greatest threat to the country.  That's right, the greatest threat is not nuclear war, not unlimited unlawful immigration,...

  • April 3, 2023

    When Will This Climate Madness End?

    What do gas ranges, Dutch farmers, and moose have in common?  In a normal everyday context, very little.  But in the world of apocalyptic climate change, everything. The way climate change cultists see it, burning fossil fuels ...

  • March 10, 2023

    What Will Become of Joe Manchin?

    When last I wrote about West Virginia’s Democrat senator-for-life, Joe Manchin, he had the appearance of a dead skunk lying by the side of the road after being hit by a truck.  The look and smell resulted from one of the worst miscalc...

  • January 13, 2023

    The Scariest Developments to Watch Out For in 2023

    I believe most people hope 2023 is a better year than 2022.  But I am not counting on it. In just the past two years, our national government has spent roughly $13 trillion and authorized spending trillions more.  Politicians u...

  • November 30, 2022

    Election Predictions and Other Mistakes

    I, along with many other people, predicted a Republican wave for the midterm elections.  Did it happen?  In a few places like Florida, Ohio, and a few congressional districts in New York?  Yes.  In most other p...

  • November 7, 2022

    Predicting the Senate

    Here are my predictions for some of the closer midterm Senate races.  In a previous article, I explained why Republicans could see an election wave as high as 12 points in parts of the country.  Even so, I am trying to rein in my ...

  • October 31, 2022

    The Red Wave Approaches: The Governors

    Here are my predictions for some of the various state governor elections. In a previous article, I explained why Republicans could see an election wave as high as 12-points in parts of the country.  Even so, I am trying to read the polls...

  • October 24, 2022

    Signs of the Red Wave Approaching

    Yes, folks, the red wave is real and coming to your town soon. I have discussed the types of bias that can occur in political polling in several previous articles, one of which you can read here.  Unfortunately, that bias is still out th...

  • September 22, 2022

    Do Not Weep for Joe Manchin

    Oh, poor Joe.  After caving to Democrat demands, West Virginia's senator for life, Joe Manchin, has discovered he is not on top of the world, but in a valley staring up. The main issue is the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which ...

  • September 3, 2022

    Confessions of a domestic extremist

    On Thursday, President Joe Biden declared the followers of former President Trump, known as the Make America Great Again or MAGA Republicans, domestic extremists and enemies of democracy.  I think he wanted to call them terrorists, but he w...

  • August 27, 2022

    Democrats See Unicorns while the Red Wave Rises

    Oh, happy days are here again!  According to the left-wing media, Democrats may be able to defy the odds and keep control of both the Senate and the House in November.  You can read about it here, here, and here. There is a hai...

  • August 9, 2022

    Joe Manchin May Have Just Cooked His Own Goose

    Joe Manchin has finally agreed to a compromise with Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer on the latest Build Back Better compromise bill, known, laughingly, as the Inflation Reduction Act,.  The Act was just passed by the Senate. West Virgin...

  • July 30, 2022

    The Great Flattening of Joe Biden's Eco-Hammer

    Yes, folks, Joser the Joserian, the Destructor, AKA Joe Biden, appears ready to unleash his awesome power to screw things up once again.  Not that this would be something new, but the scope of what may happen is significant.  Jose...

  • July 14, 2022

    Twelve Serious Questions for the Next Twelve Months

    1. Facing an electoral wipeout in November, will Democrats try to meddle in the elections? Chances of using a crisis like the 2020 pandemic to alter, bypass, or influence local elections in the name of fairness are less likely now that some state...

  • June 13, 2022

    Why Democrat Poll Numbers Are Worse Than You Think

    Before the 2020 presidential election, I became curious about political polls claiming that Joe Biden had a ten-percentage-point lead over Donald Trump.  At that time, Trump was addressing crowds in the thousands.  When he was not...

  • October 29, 2020

    The Polls Shift Toward Trump

    You can call me Pollyannish, but I am beginning to believe I may have underestimated the silent Trump vote in my previous posts.  This is why. I mentioned the 2020 Cato Institute poll before, which discusses the high percentage of conservativ...

  • October 15, 2020

    Will the Silent Trump Voters Roar on November 3rd?

    The polls appear to be shifting in favor of Joe Biden.  A commonly heard explanation from Trump supporters is many of the polls are oversampling Democrats.  This is true in some cases but not all.  So, is something else going on here w...

  • October 2, 2020

    Blue States Secede? Make My Day

    It was a bit of a surprise to read tweets from Lanny Davis, the famous attorney and associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton, detailing the possible secession of the blue states from the rest of the country.  You can read portions of the seque...

  • September 8, 2020

    Is Joe Really Up by 10 Points over Trump?

    It has been said that numbers never lie, but statistics do.  A political poll is a relative handful of numbers statistically analyzed and adjusted to yield, hopefully, simple results.  On their best days, polls are educated guesse...

  • August 11, 2020

    Have Conservatives Gone Dark?

    Going dark in a general sense means to cease communications or activities.  This tactic can be applied to espionage, military operations, guerrilla warfare, and large segments of any population if a situation warrants it.  Judging...

  • February 16, 2019

    Questionable Calls, No Calls, and the No Fun League

    I have been a fan of professional football for over 40 years, and, in my opinion, this past season has got to be one of the most disappointing and aggravating I can remember.  There were numerous officiating controversies during the regular...

  • November 4, 2018

    Joe Manchin and the Fate of the Mountain State

    With the 2018 midterm election looming, one of the last relics of the once strong Democratic Party in West Virginia, Senator Joe Manchin, finds himself in a fight for re-election.  The big question is, will Manchin be able to tightrope-walk...

  • February 3, 2018

    Things Your Professor Didn’t Tell You About Climate Change

    Davos 2018 is gone, but not forgotten. This year’s World Economic Forum provided yet another opportunity for those who believe in apocalyptic climate change to harangue us about the evils of greenhouse gases amid warnings the world will end in ...

  • November 7, 2016

    Surviving a Hillary-pocalypse

    For a moment, let us imagine on November 8 that Donald Trump is unable to pull a rabbit out of his hair and loses the election.  What then?  We will be facing four or possibly eight years of Hillary Clinton as president.  We will have ...

  • September 23, 2016

    Signs of the Times

    The Greek cynic Diogenes once roamed the streets of Athens carrying a lantern, supposedly in search of an honest man. Like Diogenes, minus lantern, I have been trying to determine if the presidential election polls are honest. Even though many of the...

  • May 5, 2016

    The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop

    A famous speech given by Broderick Crawford portraying populist politician Willie Stark in the movie, All the King’s Men (based on the eponymous Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Robert Penn Warren) is apropos the treatment of the supporters of D...