John Kinsellagh

John Kinsellagh

  • August 10, 2021

    Today's Democratic Party Has Evolved into a Progressive Politburo

    Recent political events that have unfolded over the past year have revealed a disturbing pattern of an identity politics-fueled progressivism, evolving from its once distasteful authoritarian impulses, towards a more sinister version, that increasing...

  • July 23, 2019

    Stupid Politically Correct Decisions from Our Public Schools

    There has been a concerted attempt over the past several years by progressive teachers and school administrators to unilaterally make decisions about eradicating vestiges of our culture, because they alone have determined that these symbols or icons ...

  • June 9, 2019

    A Realistic Proposal for Taming the Facebook Goliath

    Public opinion against Facebook has been growing recently, as security breaches continue to occur on its vulnerable platform.  Many politicians have now realized that the companys unprecedented power and outsized influence are insalubrious ...

  • January 25, 2019

    Fake News and the Narrative

    Back in 2004, The Boston Globe published, on its front page, sexually graphic images that purported to show U.S. soldiers raping Iraqi women.  The images were abhorrent and unleashed a torrent of criticism of American soldiers in Iraq. T...

  • January 10, 2019

    The Useful Idiot Is Back

    Mitt Romney started the new year with a bang, by writing a highly critical op-ed in The Washington Post, harshly rebuking the president of his own party.  Romney may have thought he was calling attention to Trump's character defects, bu...

  • January 6, 2007

    Massachusetts Liberals Unhinged

    Should people wish to know what life under unrestrained liberalism would be like, they should tune in to the contentious issues surrounding the latest same sex marriage controversy which were resurrected this past week in Massachusetts. In 2003, the ...