John Kelly

John Kelly

  • March 24, 2012

    Troubleshooting Our Stalling Economic Engine

    If Sadi Carnot, father of your car's engine, were asked to analyze our nation's troubled economic engine he would simply tell us we are defying, if not denying, the operating principles of that which we claim intent to repair.   We know the...

  • March 21, 2012

    Troubleshooting Our Stalling Economic Engine

    If Sadi Carnot, father of your car's engine, were asked to analyze our nation's troubled economic engine, he would simply tell us we are defying, if not denying, the operating principles of that which we claim intent to repair.   We know th...

  • November 12, 2010

    The Power of Negative Thinking

    Simply put, progressives feel that life isn't fair. True enough, but there are endless other things that life isn't as well. Life isn't carefree, simple, eternal, digitally organized, or purple-green plaid. Yet we live. Most people can accept life's ...

  • September 15, 2010

    Obama, the Academic Zombie

    For those who've struggled to find out what makes Obama tick, the mystery is over. It's simple. His beliefs and values fully embody the same philosophy in which the vast majority of American university faculty members are fully invested. He promotes,...

  • February 3, 2010

    Ivy League Critical Mass

    "One man's meat is another man's poison," as the saying goes. Let me explain a most striking case in point. Last year at about this time, David Brooks of the New York Times anticipated an enormous intellectual dividend for our country. Afte...

  • October 16, 2009

    Theory and Practice

    Let me introduce you to theory and practice. In theory we should all get along. In practice we don't. In theory winter should start on December 21st. In practice it doesn't. In theory all of the brilliantly educated people of the world should learn e...