John Fricke

John Fricke

  • February 13, 2015

    The SPLC's Extreme views of 'Extremists'

    It was more a brushfire than a firestorm when the Southern Poverty Law Center chose to place potential GOP presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson on its ‘extremist watch list”. Any outrage was muted by the blinders-on approach most majo...

  • April 30, 2014

    Donald Sterling: Grand Marshall to a Parade of Stupidity

    Donald Sterling has been among the worst owners in the entirety of American professional sports and he has also been an ignorant bigot slumlord.  His Clippers were the biggest laughing stock in all of sports for the better part of 30 years all t...

  • April 15, 2014

    Yes we can tell you what to do with your body

    Yes we can tell you what to do with your body. A story breaks this past weekend.  A mother in Utah, Megan Huntsman, stands accused that she strangled or suffocated six of her babies almost immediately after they were born. Beside the horro...

  • March 14, 2014

    Putin playing for keeps

    Fox News Sunday on March 2nd.   U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich) notes the current undisputed difference between Washington and Moscow on the world stage. “Fox News tweet. @RepMikeRogers on #Ukraine: Putin is playing Chess an...

  • January 26, 2012

    The GOP Must Be on the Attack

    Many in the media and all of the Democratic punditry salivate at the concept of the Tea Party picking the GOP nominee.  The groupthink/convention wisdom is that a Tea Party-ordained nominee is akin to picking Sharon Angle in Nevada or Christine ...

  • January 18, 2012

    Mitt Romney's big and breaking major Mormon church issue

    The headlines were screaming Wednesday.  Mitt Romney's taxes, assets and charitable contributions were, suddenly, big news.   The media is digging hard on, among other things, Romney's tithing to the Mormon church.  Reports s...

  • November 17, 2011

    Should I Buy a Gun?

    I have never owned a gun.  Matter of fact, I have fired a gun a grand total of one time in my life.  I shouldered a shotgun out in the north Georgia woods when I was nineteen years old and fired at a milk bottle filled with water as a targe...

  • March 19, 2011

    The Ten best Man v Aliens films of all-time

    Having just sat through Battle: Los Angeles (or Independence Day meets Black Hawk Down but not as good as either of those great films), I got to wondering what my list would look like of the ten best man v alien films would be. Now we all have opinio...

  • February 6, 2011

    Brit PM Attacks Multiculturalism

    The new leader of the UK has the guts to say what the leader of the USA not only won't say, but worse, might even disagree with. British Prime Minister David Cameron went on the offensive during a speech in Munich over the weekend. The kind of honest...

  • February 4, 2011

    Super Bowl 45 Will Break Records

    A half-empty stadium, tickets on the 50-yard line for $12, and no cool name.  That was your big game 44 years ago.  January 15, 1967: the Green Bay Packers beating the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl 1.That first Super Bowl wasn't even cal...

  • January 25, 2011

    What Obama Will Not Say at the SOTU

    The annual take-a-stab guessing game of what any president will say at the State of the Union address is now on.  If I might, I would like to play the other side of that card.  Here is what President Obama will not say in his SOTU speech.--...

  • January 14, 2011

    We Beg to Differ

    Wake Forest was playing a basketball game a number of years back, on the road at Duke.   I was working that game and got a chuckle from the Duke students who were, in unison, chanting the full words for the term "BS" about calls t...

  • January 12, 2011

    The Media Has Declared... WAR!

    Newsrooms and hospitals have one major thing in common: the "hush" is the loudest thing anyone ever hears.  The "hush" is the moment when normal activity stops cold for an announcement of major events that will entirely resha...

  • September 30, 2010

    CNN, Democrats, and November 2nd

    The numbers don't lie.  Two headlines from the week require a stronger look.======Strongly disapprove.Headline: Obama: Democratic voter apathy 'inexcusable'The AP reports this. "President Barack Obama says it would be 'inexcusable' and 'irr...

  • September 12, 2010

    Are We Clear Yet?

    On my personal list of political values, clarity is at the top of the list. It is clarity that defines issues, debate, and resolutions. Without it, you are stuck with platitudes and generalizations and, worse, the ability of any elected official to u...

  • September 10, 2010

    Don't you dare threaten us!

    News items:Item #1Imam: Moving Mosque Could Ignite ViolenceNEW YORK -- The imam behind a proposed Islamic community center and mosque near ground zero cautioned Wednesday that moving the facility could cause a violent backlash from Muslim extremists ...

  • September 7, 2010

    The Answer Is 'No'

    There are highly paid minds on the political left who, having to believe in something for the coming election, consider it smart to paint the GOP (and by extension the Tea Party movement) as "the party of no."This line of attack doesn't jus...

  • September 4, 2010

    Liberals' Sticks and Stones Losing Potency

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." - American children's proverbThis famous saying might actually have its origins in Civil War slave quarters, where the punishment of a whip lashing was considered fa...