John Ellis

John Ellis

  • September 13, 2021

    The curious case of the missing resignations

    One of the strangest things about the Afghanistan debacle is that in spite of extraordinarily harsh criticism worldwide, nobody has resigned, and nobody has been fired. Many assume that this is so because the failure is President Biden's, but in ...

  • January 17, 2021

    Left Radicals Exploit African Americans

    Left radicals always claim to champion African Americans, but the gulf between the real interests of the two groups is huge. What American blacks need is to prosper and move up into the economic and societal mainstream, but left radicals hate that ma...

  • October 17, 2020

    Academic Teachers and Political Activists

    Public concern about higher education is clearly widespread. The causes are many: ugly treatment of visiting speakers, a stifling political uniformity resulting in ideological extremism and hatred, and fringe radical ideas seeping out of the campuses...

  • June 28, 2018

    Paul Ryan must step down from the speakership – now

    Paul Ryan's lack of political judgment and the chaos that his political cluelessness regularly causes the GOP are nowhere more evident than in his nonsensical plan to lead his House membership into the 2018 midterm election just before retir...

  • March 27, 2017

    Paul Ryan’s Catastrophic Lack of Political Skill and Judgment

    Everyone knows that a competent lawyer never asks a question in court to which he doesn’t already know the answer. And likewise, a competent political leader never puts a piece of legislation up for a vote without having a good idea of what the...

  • February 28, 2017

    Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Let’s ask the OIC

    President Trump’s order to pause immigration from seven Middle Eastern countries provoked two opposite and almost equally strong reactions, the one decrying what it saw as an illegitimate move against a religion, the other welcoming a sensible ...

  • January 28, 2016

    Paul Ryan: Donald Trump's Best Friend

    Paul Ryan may not favor Trump, but could not be doing more to help him. Ryan has now been in office long enough to take a number of actions that allow us to judge whether he can be the effective strategist that John Boehner never was.  Let...

  • October 5, 2015

    Kevin McCarthy and the English language

    When Kevin McCarthy cited the creation of the Benghazi committee as an example of House Republican political aggressiveness, his colleagues were alarmed.  But the astonishing incoherence of his subsequent attempt to explain himself in an intervi...