John Droz, Jr.

John Droz, Jr.

  • December 17, 2021

    The Supreme Court's New York State vax mandate ruling: A missed opportunity

    On December 13, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a New York State COVID-19 injection mandate for health care workers.  The question is, what are the takeaways from this case?  (FYI, I'm not an attorney, but rather a...

  • January 7, 2020

    Impeachment: Are the Democrats crazy like a fox?

    Why would the Left spend so much time and effort on a cause (impeachment) that its members know has less than a 5% chance of succeeding?  The answer is that impeachment is not their real agenda.  This spectacle has two primary obj...

  • August 9, 2018

    The Sausage-Making of Wind Power vs. the Military

    There's a well known observation that close inspection of how legislation is made is like watching sausage being created.  In both cases, it's unappetizing. This process was on display recently with the machinations going on with...

  • July 19, 2018

    Trump is on target regarding German energy

    It's disturbing how uninformed some of the comments are regarding President Trump's recent strong messages to our European allies, especially Germany.  Consider this basic overview about a key element that he rightly expressed conce...

  • June 20, 2018

    Magical Wind Power: Illusions versus Reality

    The number-one challenge of our times is to separate the wheat from the chaff.  To assist in this task, we are blessed with more information than ever before – but we are also simultaneously burdened with more misinformation than...

  • March 5, 2018

    Subverting US energy policies

    Please give careful consideration to these key energy questions.  Who is it that wants: 1) U.S. nuclear energy facilities to close down? 2) U.S. fossil fuel reserves to stay in the ground (onshore and offshore)? 3) t...

  • April 15, 2011

    The Writing On The (Great) Wall

    It should be no surprise that there are other large countries who don't like the fact that the U.S. is the world's dominant power -- and they would like to take over our position.Since we are aware of this friction, we tend to think that our biggest ...