John Drew

John Drew

  • October 28, 2016

    An Alexis de Tocqueville for Our Time

      Sometimes it takes a foreigner to remind us of our values. Those were my first thoughts after watching a new film by Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand native with a pleasant accent, who interviewed me for his new film The Enemies Within. ...

  • May 27, 2013

    White like Me: Thoughts on Young Obama's Prom Photos

    TIME has just published pictures from Barack Obama's prom night in 1979. For me, these photos are more evidence of something I have thought for a long time -- young Obama seemed like a white guy. Despite the Obama mythology, these ne...

  • November 3, 2012

    How I Confronted Obama Biographer David Maraniss

    I pushed the envelope of citizen-journalism a little further this week by introducing myself to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Maraniss.  According to Maraniss, his research for Barack Obama: The Story took him to Hawaii, Indonesia, and...

  • October 30, 2012

    Glorious Leader Gap

    I could not help but notice that Donald Trump is offering to donate $5 million to one of Obama's favorite charities if only Obama releases a range of sensitive documents, including his undergraduate transcript from Occidental College.  I wish Tr...

  • October 12, 2012

    'Trust Me, I'm from the Past'

    I watched Mitt Romney dominate the presidential debate immediately after viewing the time travel movie Looper.  If I had access to time travel, I would use it now to leverage my role as the only person on Earth willing to testify that young Obam...

  • October 11, 2012

    New Photos From Occidental Years Show Real Obama

    The New Yorker blog features new photos that verify my take on what our 44th president acted and looked like as a sophomore at Occidental College. Readers will note the real Obama, the young revolutionary extremist with a soft spot for Islam, that I ...

  • August 3, 2012

    When Exactly Did Barack Obama Renounce Communism?

    As an ex-Marxist I am somewhat hypersensitive to the conversion stories of other ex-Marxists. In my case, I remember where I was the exact moment I realized I no longer believed in the ideals of Communism: I was walking through the basement of McGraw...

  • July 24, 2012

    Sanitizing Obama's Radical Past

    A striking clash between those who feel a profound duty to report that the young Obama was nurtured by Marxists, socialists, and Communists and those who think it is a better idea to erase this information from the public record is on display in two ...

  • July 17, 2012

    My White Girlfriend Inspired Obama's Big, Dark Regina in Dreams from My Father

    See also: Meeting Young Obama, by John Drew As far as I know, I am the only person in the world willing to verify young Barack Obama was an ardent Marxist-Leninist.  My face-to-face report on how I confronted young Obama's ideological extremism ...

  • September 14, 2011

    Even Republicans Rejected Info About Obama's Past

    What would you do if you knew that the top Democrat running for president was lying about his past?  That is the question I was faced with in 2008.  I had met the young Barack Obama while he was a sophomore at Occidental College, and I knew...

  • February 24, 2011

    Meeting Young Obama

      My first meeting with young Barack Obama raised strong feelings and left me with a positive first impression.  At the time, I felt I'd persuaded a young man anticipating a Marxist-Leninist revolution to appreciate the more practica...