John Dietrich

John Dietrich

  • The quiet before the storm

    January 14, 2025

    The quiet before the storm

    Many people assume that there will be a peaceful transfer of power on January 20.  Will the Deep State quietly relinquish its power without a fight?  That does not seem likely.  The Deep State’s reaction to the November 5th elect...

  • The Deep State smear machine’s attack on Matt Gaetz

    December 31, 2024

    The Deep State smear machine’s attack on Matt Gaetz

    On Dec. 23, 2024 the Republican-controlled House Ethics Committee released a report on former congressman Matt Gaetz.  The report alleges that Gaetz paid more than $90,000 to 12 women. One of them was allegedly under 18.  Illicit drugs were...

  • The murder of Bryan Malinowski

    May 30, 2024

    The murder of Bryan Malinowski

    “The way to respond to a search warrant is to allow your house to be searched and to cooperate.” — Rep. Dan Goldman On March 19, the ATF, accompanied by members of the Little Rock Police Department, raided the home of Bryan Malin...

  • December 29, 2023

    While the education establishment peddles porn, the federal government runs a block

    The Deep State has been working to sexualize children for decades; in recent years these efforts have become increasingly pathological.  Yes, parents have every right to protest books in schools that are plainly pornographic; these books are uns...

  • December 1, 2023

    Were the January 6 tapes edited?

    House Speaker Mike Johnson is releasing 40,000 of the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill taken on January 6.  Tens of thousands of private individuals will be devoting a good part of their time analyzing these videos....

  • November 27, 2023

    The Biden administration's linguistic jiu-jitsu

    Members of the Biden administration have mastered the art of concealing their activities from the public and Congress.  Just about everything is under investigation and, therefore, cannot be discussed.  Some questions are answered w...

  • November 13, 2023

    Another SWAT raid screw-up?

    The determinations of how to make arrests under arrest warrants are made based by the tactical operators in the district. They made the decision on the ground as to what was safest and easiest. - Merrick Garland   SWAT raids have misfi...

  • August 12, 2023

    Gang violence update: another SWAT raid fatality

    “There’s a whole lot of things that goes (sic) into the judgment about what is the way to conduct arrests safely and securely.” — Christopher Wray On the morning of August 9th, at approximately 6 am, a SWAT team conducted a...

  • July 11, 2023

    Deep State involvement went deep in January 6 events

    "But to the extent there's a suggestion, for example, that the FBI's confidential human sources or FBI employees in someway instigated or orchestrated Jan 6th, that's categorically false." —Christopher Wray How exten...

  • April 5, 2023

    DOJ's arrest policies

    When Merrick Garland was questioned about why excessive force was used in the arrest of Mark Houck, an anti-abortion activist who had offered to turn himself in, the attorney general evaded responsibility for the policy by saying, The deter...

  • September 19, 2022

    Will the Democrats’ Stance On Education Be Their Undoing?

    Perhaps the most significant issue leading to a Democrat debacle in November is the party’s position on children’s education. Many Democrat leaders are convinced that voters will not punish them at the polls for proclaiming that children,...

  • February 8, 2022

    The Deep State control of the education system

    Progressive control of the U.S. educational system, operating secretly via entrenched bureaucrats and cooperating elected officials, has been exposed by incidents in Loudoun County, Virginia.  In other words, the Deep State rules the classr...

  • November 10, 2021

    The sinister predawn raid on James O'Keefe

    Pre-dawn raids have a troubling history. On 6 November, the home of Project Veritas head James O'Keefe was raided by the FBI.  It was a "pre-dawn" raid by ten FBI agents with "a battering ram, and white blinding lights...

  • August 29, 2021

    The curious U.S. military alliance with the Taliban

    The U.S. government appears to have a closer relationship with the Taliban than with its Afghan and NATO allies.  The military withdrew from Bagram Airfield in the dead of night “without notifying the base’s new Afghan...

  • August 26, 2021

    Biden's Afghanistan pullout is going to cost us

    President Biden's feckless handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan will have a significant impact on the future of the U.S. President Biden claimed he had a choice "either to follow through on that [Trump's withdraw...

  • August 19, 2021

    There will be consequences from our defeat in Afghanistan

    There will be serious consequences from our defeat in Afghanistan If you tell a lie, it must be plausible; otherwise, you destroy your credibility with all but the most ideologically committed.  The president and the members of his ...

  • August 17, 2021

    U.S./Taliban relations

    The Afghanistan defeat will be more disastrous than we can now imagine. State Department spokesman Ned Price gave a press conference where he informed the Taliban about U.S. expectations.  He announced that "a future Afgha...

  • August 16, 2021

    Joe Biden's Afghan fiasco

    Secretary of state Antony Blinken has insisted that the Afghan situation is "manifestly not Saigon."  This has been suggested because helicopters are being used to evacuate embassy personnel.  Perhaps it is more like Ben...

  • July 22, 2021

    The Antifa/FBI Coalition

    Over two dozen people were killed during the Antifa and BLM protests in 2020.  It is routinely reported that "five people died as a result" of the Jan. 6 disturbance.  This is a totally accurate state...

  • May 30, 2021

    Fired for criticism of Black crime

    Idaho Deputy Marshal Nate Silvester has been fired by the Bellevue Marshal's Office according to Bellevue Mayor Ned Burns.   Silvester had made a video mocking LeBron James’ posting a picture of a police officer ...

  • May 5, 2021

    The Ashli Babbitt Killing: Where's the Outrage?

    There is an obvious double standard in deciding if a police officer should be charged with violating a use-of-force policy On January 6th an unarmed 5' 2", 110 pound Caucasian female was shot by police with minimal media coverag...

  • April 23, 2021

    The January 6, 2021 'insurrection' needs an independent investigation

    Neither the FBI nor the media have thoroughly investigated the January 6, 2021 "insurrection."  Given the lingering questions about it and the unreliability of those two institutions, Americans deserve an independent investigation...

  • April 14, 2021

    Defense Department's 'extremists' happen to look exactly like Trump voters

    The Biden administration is on the offensive against extremism.  However, it is having trouble defining the term. The newly installed defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, has signed a memo ordering several "immediate...

  • April 13, 2021

    Another black eye for the police...but is it justified?

    The current controversy about the detaining of Lt. Caron Nazario is a classic example of how the media distort events in order to create hostility.  Newsweek reported, "In December 2020, Windsor cops Daniel Crocker and Joe Gutierr...

  • April 11, 2021

    The whitewashing of Black Lives Matter

    The Deep State has done its best to portray Black Lives Matter as a moderate movement.  Wikipedia describes BLM as "a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially mo...

  • March 31, 2021

    China is gunning to replace the US as the leading world power

    Three academics from Renmin University have revealed Chinese plans to replace the United States as the leading world power. Renmin University is equivalent to Harvard or Yale, a university where future leaders are groomed.  In 2016, Prof...

  • March 25, 2021

    Rachel Levine confirmed by Senate

    The new assistant health secretary will follow policies that are consistent with this administration and will provide much humor throughout the world. The United States Senate has approved President Biden's nominee for U.S. assistant health se...

  • March 3, 2021

    The January 6 'insurrection'

    A successful conspiracy should be limited in the number of people involved.  They must be highly intelligent and free from the need to feed their egos by revealing how important they are.  The events surrounding the Jan. 6 ...

  • February 24, 2021

    New York City educators fired for not performing the Black power 'Wakanda Forever' salute

    The New York City Department of Education is involved in a controversy about the Wakanda salute.  It draws attention to the character of the people running that department. Unfortunately, it is necessary to explain that what is to follow...

  • February 16, 2021

    How Your Government Really Works

    Some of the harshest critics of government corruption are thoroughly corrupt – and everyone in the upper reaches of government is complicit due to their silence.  I spent over 40 years in government service.  I don't consi...

  • February 9, 2021

    The Biden administration's new direction on China

    The new administration is nominating people who have a more positive view of Communist China. In 2019, Anita Dunn was hired by the Biden campaign as a senior adviser on communications strategy.  In September 2020, Dunn was made co-chair ...

  • February 2, 2021

    Progressive hostility toward law enforcement will have some dire consequences

    Progressive hostility toward law enforcement will have some dire consequences. A serious problem for the Deep State is its perception that its enforcement arm contains a large number of "deplorables."  These deplorables, i...

  • January 25, 2021

    The Biden administration gets off on the wrong foot, starting with the National Guard

    If an individual or an organization wants to maintain its credibility, it must not lie.   If, because of circumstances, one must lie, the lie must be at least credible.  Telling an implausible lie not only destroys credibilit...

  • January 20, 2021

    Biden administration will face its own Frankenstein’s monster

    Demonstrations and riots will not stop with the Biden/Harris administration.  They present a real danger to government as we now know it. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are being sworn in today, 20 January.  It has been obvious fo...

  • January 8, 2021

    Labeling and its consequences

    In the press, intelligentsia, and on the left, Donald Trump and his supporters have been consistently referred to as terrorists, Klansmen, and Nazis.   Arizona's Secretary of State Katie Hobbs labeled Trump supporters ...

  • December 28, 2020

    The intimidation of Melissa Carone

    Dominion Voting Systems is presently going on attack.  Attorneys Thomas Clare and Megan Meier, representing Dominion, sent letters to President Donald Trump's supporters demanding that they cease making false and "defamatory...

  • December 24, 2020

    Eric Swalwell and the truth of communist infiltration in the USA

    Recent revelations about Eric Swalwell's relationship with a Chinese spy are another reminder of the power of the Deep State.  Nancy Pelosi picked Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) for the House Intelligence Committee.  Swalwell...

  • December 22, 2020

    If media weren't scared of vote fraud claims, they wouldn't censor them

    President Trump's attorney Jesse Binnall complained that his opening statement before a Senate Homeland Security hearing on election fraud was banned on YouTube.  Binnall tweeted, "YouTube has decided that my opening statement...

  • December 15, 2020

    Progressives project on the matter of supporters' violence

    Progressives appear to be calling for violence while at the same time accusing Trump-supporters of being violent. Michigan state rep. Cynthia A. Johnson has been roundly criticized for her warning to Trump-supporters.  She twee...

  • December 6, 2020

    Melissa Carone, Michigan election witness, becomes a 'star'

    Election witness Melissa Carone has had the courage to testify, and as a result, she is being held up to ridicule. The Michigan House Oversight Committee hearings have provided some interesting information. Contrary to what Attorney General B...

  • December 1, 2020

    Media coverage of election fraud

    Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani have compiled hundreds, if not thousands, of affidavits from people swearing that they witnessed election fraud in the presidential election.  In addition, Powell has affidavits from whistleblowers who a...

  • November 30, 2020

    Prepare for the arrival of the 'Great Firewall of China'

    Conservatives frequently complain about Twitter and Facebook policies that censor conservative views.  Even "moderates" admit that these social networking services are biased against conservatives.  The Wrap reports...

  • November 27, 2020

    The left has a list ...

    Significant changes will be taking place in the era of the Biden/Harris administration.   Progressives will begin by identifying people who have opposed the results of this election. Sure, Joe Biden has claimed this won't happen...

  • November 8, 2020

    Future deep state policies

    If the Deep State is successful in its coup against President Trump, there will never be another legitimate presidential election in the United States.  Even with a "conservative" president, the Deep State has continued...

  • October 17, 2020

    Another media attack on Trump fails

    NBC attempted to set a trap for Donald Trump during the town hall, ambushing the president with interrogation-like questions and then interrupting him as he tried to speak.  As usual, it backfired. NeverTrumps believe that Savannah Guthr...

  • October 10, 2020

    The FBI finds its right-wing terrorist group

    The Deep State has been looking for a high-profile right-wing terrorist group.  It claims that it has found one.  FBI director Christopher Wray warned lawmakers that Russian election interference and violent white supremac...

  • September 30, 2020

    The take-down of Brad Parscale

    President Trump's advisor, Brad Parscale, was arrested by police after a 911 call from his wife claiming he was suicidal.  But there are sections of the police reports and media coverage that reveal an unmistakable bias.  T...

  • September 25, 2020

    Roll over, Beethoven...

    The man that hath no music in himself,  Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils Recently Vox magazine published an article claiming that Beethoven's most famous work is a symbo...

  • September 6, 2020

    Losers, suckers, and the 'wrap-up' smear

      The media is calling out its anonymous sources to criticize the president. Jeffrey Goldberg has written an article in The Atlantic claiming that President Trump "repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members."...

  • August 14, 2020

    Rules of engagement in the insurgency

    Few people realize that the United States is involved in a domestic war.  It appears to be a war of civilization against anarchy.  It is actually a war of civilization against the totalitarian left.  These anarchist riot...

  • July 31, 2020

    About those 'peaceful protests'...

    A great deal of effort is being used to maintain the claim that protests are peaceful. If an article begins with "The earth is flat," how many people will continue reading?   The reader might conclude that it would be a wa...

  • July 27, 2020

    Our corrupt judicial system

    The corruption of the justice system is increasing at an alarming rate.  It is not being covered properly by the Deep State media. Every system has examples of corruption.  There is a point where the level of corruption indicat...

  • July 24, 2020

    The deep state smear machine's racist meme

    On Wednesday, former Vice President Joe Biden called President Donald Trump the first racist president in U.S. history.   Biden claimed, "The way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin...

  • July 21, 2020

    Free Beverlyn Beatty!

    Several local officials have apparently instructed the police to "stand down" when dealing with rioters.  However, there are cases where they seem to be overzealous in their desire to convict certain law violators.   ...

  • July 11, 2020

    The History of Progressives and Slavery

    Progressives condemn Americans for their alleged role in slavery, but their own past is not as innocent as they believe, and they have some explaining to do about the present. President Trump's recent visit to Mount Rushmore has given progres...

  • July 7, 2020

    So what can Ghislaine Maxwell tell prosecutors about the parties with all those Silicon Valley barons?

    Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao may have thought she was revealing corruption in Silicon Valley.  She did not realize she was implicating herself. Pao, a bigshot in Big Tech, claims that Ghislaine Maxwell attended a Kleiner Perkins part...

  • July 2, 2020

    Public displays of podophilia

    The "washing of the feet" phenomenon reveals a pathological streak in the character of many Americans. In our secular age, it is curious when a popular activity is attributed to religious motives.  This is the case with the ...

  • May 24, 2020

    FBI Director Wray Finally Orders Internal Review of Flynn Investigation

    Christopher Wray has ordered an investigation of the Flynn case in an effort to limit damage to the Bureau.     So just imagine it -- here's how the press account will go:   An anonymous source that has proved reliable ...

  • May 24, 2020

    Funny how Judge Sullivan seemed to be a different person in the Ted Stevens case

    Washington D.C. is filled with politicians, bureaucrats and pundits who are outraged by corruption and vow to get to the bottom of each scandal, but ultimately accomplish nothing.  Judge Emmet G. Sullivan is a perfect example of such a Washingto...

  • May 12, 2020

    Professional Courtesy has Run Amok at the Department of Justice

    The level of corruption in the Department of Justice is astounding.  Bureaucrats receive little or no punishment for serious infractions, as illegal activity is frequently overlooked as a result of what is called professional courtesy.  For...

  • April 30, 2020

    General Flynn vs. The Deep State

    Cardinal Richelieu reportedly said, "If you give me six sentences written by the most innocent of men I will find something in them with which to hang him. Later, Josef Stalin's director of the NKVD Soviet secret police, Lavrentiy...

  • April 22, 2020

    Coronavirus Vs. The Deep State Educational Complex

    Post-coronavirus conditions will reveal many dramatic changes in our economy and society.  A number of employers who were capable of having their employees work from home will have found that in many cases the situation was more efficient. ...

  • April 6, 2020

    President Trump takes control of Intelligence Community

    The firing of Michael Atkinson, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, is another step toward the gradual exposure of the Deep State.  Atkinson had been nominated for the position by Trump in November 2017.  In his letter to C...

  • March 16, 2020

    Turkey threatens NATO with the 'refugee weapon'

    The Middle East conflict between Russia and Turkey being played out in Syria has a real possibility of escalating to world-shaking proportions.  Business Insider states, "For most close observers, it has long seemed only a matter ...

  • March 7, 2020

    Chuck Schumer's threats

    Senator Chuck Schumer is under pressure for threatening two Supreme Court justices.  At a pro-abortion rally outside the Supreme Court on March 4, Schumer ranted,  "I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, K...

  • January 12, 2020

    More confusing information about the Epstein 'suicide'

    Further information about Jeffry Epstein's "suicide" has only increased the confusion. If the Jeffry Epstein death were a screenplay, it would be rejected for being completely implausible.  Every aspect of this incident doe...

  • December 29, 2019

    Do I dare to eat a peach? Impeachment indecision

    Apparently, the establishment has decided to have a brief Senate trial without witnesses.  Nancy Pelosi has been withholding the impeachment articles from the Senate since December 18.  The frantic rush to impeach President Trump ha...

  • December 9, 2019

    MSM claiming that IG Report will not meet conservatives' expectations

    The New York Times is reporting that the DOJ I.G. "found no evidence that the F.B.I. attempted to place undercover agents or informants inside Donald J. Trump's campaign."  Business Insider's headline reads, ...

  • November 28, 2019

    The assault on Thanksgiving

    The assault on the Thanksgiving holiday is only part of a wider war on traditional American values. It is time to celebrate Thanksgiving.  That means it’s time for another assault on a traditional American holiday. All countries have th...

  • November 23, 2019

    Deep State Media Whistleblower Double Standard

    Twitter and YouTube are attempting to ban mention of "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella's name.  This is a very curious thing for tech savvy organizations to do.  It may have been possible to conceal the identity of a person prio...

  • August 19, 2019

    The Epstein Incident Another Blow to Government and Media Credibility

      A very small number of people know exactly what happened to Jeffrey Epstein on the morning of August 10.  The rest of us only know what the government and media tell us.  These two are sources of increasingly dubious credibility...

  • June 29, 2019

    Believe E. Jean Carroll at your own risk

    E. Jean Carroll's decades-old allegations of rape are being given credibility by some in the media and politics.  They will discover that they have been had. Elizabeth Jean Carroll has accused President Donald Trump of raping her in...

  • June 25, 2019

    What will it look like when we lose our civilization?

    Civilizations are tested in a crisis.  Their strengths and weaknesses are revealed in such events as earthquakes, the sinking of ships, and social or political eruptions.  Recent events in Hong Kong have illustrated how an area wi...

  • June 17, 2019

    The Deep State Smear Machine is Gearing Up For Judge Moore Again

      I did not realize Jon Hall’s article, published in American Thinker, was satire until I read: “Roy Moore is the White Boy equivalent of Al Sharpton, but without the charisma.”  He describes Judge Moore as ...

  • June 5, 2019

    Catholic bishop bombarded for stating well known doctrine on homosexuality

    A Catholic bishop has ignited a controversy by reiterating traditional Catholic doctrine.  He claims that homosexuality is harmful for children.  Children appear to be the main target of the homosexual community. Bishop Th...

  • June 3, 2019

    Corruption and the intel community

    Corruption within the Intelligence Community is not being dealt with effectively. House intelligence chairman Adam Schiff has demanded that the director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, and CIA director Gina Haspel keep him informed ...

  • April 29, 2019

    The Notre Dame fire: Conclusions enforced before the evidence was examined

    The recent fire in Notre Dame Cathedral has highlighted the attempts of the powerful to control the news. The Paris prosecutor, Rémy Heitz, has decided the fire was "likely accident, not arson."  When reporting his decis...

  • March 12, 2019

    I am Roger Stone, and you had better be, too

    If a third-rate political hack of limited intelligence can claim to be Spartacus, the leader of a Roman slave revolt, I can claim to be Roger Stone.  In fact, all patriotic Americans concerned about the First Amendment should declare themse...

  • February 23, 2019

    Roger Stone and his supporters have been completely silenced

    Roger Stone and his supporters have been completely silenced.  The Deep State Media will continue to report on his case and continue to "taint the jury." On February 21, federal judge Amy Berman Jackson completel...

  • February 18, 2019

    Silencing foes of the Deep State

    Last Friday, Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia placed a gag order on Roger Stone and his attorneys.  She ordered Stone to "refrain from making statements to the media or in pub...

  • February 7, 2019

    Jussie Smollet 'hate crime' looking more and more like a hoax

    Coverage of the alleged attack on black homosexual entertainer Jussie Smollett will slowly fade into the sunset.  Many prominent people in the media and politics have commented on the case, and when it is revealed as a hoax, as it almost ce...

  • February 3, 2019

    When do we start calling it a 'police state'?

    The raid on Roger Stone’s house would be considered ridiculous and worthy of a Keystone Kops episode if it were not so frightening.  Imagine yourself responsible for arresting a 66 year old, non-violent, offender.  If he is ...

  • January 28, 2019

    The FBI Drops In

    Federal Law enforcement appears to be adopting methods more suitable for the KGB or Stasi. CNN’s exclusive news coverage of Roger Stone’s arrest was a big mistake.  It reminded sentient people of the Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Eli...

  • January 19, 2019

    Another anti-Trump 'bombshell,' another dud

    The latest "bombshell" dropped on the president turns out to be a dud. The latest about the president had Deep State enthusiasts in fits of ecstasy.  The headlines read: "A bombshell report says Trump ordered Mic...

  • January 16, 2019

    The mainstreaming of the word abbreviated 'MFer'

    Crude language is becoming more and more acceptable. In 1939, Clark Gable's character Rhett Butler stated, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" in the film Gone with the Wind.  This line was nearly cut from the film ...

  • December 19, 2018

    The Congressional Accountability Act won't solve the problem of sexual harassment in Congress

    People are celebrating the revision of the Congressional Accountability Act.  Legislators will now have to pay for their predatory sexual behavior out of their own pockets and be publicly exposed.  Rep. Jackie Speier stated, ...

  • November 28, 2018

    The House vs. Donald Trump

    In January 2019 the newly elected House of Representatives will begin its work.  The Democrats will demonstrate what a legislative branch is capable of doing even though it is in control of only one house of the legislature.  Adam...

  • November 23, 2018

    Did Chief Justice Roberts just urinate on my leg?

    Chief Justice John Roberts recently wrote, "We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges."   The chief justice knows that this is not true, and I find it extremely insulting that he believes t...

  • October 25, 2018

    Prepare to greet the members of the 'caravan'!

    Members of the Central American "caravan" will soon be in a community near you. Most members of the caravan will enter the U.S. legally by claiming refugee status.  If they are from non-contiguous countries they will ...

  • October 20, 2018

    A Swabian salute for Beto O'Rourke's blarney

    Beto O'Rourke is receiving the Deep State's media seal of approval. Alex Seitz-Wald has written a column for NBC News, and she appears to be in love.  Robert Francis O'Rourke (that's Beto) is running for a seat ...

  • September 10, 2018

    The left embraces crazy

    Leftists adopted a new strategy to defeat the president.  They are calling his mental health into question. As the possibilities of the Russian collusion investigation fade, a new attack on the president becomes necessary.  The...

  • September 6, 2018

    Anti-Trump resistance at the senior level

    On September 5, the New York Times published an op-ed reportedly written by a senior member of the Trump administration.  The Times published this essay because "[w]e believe publishing this essay anonymously is the only...

  • September 4, 2018

    Chuck Todd complains: Leftist media in a hole, not digging hard enough

    Chuck Todd recently wrote an article for the Atlantic magazine entitled "It's Time for the Press to Stop Complaining – And to Start Fighting Back."  In it, he complains, "[A]ntipathy toward the media right now ...

  • August 30, 2018

    President Trump and the White Farmers of South Africa

    President Trump has inspired the Deep State Media (DSM) to create another firestorm.  This time, his racism is supposedly being revealed because he asked his secretary of state to "closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures ...

  • April 20, 2018

    Starbucks, and all those staged events and phony outrage

    It is becoming more obvious that progressives are staging events. Sometimes events are so poorly choreographed that it is obvious to all but the most obtuse that everything was staged.  This was the case at Starbucks, where two black men...

  • April 18, 2018

    Our 'intelligence' agencies are acting kinda dumb lately

    Perhaps one of the most disappointing revelations about the current intelligence community (I.C.) kerfuffle is the remarkable lack of intelligence in the higher echelons of the intelligence community.  These people have attended charm schoo...

  • January 24, 2018

    Lester Holt sides with Kim Jong-un, mass murderer

    Lester Holt's travels in North Korea have given a favorable view of that dictatorship.  This is unfortunate. NBC's Lester Holt traveled to North Korea in advance of the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea in order to inform...

  • January 14, 2018

    The real reason Democrats are throwing such a fit about 's-hole countries'

    The most recent attack on the president is designed to throw him off balance during the debate on immigration. Senator Durbin, doing his best Claude Rains imitation, stated, "I cannot believe that, in the history of the White House, in that O...

  • January 8, 2018

    A hookah-smoking caterpillar has given media the call

    The sexual harassment charge against Trump did not work.  The Russian collusion charge against Trump appears to be collapsing.  A new "exposé," Fire and Fury, has ushered in the latest attempt to remove the c...

  • December 14, 2017

    Things fall apart: The decline of 'Dumbledore's Army'

    Resistance to the Trump administration within the intelligence community is beginning to unravel.   When Mick Mulvaney was selected to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), he complimented the staff for being professional....

  • December 8, 2017

    The Deep State vs. Trump

    Retired CIA station chief Scott Uehlinger claims there is a “Deep State.”  He argued, “The Deep State is made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointe...

  • December 5, 2017

    Pandora's box revisited

    Efforts to smear Senate candidate Roy Moore have backfired.  Many politicians and media personalities are facing problems of their own. People who were outraged at allegations about Moore's behavior 38 years ago now appear to be defending...

  • November 28, 2017

    A Fresh Start for Zimbabwe

    The nation of Zimbabwe just underwent a change in government. Robert Mugabe is being replaced by Emmerson Mnangagwa. Mnangagwa had been a close ally of Mugabe. However, he had to flee the country after he was dismissed as vice-president. Mnangagwa ha...

  • November 18, 2017

    Judge Moore: Was that the sound of Pandora's box being opened?

    The recent Weinstein, Moore, and Franken scandals have the establishment and the media in a frenzy.  Weinstein had displayed his objectionable behavior for decades.  It might be curious why it suddenly came to light.  Th...

  • November 12, 2017

    Roy Moore vs. the Swamp

    The Swamp is in full panic mode.  They are pulling out the big guns.  They claim Judge Roy Moore is a pedophile and cannot be allowed to represent the good people of the great state of Alabama.  If Moore wins the electio...

  • October 30, 2017

    Is U.S. Policy in Afghanistan Doomed?

    Politico provides an account of a State Department election night “party” in Kabul’s U.S. embassy.  The author, May Jeong, describes the State Department employees, "who are officially barred from political activism while ...

  • October 28, 2017

    The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future

    Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding.  There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco.  As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explo...

  • October 23, 2017

    Former secretaries of state offer advice to US ambassador to UN

    The New York Times recently reported on a conference in New York City attended by Condoleezza Rice and Madeleine Albright, former secretaries of state, and Nikki Haley, the current U.S. ambassador to the U.N.  It was a discussion ...

  • October 17, 2017

    Sharyl Attkisson Pulls Back the Curtain

    Sharyl Attkisson’s The Smear gives insight to how news is made today. It goes a long way in convincing readers that they should believe only a small portion of what is released by the government and reported by the press. This leads to a very c...

  • October 7, 2017

    Nostalgia merchants vindicated: African-Americans

    "The nostalgia merchants sell an appealing Norman Rockwell-like picture of American life half a century ago, one in which every household was made up of stable parents, two kids, a dog, and a cat who all lived in a house with a manicured lawn an...

  • October 6, 2017

    A CNN exclusive? How about fake news advancing Mueller's narrative?

    So CNN has come up with an "exclusive": Special Investigator Robert Mueller's team has met with the Russian dossier author, Christopher Steele.  And CNN has "learned" that the FBI and the rest of the U.S. intell...

  • October 5, 2017

    Adios, Columbus

    The controversy surrounding the Columbus Day holiday is part of a culture war that includes the removal of Confederate monuments and the NFL protests.  Columbus Day is being renamed Indigenous Peoples Day in many locations.  The battles bei...

  • August 18, 2017

    The media and the snowflakes

      The recent controversy surrounding the events in Charlottesville illustrate a problem the media are having with President Trump.  Supporters of the president will remain with him under almost any circumstance.  His opponents will ...

  • August 16, 2017

    Are far left and far right equivalent?

    President Trump has committed the unpardonable sin of implying that the far left is as violent as the far right.  This can be a career-ender.  New York Times domestic affairs correspondent Sheryl Gay Stolberg may have learned this the hard ...

  • August 14, 2017

    A Brain Is a Terrible Thing to Wash

    Nazi propagandist Joe Goebbels reportedly said, “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”  'Everyone knows that the Russians interfered in the U.S. election.'  When it is discusse...

  • July 19, 2017

    Some New Thoughts on Donald Trump's Warsaw Speech

    Donald Trump’s Warsaw speech has reignited a controversy about the superiority of Western civilization.  He is being excoriated for dog whistling a variety of taboo assertions.  The Atlantic accuses him of racial and religious paranoi...

  • June 22, 2017

    CNN poobah Jeff Zucker bangs his spoon on his high chair

    CNN chief Jeff Zucker has criticized President Trump's attacks on the press, calling them "unconscionable and dangerous."  There are two possible ways to describe Zucker's remarks a day after a congressman was shot: e...

  • June 14, 2017

    Chavista celebrities refuse to say they were wrong about socialism

    The New York Times published an article on Venezuela titled "Dying Infants and No Medicine: Inside Venezuela's Failing Hospitals."  It reads like an apocalyptic horror story and begins, "By morning, three newbor...

  • April 4, 2017

    The Truth about the 'Wiretapping' Is Coming Out

    The progressives’ Penny Dreadful about Donald Trump being put in the White House by Vladimir Putin is beginning to unravel.  On March 2, Evelyn Farkas, a former deputy secretary of defense in the Obama administration, revealed on MSNBC...

  • March 26, 2017

    Understanding the 'wiretapping' scandal

    Everything we know about the "wiretapping" scandal is provided by the media and politicians, who have an agenda. There are members of the media who believe they have exclusive rights to information.  CNN's Chris Cuomo informed h...

  • March 22, 2017

    Wiretapping and the Trump-Putin connection

    Congressional hearings are establishing that there is no evidence that President Obama ordered the wiretapping of Donald Trump.  They are also establishing that there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.  Form...

  • March 5, 2017

    Wiretapping Donald Trump

    On March 4 President Trump tweeted that former President Obama had tapped his phone during the election campaign:  “How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process.  Thi...

  • January 16, 2017

    Beavis, Butthead, and the Russian dossier

    January 10, CNN published an article about a two-page intelligence report based on 35 pages of memos allegedly assembled by a former British intelligence agent.  This report claimed that Russian intelligence had compromising material on Donald T...

  • January 8, 2017

    The Intelligence Community versus Donald Trump

    The continuing campaign to discredit President-Elect Trump is increasing in intensity.  It is based on allegations that the Russians interfered in the U.S. election.  It is suggested that Hillary Clinton would have won the election if the R...

  • December 31, 2016

    Obama Administration’s Attack on Russia

    The Obama administration appears to be attempting to provoke the Russians into a confrontation once again. This apparent attack on Russia is in reality an attack on Donald Trump. Andrea Mitchell reported that the Obama administration is taking steps ...

  • December 13, 2016

    The Big Lie: Russia Stole the Election

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” - Joseph Goebbels Paul Roderick Gregory wrote in Forbes, “The Kremlin knows that repeated lies are eventually taken as truth, so...

  • November 29, 2016

    Guess how much a CEO at PBS makes

    One of the reasons progressives are in panic mode is because many of their favorite programs are in jeopardy.  These programs consume hundreds of billions of dollars.  Their numbers increase with time, and efforts to eliminate them have bee...

  • November 26, 2016

    The War on 'Fake News'

    In response to the recent election fiasco, progressives are increasing their efforts to control the internet. They are targeting “fake news.” Since no one is in favor of “fake news”, this should be a clear winning strategy. Pr...

  • November 8, 2016

    The Blackmail State

    Part of the orientation of any intelligence officer is a warning about being sexually compromised.  This should be a matter of common sense.  However, due to the youth or inexperience of the target the perpetrators may be successful.  ...

  • November 2, 2016

    The bitter tears of Wolf Blitzer

    Jeopardy contestant and media guru Wolf Blitzer recently interviewed Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s senior adviser.  Blitzer asked Conway if she is comfortable with Trump calling the news media “lowlifes” and “all sorts...

  • October 21, 2016

    The Coming War with Russia

    It certainly sounds alarmist to predict a war with Russia.  However, members of this administration are following policies that can lead to only that result.  They are following belligerent policies on two fronts: cyberspace and Syria....

  • September 30, 2016

    Obama's Confused Middle East Policy

    The Obama administration's policy in the Middle East appears to be designed to remove secular tyrants and replace them with more religiously oriented regimes.  Thus, Gaddafi ("We came, we saw, he died."  Ha ha ha.) and Mubarak...

  • August 9, 2016

    Clinton lied. Did people die?

    There is little doubt the Hillary Clinton lied about her email.  Even her most fervent supporters, providing the most contorted euphemisms, must admit that she was being less than truthful. The large volume of emails has obscured the signific...

  • July 20, 2016

    Hollywood Rubs Raw the Sores of Racial Discontent

     "The despair is there; now it's up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change.” (Saul Alinsky) The power of film was understood early in the history of the medium, demonstr...

  • July 7, 2016

    Internet Delenda Est: The Internet Must Be Destroyed

    We are living in revolutionary times.  Much of the responsibility for this social ferment is due to the revolution in communications.  This is the glasnost, or openness, that helped to bring down the Soviet Union. At one time, an elite c...

  • January 11, 2016

    Confessions of a Retired Customs and Border Protection Officer

    I was employed as a Customs and Border Protection Officer for approximately 16 years. It was interesting work and I have many fond memories of my time with the Immigration Service. The job entails checking entry documents of people entering...

  • December 23, 2015

    Tis the Season to be Offended

    This is the time of year when news of people being offended by Christian symbols reaches a high point. Progressives view complaints about a “war on Christmas” as manufactured. Barack Obama commented on this in 2006: This notion ...

  • November 6, 2015

    Can Politicians be Manipulated?

    Why do politicians pass legislation that is obviously contrary to the wishes of their constituents?  Undoubtedly there are politicians who vote contrary to their constituents’ wishes out of principle.  But at the risk of sounding...

  • October 27, 2015

    Immigration - The State vs. the People

    Members of the elite, the people who make public policy, are generally above average intelligence. They are generally well informed. Why would they promote a policy that is clearly not in the best interests of their nation? Their state...

  • January 28, 2015

    Are 'No-Go Zones' a Myth?

    Recently Fox News apologized for referring to several areas in Europe as “no-go zones.” The apology followed an interview with Steven Emerson, Executive Director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, who incorrectly claimed Birm...

  • May 10, 2014

    The Cupboard is Bare

    It is natural that organisms and organizations employ defense mechanisms. When governments are confronted with the threat of budgets cuts they must respond. A particularly effective technique has been described as the "Firemen First Pr...

  • April 8, 2014

    The Poverty Hoax

    A major concern of progressives is their supposed interest in the fate of the poor.  They purport to be the champions of the poor.  But the truth is that they need the poor more than the poor need them, in a symbiotic relationship.  As...

  • May 7, 2010

    Obama's Burden of Brightness

    President Obama is frequently described as highly intelligent. His advisor Valerie Jarrett has described this as a "burden." She announced at the John F. Kennedy School of Government that "[p]art of the burden of being so bright is tha...

  • February 28, 2010

    We Are Doomed -- Again

    Global warming is far from the first apocalyptic prediction, or even the first based on computer models. The belief that the world is coming to an end appears to be a universal concept based on an innate psychic need. All major religions -- Chri...

  • February 5, 2010

    Liberal Hate Speech

    When Sarah Palin made Rahm Emanuel's expletive-enhanced use of the word "retarded" an embarrassment for him and the president, she forced the left to live up to its own P.C. standards. Saul Alinsky would be proud.Normally, according to the ...

  • January 6, 2010

    The Obamas: Conspicuous Sacrifice vs. Conspicuous Consumption

    A recurring theme of the Obama White House is "sacrifice." The president has repeatedly stressed the need for us to tighten our belts. He has informed us, "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 deg...

  • November 29, 2009

    Leaving Corporate America

    We are at the mercy of economic "experts." These practitioners of the "dismal science" are managing large sectors of our economy in accordance with theories learned in Ivy League Universities. They have assured us that the lessons...

  • November 20, 2009

    Masters of the Language

    In the prophetic 1984, George Orwell described the purpose of Newspeak, the language of Ingsoc, or English Socialism. Newspeak was designed not only as a medium of expression for the Ingsoc worldview, but also "to make all other modes of thought...