John Conlin

John Conlin

  • How Competition can Save Education

    March 20, 2025

    How Competition can Save Education

    The pre-Trump Republicans had problems selling a whole lot of things -- like freedom and liberty -- but specifically in regard to their failures in bringing true change -- and freedom -- to public K-12 education. Put on your selling hat and think ...

  • Now it’s Time for DOAR -- Department of Actual Results

    March 4, 2025

    Now it’s Time for DOAR -- Department of Actual Results

    President Trump and one of his chief butt kickers, Elon Musk, have roared to a start with the vital DOGE -- Department of Government Efficiency. Not surprisingly, they have quickly identified billions in wasteful spending. I might quibble with the...

  • Why can’t we let labor markets work?

    January 16, 2025

    Why can’t we let labor markets work?

    Conservatives across the board have a respect and love of markets and the wonders they produce. It is one of the definitions of being a conservative. Markets -- free people interacting with other free people -- do amazing things. They play a funda...

  • The 2020 Theft Saved This Country

    October 9, 2024

    The 2020 Theft Saved This Country

    Self-professed radio guru Jessie Kelly recently did a show discussing the reality that, often, what seems like a win in life can turn out to be a loss, and what seems like a loss can turn out to be a win. I was thinking about this regarding the up...

  • American Blacks -- Please Read This Before You Ever Vote Democrat Again

    September 28, 2024

    American Blacks -- Please Read This Before You Ever Vote Democrat Again

    It’s election time again and that means it's time for the Democrats' regular pilgrimage to black communities to remind them of our sad state of affairs where racist evildoers -- Republicans of course -- actively work to keep black peopl...

  • Of course they tried to kill Trump

    August 14, 2024

    Of course they tried to kill Trump

    Famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes would often note “'When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Applying this same logic to the attempted assassination ...

  • Let's test Joe

    July 3, 2024

    Let's test Joe

    Every congressional Republican and patriotic Democrat needs to immediately put an end to all legislative activities until President Biden shows he is mentally competent to remain President. Nothing should be allowed to proceed. Put a stop to everythi...

  • Where are these supposed “good guys” in the FBI and DoJ?

    June 26, 2024

    Where are these supposed “good guys” in the FBI and DoJ?

    One often hears in conservative media how the top folks at the DoJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, NSA, etc. may be corrupt traitors to the country and the Constitution but the ol’ rank and file are made up of honest, hardworking, patriotic Americans. To th...

  • Does the patriarchy really exist?

    April 19, 2024

    Does the patriarchy really exist?

    The patriarchy, and its second cousin misogyny, are on the march! Women’s rights are headed back to the dark ages. Or so we are told on a continuous loop from the mainstream media. Those good folks who run the Internet tell me: “patria...

  • Conservatives -- stop arguing with sock puppets

    February 29, 2024

    Conservatives -- stop arguing with sock puppets

    Remember playing with sock puppets as a kid? They could be anything your imagination conjured. You could give them motives and emotions -- instilling life attributes right into them -- and the puppets could become good or bad, right or wrong, or...

  • Work permits for illegals: the fast track to citizenship

    February 24, 2024

    Work permits for illegals: the fast track to citizenship

    In science one learns there is always a reason for everything. Nothing just happens. We might not know the reason for X or Y occurring but there is always a reason why it happened. This forms the basis for scientific inquiry -- forever trying to disc...

  • January 27, 2024

    Biden hates working people

    As our sanctuary-country sinks even further under the weight of millions of illegal immigrants, the President and his fellow Democrats believe the solution is to give them work permits so they can “support themselves.” Where is their c...

  • December 5, 2023

    Representatives, not leaders, will save this country

    This country was founded on a revolutionary idea that a free people could govern themselves. No need for kings or rulers of any kind.  In support of this radical idea, the people’s desires would be implemented by elected officials -- th...

  • November 2, 2021

    Biden's societal suicide pact

    For the past 245 years, a significant portion of the wealth created in the entire world is in some way related to the United States.  People across the globe fight to come to the USA — we must be doing something right. ...

  • September 7, 2021

    Public Schools -- Stop Experimenting on People’s Children

    A few years back, public schools in my hometown of Littleton, Colorado began using laptop computers in the classroom. With great fanfare, every student was given his or her own computer. Classroom instruction quickly moved away from traditional teach...

  • March 19, 2021

    Can Liberalism Survive Science?

    So, you believe in science, eh? Excellent, so do I. At the core of this science-thinking is the acceptance of the fact that there is reality. Thus, there are a finite number of things which are true and an infinite number of things which aren...

  • January 22, 2020

    The hazards of ignorance and unearned wealth

    Famed science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once noted, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."  An extension of this is that anyone who uses advanced technology with little to no understa...

  • October 18, 2019

    What a School of Fish Can Teach Us About Government

    Imagine a school of fish. No individual fish is overly smart yet the school itself shows remarkable intelligence, durability, and survivability.  How can this be? There is no fish leader. There is no fish management. No fish sees the big pict...

  • August 30, 2019

    Success Breeds Failure

    The United States is the freest, wealthiest, most tolerant society the world has ever known.  Even today’s poor live lives undreamed of by royalty less than a century ago. Yet in what seems like a major disconnect from this reality, we ...

  • May 23, 2019

    Why Not Socialism?

    Today, socialism is making a renewed push in the U.S. and has found a willing consumer among both the young and older bleeding hearts.  Whether they understand what it would truly mean to become an socialist country is meaningless. They are behi...

  • August 31, 2018

    Internet Giants: Not as Smart as They Think They Are

    Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other large internet companies have taken it upon themselves to censor and block content they find offensive.  Unfortunately for some of us, they seem to find that any thought that might be described as conser...

  • August 22, 2018

    Inner-City Carnage

    In the course of my management consulting, I've been to some of the toughest neighborhoods in the country. If you do business in these areas, you know to always visit them relatively early in the morning, before the animals wake up. ...

  • January 27, 2018

    A lose-lose situation for the president's enemies

    When organizations are faced with the public exposure of shocking, if not criminal behavior, the first instinct is generally to “circle the wagons” to protect the integrity of the organization. This is almost always the wrong choice....

  • October 21, 2017

    What Black Athletes Owe the Kids

    Hey NFL kneelers. So you are upset that far too many poor black and brown kids are getting screwed by “the system”? Me too. Although I am a person of pallor, in my business travels I’ve been to some of the toughest neighborhoods in ...

  • August 22, 2017

    A subversive idea: The end of race

    What if one of the things you thought were true simply weren't?  Could you let go of your old beliefs?  What if they struck at the core of some of your most basic concepts of self?  In earlier times, people have confronted this unn...

  • May 26, 2017

    Time to cut the F & E lines

    One of the biggest gold rushes of our time looks to be the anticipated market for autonomous (self-driving) vehicles.  Worldwide, there are companies and investors throwing billions at the market and what was predicted to happen in ten year...

  • April 19, 2017

    Stewards of the planet

    Over the past few hundred years, we, the human race, have experienced an unparalleled explosion of knowledge.  Although our advances due to swarm intelligence have been growing since the beginning of life on the planet, during the rece...

  • March 30, 2017

    Do beliefs shape reality?

    What would you think if you discovered that the local school was teaching your child that 4 4 equals not 8, but rather 5?  To damage a child in this manner would border on child abuse. Luckily, we have no such thing.  Schools teach stud...

  • March 14, 2017

    The science behind capitalism

    The economic system called capitalism has been described in many ways, but at its core, it is quite simply free people freely interacting with other free people.  Capitalism has transformed the world by producing more wealth than any other econo...

  • February 10, 2017

    Life on the Education Plantation

    In the course of my management consulting, I've been to some of the toughest neighborhoods in the country. If you do business in these areas, you know to always visit them early in the day, when they are relatively safer.  Thus, in my tra...

  • November 2, 2016

    No place for kings

    I don’t like royalty.  Never did, never will.  You’ll never hear me referring to anyone as Prince This or Queen That.  I just don’t buy it.  Folks from other countries might choose to anoint others as their ...

  • August 13, 2016

    The Organization as Life Form

    Take a few individuals and organize them and an amazing thing happens. A singular entity -- the organization -- effectively becomes alive. It creates a heartbeat of its very own and it, the organization, will fight to stay alive from that point ...

  • March 21, 2010

    A common sense idea regarding health insurance

    Prior to jumping down the rabbit hole that is ObamaCare, perhaps we should consider another direction. End employer-provided health care now. Don't tax it, end it. Company paid health insurance was never a planned policy. It was a response to tem...