John C. Greene

John C. Greene

  • October 28, 2020

    Donald Trump: The freedom president

    I believe that freedom is the gift of God.  But freedom is a messy affair.  Because people are imperfect, their exercise of freedom is imperfect.  Because all people are uniquely different as well as imperfect, the indiv...

  • June 12, 2020

    Do Black Lives Matter?

    Do black lives matter?  I think the honest answer to that question is — it depends. On the left, black lives matter only when there is a leftist political agenda to be advanced.  Where the leftist political agenda is alre...

  • June 7, 2020

    Where does General James Mattis get off?

    The now-retired General James Mattis, instead of thanking President Trump for the opportunity to serve in a high role in his administration, is going all out to please the swamp and criticize him. According to a statement published in t...

  • March 26, 2020

    Gov. Cuomo: The mask of good intentions

    In a news conference on 24 Mar 2020, N.Y. governor Andrew Cuomo said, "My mother is not expendable, and your mother is not expendable.  And our brothers and sisters are not expendable.  And we're not going to ac...

  • April 2, 2019

    The Wise Purpose of the Electoral College

    Freedom makes men unequal — not before the law, but in their talents and in their property.  The "depraved taste for equality" observed by Alexis de Tocqueville back in 1832 has today become a rising tide among many of our c...

  • September 22, 2018

    Sen. Hirono: Men, collectively, are guilty

    There are three crimes that I consider worthy of capital punishment: murder, rape, and treason. I consider forcible rape to be one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed against another human being. In my view, forcible rape deserves to ...

  • September 30, 2012

    A Tithing Cut for the Rich

    The odious "tax cuts for the rich" meme is a favorite battle cry of the class warriors.  The Bush tax cuts, we are repetitively told, favored the wealthy.  And Republicans, because they passed "tax cuts for the rich," are for the 1%, while ...

  • August 4, 2012

    The Chick-fil-A Phenomenon

    I don't do fast food. Haven't for years. It doesn't sit well in my stomach. I don't do hatred either. Never have. Hatred doesn't sit well in my stomach either. Until last week, I had never heard of Chick-fil-A. But if there were a Chick-fil-A within ...

  • July 24, 2011

    The Constitution Condones Slavery?

    In a recent series called "The State Against Blacks," John Stossel interviewed Rep. Charles Rangel and made the case that big government has failed the black American family.  Congressman Rangel, an unabashed proponent of big government, asked S...