Joe Strader

Joe Strader

  • Forgive me, Dad

    March 6, 2025

    Forgive me, Dad

    I’m sorry, Dad. I hope you understand. I just registered Republican. A bit more than 50 years ago, I registered to vote when I turned eighteen. It was expected that I register Democrat, so I did. I joked for years after that I was a Democrat...

  • Ten big losers that weren’t on the ballot

    November 6, 2024

    Ten big losers that weren’t on the ballot

    Yes, the Democrats lost, but it was much bigger than that. There are other important losses that will impact future elections. 1. Lawfare proved impotent in taking out a candidate. In fact, every new iteration of lawfare dug the losing hole deeper...

  • An appeal to non-voting Christians

    October 15, 2024

    An appeal to non-voting Christians

    There have been several recent news stories about the low participation of Christians in elections. According to one, more than 100 million “people of faith” choose not to vote, including 40 million plus professed Christians. There are...

  • The Trump ratchet defeats the tyranny of the polls

    September 29, 2024

    The Trump ratchet defeats the tyranny of the polls

    President Trump is not a normal politician for many reasons. His ability to connect with crowds is amazing. He has a good sense of humor and an exquisite sense of comedic timing. He is always positive, even in the most dire personal circumstances. He...

  • August 26, 2023

    Stop pretending this is normal

    The Constitution says we will have a national election in a bit more than a year. That is one of the more certain things and even that is being questioned. Pundits are pretending that the coming election will happen and that it will happen with al...

  • August 17, 2023

    The Founders envisioned a profound intertwining of church and state

    The naturally uneasy relationship between our government and religion has existed since our founding.  The founders recognized both the importance of religious morality to the government and the necessity of keeping religious institutions s...

  • August 6, 2023

    Five (Possibly) Good Things from the Trump Indictments

    The indictments of former President Trump are destructive to the country and symptomatic of our increasing separation. We are seeing a never-ending series of banana republic-like lawfare indictments of the candidate leading the race for the Republica...

  • July 29, 2023

    The Court Of Public Opinion Is A Bulwark Against Lawfare

    The Department of Justice, with an assist from New York and Georgia, is currently working to convict former President Donald Trump on legal charges ranging from falsified business records, to mishandling of government documents, to insurrection, to o...

  • June 6, 2023

    Peggy Noonan may be right — and let's hope she is

    On Monday, David Zukerman wrote a good piece about Peggy Noonan and her WSJ editorial concerning former President Donald Trump.  Noonan argues that electing Donald Trump again would destroy the Republican Party.  Peggy m...

  • May 30, 2023

    Debunking the lie that corruption is an immutable trait of lighter-skinned folk

    In a recent American Thinker article, "Are 'White People Committed to Being Villains'?," Raymond Ibrahim addresses an important issue: there is a societal movement to place the blame for the ills of society on white people and ...

  • February 12, 2023

    The American Legal System Is Becoming An Instrument Of Injustice

    In “The Law,” Frédéric Bastiat writes that a nation’s laws, which should protect private property, can also be used to plunder property. It is much easier to take others’ wealth using legalized theft than violent...

  • January 10, 2023

    The moral conundrum in the coming ideological battle

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams The First Amendment guarantees access to religious institutions without government interference, alon...

  • December 18, 2022

    Conservatives Just Might Win in the End

    The news presents a troubling and depressing worldview. Reviewing the news, I have a question that’s simple to ask but difficult to answer: Do the issues we face affect the mortality of conservatives and progressives differently? Considering th...

  • December 14, 2022

    A government of officious martinets

    This is a unique point in our history.  Our rulers lack either powerful intellects or great accomplishments.  They have no leadership aura, having advanced through coercion and corruption.  Both parties' leaders are ...

  • November 21, 2022

    Donald Trump I should run, while Donald Trump II might be stopped

    A less pleasant wonder of modernity is the way in which the media and political classes can erase from the minds of the public a real person’s genuine qualities and accomplishments and, instead, substitute a purely fictional character, compound...

  • November 19, 2022

    When considering Trump v. DeSantis, there are intangibles to consider

    Many people — reasonable, good people — are arguing that Donald Trump should just bow out and let the process proceed without him.  Often, they suggest that Ron DeSantis is more electable.  Maybe he is. The biggest ...

  • August 19, 2022

    Useless Republicans

    Patricia McCarthy asserts that "too many Republicans are as useless as Democrats."  Conservatives know that this is true.  America is overwhelmed with critical political issues that need serious people to address them, b...

  • August 14, 2022

    Mitch McConnell’s math depends on Republican voters staying home

    Many in the Republican conservative base have good reasons for disliking Senator McConnell. However, he is the leader of the Senate Republicans, making him the highest-ranking Republican in office. Republicans with more political power and a larger b...

  • February 5, 2022

    We the People can clean up American government

    I have been outlining a seven-year plan to take back our country from those who seek to destroy it. (See the links at the end of this post.) The first part has begun. We are putting pressure locally to change the country’s direction and to crea...

  • February 3, 2022

    It is possible to clean out DC's deeply corrupt Augean stables

    Beginning in January 2025, if all goes well, we will have a new president on a mission from the people to clean up the mess in Washington.  Congress will have prepared the way.  The corruption purge in Washington will have arrived...

  • January 30, 2022

    We need to select the right president to clean up the American government

    I have proposed a seven-year plan to take back our country that has already started. It is a battle of will and philosophy that is intensely engaged locally. It is hand-to-hand combat in a war of ideas. The first phase ends with the election of a Con...

  • January 27, 2022

    A case for someone who's not Trump in 2024

    A few days ago, I suggested a massive community-based effort to pressure local leaders and candidates to change the direction of the country before the congressional elections in November.  This would be the first step in a seven-...

  • January 24, 2022

    We are fighting a bloodless battle in a righteous struggle

    Given war's uncountable human cost, can a war still be righteous?  I'd argue that while wars can end with righteous outcomes when ideological issues are at stake, the better course, always, is to strive for nonviolent solutions ...

  • January 22, 2022

    A seven-year plan to reclaim America

    We have a seven-year opportunity that we may never have again.  The seven-year time frame is not due to any specific planning, wishes, or dreams.  It is dictated by the constitutional calendar and defined by law.  It wil...

  • December 7, 2021

    A hill to die on — a current stand that might finally have meaning

    "This is the end.  We promise.  This is the hill to die on.  This cannot be allowed to continue.  It must stop now."  How often have conservatives said this, although they've never meant...

  • November 29, 2021

    Government as an academic experiment

    Most of the bad ideas and theories that currently hold sway in America originated in our academia.  University professors use their position to indoctrinate their students with ideas that are untested and often just plain wrong.  ...

  • November 16, 2021

    The anomaly that is the OSHA-based vaccine mandate

    For my forty years working in manufacturing, OSHA has been protecting my safety.  The rules are vast and cover almost every aspect of how employees may be hurt or injured in the course of their jobs.  The vaccine mandate appears t...

  • November 2, 2021

    Virginia, it's time for you to step up

    I have a request for my Virginia neighbors.  Please, please vote for conservatives, and do it in ways that cannot be stolen. There are three races in Virginia, and all are important.  Yes, there is the governor's race, and ...

  • October 23, 2021

    A separation, if we can keep it

    The troubles within our country have created a fractured union that is on the verge of dissolution.  Serious discussions about secession have become common, with people predicting a second civil war.  While it may be unthinkable t...

  • September 12, 2021

    When it comes to vaccine mandates, Biden is counting on OSHA

    On his first day as in the White House, Joe Biden signed an executive order giving OSHA broad power to regulate health and safety in the workplace, particularly regarding COVID-19. At the time, it was thought that OSHA would enforce face coverings in...

  • August 31, 2021

    Why isn't natural immunity a reason not to get vaccinated?

    In all the discussions of vaccines to get immunity (of a sort) from COVID, there is a big blind spot surrounding natural immunity.  Studies have shown that natural immunity, the kind one gets from surviving a bout of the actual disease...

  • August 22, 2021

    Complexity hides corruption; simplicity exposes it

    Politics hide corruption in complexity. Congress passes bills of thousands of pages and the implication and damage are hidden until the effects are made part of what must be dealt with on a daily basis. Our legal system has become a corrupted laby...

  • August 17, 2021

    Democrats build coalitions. Republicans go it alone.

    I've previously recommended a strategy for turning the political tide that involves getting involved locally.  These battles will not be won from the top down.  We must build our case from the bottom, converting peop...

  • August 15, 2021

    Using Biden’s Child Tax Credit against the Democrats

    The American Rescue Plan Act, which became law in March, includes an increase in the child tax credit of up to $3,000 per child and makes it a refundable credit. This means that a parent gets the credit even if he or she pays no taxes. It is money fo...

  • August 10, 2021

    Hopelessly divided? I hope not.

    A few days ago on this site, Andrew W. Coy presented a stark listing of how we are divided as a nation.  The list of differences is a long one.  I highly recommend a review. The division is deep and serious. ...

  • August 7, 2021

    Like it or not, Cuomo will be hanging around

    I hope I am wrong, but my guess is that Andrew Cuomo will ride out this latest threat.  He may be damaged, but in the end, he will prevail. The fate of politicians caught in a scandal is nearly always in the hands of their own party....

  • July 2, 2021

    Magic: The Gathering gathers again

    My son plays a card game called Magic: the Gathering or MTG for short.  I know little about MTG, but he is a fanatic about it.  MTG stopped because of COVID but has restarted live events in which participants meet at car...

  • June 19, 2021

    The Supreme Court’s Fulton decision helps children across America

    On Thursday, Andrea Widburg reported on the unanimous Supreme Court decision in Fulton v. Philadelphia holding that Philadelphia violated Catholic Social Services' First Amendment rights when it barred organizations opposed to...

  • June 15, 2021

    I hope you don't think masking is ending anytime soon

    The CDC finally changed its recommendation on masks.  These changes have been happening rapidly all over the country, but they're frustratingly uneven in application. On a recent visit to the Bay Area, I saw very few people willing t...

  • June 3, 2021

    The government creates yet another division among Americans

    One of my childhood memories is when a friend told me he got an allowance.  For doing mostly nothing, his parents gave him a dollar a week that he could do with as he pleased.  This sounded good, so I asked my father if I could ha...

  • May 16, 2021

    Virtue signals

    We are free! The CDC has issued an edict that masks are no longer needed almost everywhere. Several corporations have chimed in to modify their policies in response. President Biden almost seems to agree. All over the country, people are freeing up t...

  • May 10, 2021

    In Nashville, two very different approaches to COVID

    On Saturday night, my wife and I went to our first hockey game of the year.  We watched the Nashville Predators defeat an excellent Carolina Hurricanes team to clinch a spot in the Stanley Cup playoffs. The game was in Bridgestone Arena ...

  • April 19, 2021

    The marks of the beasts

    The Mark of the Beast from Christian theology is a widely known concept.  This mysterious mark and the symbolism in the book of Revelation have even made their way into popular culture and entertainment.  Many things have been sus...

  • April 8, 2021

    It is not about Georgia

    The explosion of vitriol against Georgia for the audacity to try to protect future elections has been remarkable.  Businesses, including Delta and Coke, have made very public statements about the issue.  Major League Baseball will...

  • April 1, 2021

    Let the People celebrate

    It is time to declare victory in this war, celebrate, and give thanks.  For over a year, we have followed our governments' guidelines and orders and victory is in our grasp.  We have that vaccine — actually, three of the...

  • March 31, 2021

    Notes on the second COVID vaccination shot

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about getting my first COVID jab.  This past weekend, it was time to get the second one.  This should have been a simple matter of showing up, getting stuck, and going home.  Things can neve...

  • March 27, 2021

    Without Judeo-Christian morality, self-government fails

    The First Amendment to the Constitution makes two statements regarding religion: the government may not establish a religion or prevent the free exercise thereof.  When that was ratified, most Americans were Christians, and a small percenta...

  • March 21, 2021

    Our geographical political divide

    The New York Times has been struggling to understand the geopolitical divide in America – that is, Republicans in the South and Midwest, Democrats in the Northeast and the West Coast. Despite all the factors it examines, it ignores one factor t...

  • March 16, 2021

    'He's with me'

    I am saddened by the profound lack of civility in society.  It has not always been that way.  It is not that our society has become more hate-filled or coarse.  In the past, there were just as many bigoted and hateful pe...

  • March 11, 2021

    Thank you, eBay, for nothing

    I have been an eBay seller for more than 20 years.  I started selling on eBay to clear out some junk.  I made some money and decided that it was a good way to make more.  I soon ran out of extra stuff and started buying ...

  • March 10, 2021

    A well managed state approach to getting the vaccine

    Getting my first vaccine in a state that has allowed private enterprises to handle vaccine distribution was both easy and illuminating.  I can understand why not everyone wants the vaccine, but it's helpful to know that, in many places,...

  • March 9, 2021

    Are we still a moral people capable of self-governance?

    "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." —John Adams John Adams was not alone in understanding that our Constitution functions only if people ha...

  • March 1, 2021

    The Second Amendment assumes a moral people

    When the Framers put the Bill of Rights into place, they did so assuming that Americans were a fundamentally moral people.  John Adams stated that explicitly, saying, "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people....

  • February 28, 2021

    Getting Woke before Woke Was a Thing

    I am just old enough to remember a racist south. It is where I was born. The place where I lived was transforming around me as I grew up. We got “woke” before it was a thing. I was too immature to see it at the time and only came to under...

  • February 24, 2021

    The curious Cuomo nursing home disaster

    Gov. Cuomo's fall from grace leaves many asking why he and other governors insisted for months that elderly COVID patients get warehoused in vulnerable nursing homes.  When experts were predicting 2.2 million deaths, it could have been ...

  • February 18, 2021

    Why does Kentucky keep electing Mitch McConnell?

    There's a complicated reason behind Sen. Mitch McConnell's continued success in Kentucky.  It boils down to three things: McConnell controls lots of money; he is willing to destroy any opposition, including Republicans; and the loca...

  • February 14, 2021

    More problems with a $15 Minimum Wage

    Democrats are proposing a national $15 per hour minimum wage. This is one of those issues that seems fair but cannot be fairly implemented. Other minimum wage laws show us that we can expect inflation and job losses. However, there are also some loca...

  • February 11, 2021

    The Democrats misread conservatives when they attack Trump

    With Trump's second impeachment, Democrats are trying to remove him from an office he has already left and hoping to disqualify him from future office.  The odds are against them, but they are doing it anyway.  Superficially, ...

  • February 8, 2021

    The Supreme Court swerves into a decent decision

    On Friday, the Supreme Court issued a 6-3 decision holding that, while California cannot ban indoor church services entirely, it can restrict churches to 25% of their full capacity as well as ban all singing and chanting.  This is better th...

  • February 3, 2021

    It's time for the American people to be inoculated against fear

    The hugely successful efforts to get people to comply with the government mandates surrounding COVID-19 have been remarkable.  In less than a year, most people in this country have agreed to wear masks, stay at home, lose their jobs, close ...