Joe Gimenez

Joe Gimenez

  • January 12, 2013

    Disrespecting Texas Heroes

    William Barrett Travis and Stephen F. Austin, two great heroes of Texas' historic fight against the Mexican tyrant Santa Anna, would be rolling in their graves if they could watch the Travis County Court of Commissioners and City of Austin maneuver t...

  • December 24, 2010

    The Meaningless Social Security Tax Rate Cut

    A lot of people in government don't know much about business operations because they have never run a business.  Examples: the current president, vice president, probably most members of Congress, economics professors at publicly funded sta...

  • December 30, 2009

    More Guns, Less Crime in '09

    Americans went on binges buying guns and ammunition in early 2009, worried that a radical leftist president and Democrat-dominated Congress would violate their Second-Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. The effects? Less murder, robbery, rape, an...

  • December 5, 2009

    Capitalism Costars

    Despite the vast leftist wasteland of Hollywood -- one in which a pathological mocker can produce garbage like Capitalism: A Love Story -- the movie Sunshine Cleaning delivers a surprisingly refreshing look at capitalism's role in developing human vi...

  • October 15, 2009

    With friends like these...

    Rush Limbaugh’s second attempt to enter the world of professional football has gone by the wayside and you can’t help but feel sorry for yet another conservative talk show host who is being shut out of mainstream capitalism because of Lil...

  • October 5, 2009

    Michelle Obama's Olympic 'Gimme' Speech

    Under the Jeopardy category of "All-Time Most Ineffective Speeches," a question which even Wolf Blitzer might have answered correctly: "What First Lady of the United States completely failed at international persuasion?" No, Wolf,...