Jocelynn Cordes

Jocelynn Cordes

  • Note to Black Lives Matter: Literacy Made Civilization

    March 15, 2024

    Note to Black Lives Matter: Literacy Made Civilization

    Over the past several decades, many of us who were associated with the humanities noticed, within the ranks of its academic practitioners, an incipient displeasure with Western civilization taking hold and gradually developing into outright hostility...

  • March 6, 2022

    What's a university for, if not to question 'the science'?

    Imagine offering a million dollars to anyone willing to debate you and having no one take you up on your offer. And then upping the ante to "name your price" and still having no takers. This is precisely the situation of Steve Kirsch,...

  • November 12, 2021

    White supremacy or evolution?

    We've been hearing a lot about white supremacy and how each and every white person in the United States is implicated no matter what his sentiments are towards people "of color."  In fact, it's being asserted with ...

  • August 7, 2021

    Cultural Habits: Far More Than the Sum of Their Parts

    For decades now, it has been fashionable to condemn, discredit, or deconstruct anything generally understood to be Western.  Most recently, this has been accomplished by associating racism with whatever aspect of Western civilization is und...

  • April 8, 2021

    Inside 'diversity training' that came early in Main Line Philadelphia

    If Americans were not already aware of the phenomenon of workplace "diversity training" before the Coca-Cola brouhaha, they certainly are now. However accurate the distillation "try to be less white" is as a summary of Cok...

  • February 5, 2021

    Election Fraud? Many Conspiracies Arise from a Rational Foundation

    A long time ago there was a guy who donned a tinfoil hat.  It was a risky move professionally, but he was an ornery sort who enjoyed rocking the boat every now and again, upending received “wisdom” and then sitting back to watch the ...