Joan Richardson

Joan Richardson

  • May 3, 2013

    Revictimizing the Abused

    The dirty secret that few people understand is that Planned Parenthood's policies actually abet the continued exploitation of rape and sexual abuse victims. Because of Planned Parenthood's ill-conceived programs, many girls who have been traumatized ...

  • April 28, 2013

    How to respond to being called 'judgmental'

    We've all heard it, right? This is the accusation slung at almost anyone in this post-modern culture who dares to look askance at problem behavior. Parents, traditional clergy and conservative politicians are frequent targets, and too often, these we...

  • April 27, 2013

    Celebrate your diversity, Heterosexuals!

    Heterosexual marriage is the most diverse binary sexual relationship that Nature can provide. Two people of the opposite sex, equipped with wildly divergent anatomy, sexual responses, hormones, brain function and role expectations are expected to lea...

  • April 27, 2013

    Winning the Drug War - Boa Constrictor Style

    Although conservatives tend to react negatively to the proposition that currently illegal drugs be decriminalized or legalized, this may actually provide a viable path to victory in the Drug War. Why not combine the strategies used against Big Pharma...