Jim Pierce

Jim Pierce

  • July 1, 2020

    The Most Noble Experiment in Human History is on a Ventilator

    We are witnessing the utter destruction of American values. This great country is not an accident. It was born of geniuses who through some form of Providence came together to literally will the United States into existence. Not only did they launch ...

  • November 20, 2012

    We Don't Know Why We Lost Because We Don't Know Who We Are

    Theories abound regarding the Republican implosion on November 6th. If you are an avid reader, you no doubt have read the gamut of postulation. We've seen the far right conclude we need to move further right. The Rockefeller wing (yes, it is much sma...

  • September 5, 2010

    'Big Oil' in the United States - Deep Fried

    It is hard to think of anything more reviled than the oil industry. While the President, his staff, and Congressional majority leaders are inadvertently giving Big Oil a run for its money, they won't have enough time to do enough damage to catch up. ...